Coaching Program

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have taken my passion for health and wellness to the next level and have become a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss® coach. I had incredible results through the program and now want to empower others to get fit and healthy the FASTer Way. The FWTFL has transformed thousands of lives including my own and now my mission is to help others. 

Click here to see when my next group is starting!!

I know the frustration of doing all the right things but not getting results. I know the disappointment of not feeling good in my clothes after spending hours and hours exercising. My mission is to equip and empower women and men to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle and escape the frustration of yo-yo diets or not knowing what to do to get the results they want.

FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a premier online nutrition and fitness program designed to empower you to transform your life through straightforward nutrition and strategic workouts. We consume the right amount of the right foods through whole food, gluten-free, dairy-free nutrition. By pairing intermittent fasting and carb cycling to specific workouts, we teach you how to turn your body into a pro fat burner.

Receive my FREE Anti Diet Guide with recipes. Click here

There are no magic pills to take, no products to buy, no crazy meal plan to follow and no elimination of an entire macronutrient group. FASTer Way to Fat Loss is somewhere between a juice cleanse and a donut. Simple. 100% sustainable. Real food for real people who want to feel better, look better and want something that works with their every day lives.

This program is for you if:

  • You want to look lean and fit
  • You want your body to be a professional fat burner
  • You want to be stronger, feel better, and have more energy
  • You need a plan laid out for you with daily accountability and support
  • You need a solution that works long term and is not just a quick fix

So what is in the FASTer Way program? Everything you need to help you reach your goals!

🤜 Full Meal Guide to get you started - easy to make your own!
🤜 FULL video workouts every week with options for home, gym and beginner
🤜 Access to program materials in the FASTer Way app
🤜 A closed group for community & accountability - a place to really implement the lifestyle effectively with your Certified Coach!

    Read what my clients have to say about the FASTer Way:
    "I have finally found a program that I can stick with and I can definitely see this being a way of life. I don't feel deprived and I feel much stronger!" ~ Jessica
    "This program has given me the tools to understand how to incorporate the best nutrition and exercise into my daily routine. Love it!” ~ Kimm 
    "I was very pleased with how my body transformed over the 7 weeks and truly feel this is a lifestyle and the exact lifestyle I’ve been looking for for so long." ~ AmberS. 
    I'm stronger physically and mentally. I'm down about 10 pounds in 6 weeks, but that's just a number on the scale. I know I have built muscle and lost fat. I'm down a size in my clothes and sleeping better. I'm so happy with Amy and the program that I am going for the next round! - Terri
     “FWTFL was much easier to follow than I thought it was going to be. Amy was always full of encouragement and ready and willing to help with questions and advice to get the program to work with my lifestyle.“ - Naomi 

    “Amy was a great coach. Her feedback made me want to perfect my macros and strive for perfection. Her responses were always timely and never missed a post.” - Derek (lost 12 inches overall) 
    “I love the new me! Since beginning FWTFL (2 rounds), I’ve lost 12 total inches and 7 pounds. The pounds lost are really irrelevant to me. I know I am building muscle and losing fat. As I reflect on my 2 rounds of FWTFL, it’s all felt very enjoyable, manageable and motivating. There were never any moments when I said I couldn’t do this. I easily stayed with the program even during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays plus 2 vacations!! Of all the programs and diets I’ve done through the years, FWTFL is the ONLY one that I can say is a sustainable lifestyle! I love how my body feels when I eat real food. Tracking daily macros is easy. The gym workouts are great. I’m sculpting my body by adding muscle. I feel strong and energetic. My sleep is better than ever. I’m 58 years old and feel as good or better than I did when I was 30. VIP I come!” - Penny 
    “I came in frustrated with weight gain that occurred because of health problems. I simply couldn't figure out how to lose the weight without being able to exercise the ways that I used to be able to prior to my health issues. At first, I was nervous about eating GF and DF but quickly realized that not only was it doable, but that it would actually help me to feel better! I feel more focused, my thoughts are clear, and in general I have way more energy than before. I am so glad that I gave the FASTer way a chance!” - Tiffany
    Ready to sign up? 

    Click here to see when the next group is starting and get immediate access to materials including the FASTer Way app and portal when you register today!

    I've put together a FREE Macros to Muscles Guide that introduces you to macronutrients and explains why understanding them is so important to fat loss! Get it here

    You can read about my first round experience on the program ---> blog post here

    Have questions? Leave them in the comments or email me at

    Disclaimer: Please have your doctor's approval before starting a new exercise program. 

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