Monday, November 5, 2018

Keys to Success in Your Fitness Journey

It is PREP WEEK for my LAST group of clients for the year. We just had our first training call this morning and I’m so excited to be working with them through the holidays! They are going to be a fun group.

I am closing registration very soon, so if you want to get in and start your health and wellness journey BEFORE the holidays, you need to jump in right now (register here).

Today I want to talk about the keys to making your fitness journey a success.

Starting something new can be intimidating. For a lot of people, it means stepping outside a very comfortable COMFORT ZONE and risking failure! If you are just starting or are wondering what it takes to be successful in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® program, this video is for you.

Here are the things you can do to be successful in any fitness journey, and specifically the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® program:

First, you must COMMIT. I’m not talking about just hitting the registration button and handing over your money. But since you did do that, let’s make sure you get your money’s worth! I’m talking about making the program a priority, digging into the materials when you get them (not waiting to the last minute to figure it out), maximizing PREP WEEK as a chance to ease into the program and practice the strategies so that when you get to WEEK 1 you are ready to go. When you fully commit, you will make it, you will succeed.

Second, you must PLAN. At the beginning of the program I ask all of my clients to name one main goal they have for themselves. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Our number one focus in the FASTer Way program is nutrition. To be successful, you have to think ahead. Plan your meals, plan your snacks. Don’t just plan whatyou will eat, but also plan whenyou will eat. Plan time to PLAN ;) 

Third, you need to ENGAGE. In the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® we use accountability groups because the success rate for women goes up when we have a strong support system in place. Staying engaged keeps you focused on your goals, helps you get back to it if you get distracted, validates your feelings as you go through the process because you are not doing it alone! The more you engage in the process and with others in your accountability group, the more success you will have with the program.

Last, STAY POSITIVE.Your journey will be sprinkled with missed workouts, non-functioning equipment, uncooperative time schedules, non-supportive friends and family and even a few “I just don’t feel like it” days. But, if you maintain a positive mindset, you will be so much more successful and so much more likely to pick yourself up and jump back into it the next decision, day, or whatever it is.

When you put these 4 things together, you will have amazing success in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® program, you will reach your goals and be prepared to make it a lifestyle.

I hope this was helpful for you. I would love for you to let me know in the comments. You can also leave a question if you have one.

For more information on FASTer Way to Fat Loss® ---> check out my page here.

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