Sunday, December 13, 2020

Focus On These 4 Things to Achieve Your Goals

 We have less than 3 weeks left in this crazy year of 2020! Time is just flying by.

Time is one of those things we would love to control, but it has its own path, right? I have clients who get caught up in how quickly they are losing weight, losing inches, changing their body composition. How quickly those things happen varies from person to person and is simply something we cannot control.

Instead of focusing on time, I tell my clients to focus on what they CAN control.


  1. How consistently they are making healthy choices with their nutrition. Choosing whole foods and avoiding highly processed foods.
  2. How consistently they are getting in their exercise. Moving each and every day whether it is a structured workout or not.
  3. How consistently they are sleeping enough - aiming for 8 hours each night - and sleeping well. This is important for the body to be ready to burn fat and build muscle.
  4. How consistently they are kind to themselves - it is important to have a positive mindset and show ourselves grace if we have an off day. 

These are the things that we CAN control. These are the things we CAN be consistent doing that will have an impact on how quickly we make progress.

Consistency is the key ---> to progress, to seeing change, TO SUCCESS!

Want to learn more about joining the FASTer Way with me? Click here!

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