One of the great perks to running outdoors is the unsuspecting little wonders you stumble upon. Take this waterfall for example. On a dirt road among the quiet of the snow-filled landscape and not another person in sight is this beautiful gem. As you near the bend in the road, you can hear the crashing of the water long before you find the source. Roaring and bubbling, the splashing waters create an uninterrupted steady pattern of endless rhythm. Louder and louder it rumbles like a wall of thunder pounding out the sounds of the world. Suddenly the sparkling frothy water appears nestled between the granite, timber, and snow and you have to stop.
Scobie Road
I admit, I chase waterfalls. Sometimes I go after things that are too big for me, out of my league. In the end, I might be overwhelmed, exhausted, disappointed or even hurt, but I also might be surprised by what I can accomplish. Running is my waterfall. It is a formidable and powerful thing yet graceful and alluring. Natural runners pound the pavement with sleek powerful movements. When I run, it is work. I am awkwardly heavy and I struggle to find my rhythm. The terrain of NH makes it all the more challenging - no matter which way I turn, I am going to face a hill. As I have now completed a couple of outdoor runs, I know that at the top of the hill is the crest. And even though I will probably encounter another hill before I am ready, I know that I am only getting better and stronger. I am going to continue chasing waterfalls...
If you run anything close to your ability to write, you'll be bounding effortlessly with the deer and fox in no time. You will catch your waterfall !! Your running rhythm will come silently as you round the corner and crest the hill just within earshot of that next waterfall. CC