Wednesday, December 4, 2019

2019 Holiday Challenge

Back by request, I am hosting another merry little fit-mas challenge!

The way I see it, we could all use a little extra motivation during the busiest time of year. At least I know I can! It's just so easy to to put things off and turn the holidays into one giant long break from healthy habits.

So, if you have found it hard to make time for workouts since Thanksgiving, (maybe even Halloween!) or if you are just a sucker for challenges (like me), I am happy to announce the 2019 HOLIDAY CHALLENGE. This is my way of helping YOU overcome the challenge by giving you quick exercises that you can do anywhere and a community to encourage you to stick with it.

The goal of this challenge is stay motivated and keep moving through the busy holiday season with daily achievable and challenging exercises. At the end we will feel amazing heading to our holiday events!

Here's how the Holiday Challenge works:

Monday through Friday until Christmas Eve, we will be completing 50 reps of different bodyweight exercises. Each day I will post the exercise for the day (with video) in the Holiday Challenge private Facebook group. On the weekend, you can choose your favorite exercise from challenge so far to repeat.

In addition, you will receive a FREE Macros to Muscles guide, mindset tips, holiday recipes and tips for eating smart on the holiday!

If you want to have yourself a Merry Little Fit-mas, then I've got you covered. My challenge will help you keep your head in the game and give you the accountability and motivation you need to stay on track or get back to it during the holiday season!

To join the Holiday Challenge, simple click here to join the private Facebook group and get ready because the fun begins December 9th!

Have a question? Leave a comment below or send me an email!

Are you joining me for the 2019 Holiday Challenge?
Let me know in the comments below!


I love comments!
