Thursday, November 21, 2019

There’s Nothing Wrong with Setting Non-negotiables

Today I want to chat about setting non-negotiables. 

We are coming in hot on another holiday! Thanksgiving is already just one week away.

For those of us living and creating a healthy lifestyle, holidays have a way of making us feel like we’re off track. With all the parties, performances, recitals, get-togethers, events, dinners (and whatever else is thrown your way),  it can feel overwhelming to prioritize our health and nutrition.

But, there are things you can commit to, even when your routine is off through the holidays.

We know that healthy living is created through the consistent daily habits we establish for ourselves, right? ⁠
So even through the busy time of year, we can set boundaries, we can set non-negotiables, that will help us stay on track but still enjoy ourselves!

Here are my nutrition and fitness non-negotiables for the holidays:

intermittent fasting - No matter where I spend my holidays, I still focus on breaking my fast later in the day and consuming all my food, all my macro calories during my eating window. This works for me because intermittent fasting is flexible - I can move my eating window to fit my schedule. It is convenient - I can do it anywhere. Even when I’m traveling and I'm away from my food, my routine, my stuff, I can control my appetite and allow my body to digest the food that I am giving it through intermittent fasting.

Exercise - No matter what, I will find ways to get in my daily movement - either through a structured workout or some other activity. This year mrC and I will be doing our FASTer Way 5K walk in the morning. I will not spend my day sitting and eating. As a fitness junkie, that just wouldn’t work for me! 

Be a picky eater! - This used to mean that I would be a pain the butt and not want to eat anything. NOW it means that I will pick and choose what I eat because I eat to fuel my body. I also want to make sure that if I decide to indulge in alcohol or sugary treats that I have balanced those with lots of PROTEIN and NON-STARCHY VEGGIES. I’m going to enjoy the holidays, my way - and make smart choices.

I’m so grateful that I found the proper nutrition and exercise through FASTer Way to Fat Loss to help me get through the holidays without feeling guilty or worrying that I am going to ruin my progress.

If you are trying to create and live a healthy lifestyle, remember that it is ok to set boundaries. Setting non-negotiables will help you stay on track and enjoy yourself.

I’d love to know what your nutrition/healthy habit non- negotiable's are. If you have one, share in the comments below.

If you would like more information on FASTer Way to Fat Loss and when my next group starts, click here.

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