The plan for today was to go out and try to run 5+ miles, without a group of MRTT running friends. Yikes! Haven't been able to do that for awhile, let alone in China. Fortunately mrC decided to get up early and ride along on his bike. My very own escort, chaperone, and mobile cheering section.
Once I got all my devices organized, we set out toward Shenzhen Bay Park. I figured it would take me about 1.5 miles to get there and then I could decide to turn around at 2.5, or 3 if I was feeling good. The temperature was already feels like 82 degrees at sunrise (6:30), but luckily it was cloudy. There was also a nice breeze coming off the bay which always helps.
The point of running to the park was to avoid sidewalk traffic, but it's a popular place on weekends. One nice feature of the park is the extra wide walkway...plenty of room for walkers, runners, and bikers. We saw what looked like a large local running group warming up and eventually running a 5K together. It felt like a race, but no one was wearing a bib and all the signs were in Chinese.
At the halfway mark of my run, my shirt was already soaked and my face felt like it was on fire. People keep telling us that the weather is going to cool off. After enjoying the cold weather back home, I'm even more impatient for the change to happen here.
Overall, today's long run was a success. Having mrC riding along side made it easier and my feet are happier in my new running shoes. My heel pain is not 100% gone, but significantly better. I'm glad that I made buying a new pair of shoes a priority when we were home.
I was ravenous after running 6.3 miles, so mrC's breakfast hit the spot. I also had a cup of yogurt and some coffee before sliding into my compression socks and setting up the iPad to watch a little Buckeye football.
Since I'm sharing food, we went to Sam's Club yesterday and I found Italian meatballs. Throw them in the crockpot with some bbq sauce and a secret ingredient...yum! Not exactly a warm weather meal, but seriously good.
Even though winter temperatures are delayed here in China (and in a lot of places back home too), there is less and less daylight happening. I jumped on the Oiselle #chasethebird bandwagon to make sure I don't fall into any bad habits and because I'm super motivated by challenges.
What do you do to get through a long run?
Are you doing any challenges right now?