Monday, November 25, 2019

Get Your Fat Pants Ready!

It’s time to get your fat pants ready!! Haha just kidding!

But seriously, people do tend to over-indulge over the holidays. And sometimes one holiday leads right into another holiday and before you know it, those pants are feeling a little tighter.

Am I right?

It’s Thanksgiving week Thanksgiving is known as the day that we throw caution to the wind and indulge in whatever we want. Some people over-do it and head down the slippery slope of over-indulging right through the new year. Others are so afraid of over-indulging that they spend too much time worrying about food and depriving themselves of food and feeling guilty about food

I don’t want anyone to feel guilty about food! Especially at THANKSGIVING!

Today I want to share my recipe for thriving through this holiday week:

1) Do NOT stress about food! Enjoy your company and enjoy all the foods. If you have weight loss goals, be intentional about your choices. Stay focused on whole foods, load up on protein and veggies, make a healthy appetizer to share. The key is to FULLY enjoy yourself. Don’t deprive yourself and feel miserable later. It’s one day and if you make healthy choices the rest of the time, one day will not ruin your progress. The truth is, it's the days following Thanksgiving that are most important.  Leave those leftovers behind and get right back to your normal routine the day after the holiday. 

2) Stay active! Grab your family and friends to join you in your workout instead of skipping it. Even if you don't have time for a full workout, half or 15 minutes is better than nothing. Consider a turkey day run or walk that you can do together and support a good cause. You’ll be active and create fun memories together. Then get pumped up for awesome workouts the rest of this week where you will put those Thanksgiving carbs to good use.

3) Relax! Enjoy sleeping in and give yourself a break from being on the go ALL THE TIME! Let others help you if you are hosting company. I know it can be hard to let go of control, but it will help you enjoy the day. Think about what things NEED to be done and what things can WAIT to be done. Make a point to step back and relax.

Having the right mindset is going to help you thrive through the holiday. Set some boundaries for yourself but don’t make it all or nothing. You can indulge, you can enjoy without experiencing a set back.

If you would like more information about FASTer Way to Fat Loss and learning strategies to help you reach your goals, click here or send me a message and we can chat about your goals. I’d love to help you!

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