I don't know why it's taken me this long to do a Holiday Sweat Challenge post, but here we go!
Week 3 started as I was 4 days post-op from my meniscus surgery. I stayed home from school an extra day to give my knee one more day of rest in the hopes of reducing the still significant swelling.
I tried to ice my knee and get some work done, but after a wellness call from Dr. O's office I spent three hours getting an ultra sound and waiting for the results. The good news was I had no clots, the bad news was I had to limit my weight bearing by using one crutch until the end of the week.
My week of workouts suffered as a result of my recovery. On one hand I couldn't do much because of my knee and on the other I was exhausted. Maybe my body was working overtime for the healing process and maybe maneuvering myself around with one crutch is just tiresome.
In addition to tracking workouts during the challenge, we also track our servings of fruit, vegetables, and water. This part of the challenge has been eye-opening.
Monday - Arm strength workout (you can check it out here) and leg exercises. Water and 3 freggie servings.
Tuesday - Another arm workout, water, and 3 freggie servings. Bed at 8:15 PM
Wednesday - Water and 3 freggie servings. Bed at 8 PM
Thursday - Leg exercises, water, and 3 freggie servings. Bed at 7:30 PM!!
Friday - Leg exercises, water, and 3 freggie servings. Bed at 8 PM
Saturday - Spent 2 hours walking around the mall Christmas shopping. Normally this would not feel like a workout, but it was the most walking I've done (crutch-free) in over a week! 2 serving freggies and tons of water.
Sunday - Arm strength workout and leg exercises. 4 freggie servings and tons of water.
This challenge has shown me how much I am lacking in my water intake. Add to that some medicine that can cause constipation, and well…not so good for my tummy. At the end of the week I saw an article on Facebook about a woman who drank 3 liters of water a day and changed her life (read it here). I knew I had to make some changes myself.
I started using the Plant Nanny app after my friend Dani told me about it. It's an easy way to keep track of how much water I'm drinking and reach my daily goal. The app also gives me my own "plant" and every time I drink water, I water the plant and watch it grow. I named my plant Water Baby.
What do you track?
Do you use an app?
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