Monday, May 14, 2018

Walking HIIT Workout and Random Hong Kong Things

My Monday started seriously early ---> 2:30 am wake up when mrC hit something (the bed, the wall?) in his sleep. Once I was awake, I couldn't go back to sleep.

At 5:30 I decided to go for a walk. I got the bright idea to make it into a HIIT workout since we had a busy day lined up. So I walked and every few minutes stopped to plank, push-up or burpee until I finished the PPB challenge days I missed. I was a sweaty mess by the time I got home.

2.3 miles
2.5 minute plank
60 push-ups ---> did 10 at a time
60 burpees ---> did 20 at a time
3 minute forearm plank ---> one minute, then 4 @ 30 seconds

The reward for jet lag induced early mornings is watching the sky light up. I still do really love where we live here in Hong Kong.

A couple hours later I broke my fast ---> scrambled eggs, chicken apple sausage and rice cakes. It feels good to be home and have my favorites all on one plate.

After waiting for a handyman hired by our landlady to fix our toilet, we went to Central to run a bunch of errands. It's almost a mandatory activity after being away for so long.

Our first stop was to the new Shake Shack that opened on the mall rooftop garden. We were in the mood for simple good food and so were A LOT of other people. We joined the ordering line that was almost out the door. While we were eating, the line was out the door and a roped off queue was being used!

Even though it was a little warm, we chose to sit outside and enjoy the view of the harbour. Luckily there was a nice breeze and some shade from the potted trees. It was a beautiful day in Hong Kong.

With full bellies we were off to the shoe repair shop, the seamstress, to pick up mrC's newly modified headphones and back to the shoe repair shop to pick up his shoes.

Then we headed to one of my favorite places, Be-Juiced. I'm trying to find a favorite go-to flavor to supplement my low veggie intake. Since we were there, we ordered acai bowls because they are perfect on warm days! Mine is topped with apple granola, peanut butter, and goji berries.

By the time we returned to our apartment, my let lag was catching up with me again. For dinner I drank the Veggie Bomb (good for anti-inflammatory, cellular repair, eye health and replenishing collagen) and had some watermelon. The juice wasn't bad, but I don't know if it will be the one.

You know who else is talking food today? Patty, Erika, and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run linkup! They're talking about their favorite meal the night before a race. When I was running more, my favorite pre-race food was anything Italian ---> pasta, pizza, CALZONES. I was a believer of the carb loading philosophy.

Do you catch-up or skip ahead when you get behind in a challenge?
Do you like dining outside?
What is your favorite meal the night before a race?


  1. I've never eaten at Shake Shack, but I think there's one in DC. Your early morning view is lovely!

    1. I feel spoiled that I get to look at that every day!

  2. I'm amazed at all the American restaurants that you mention in HK! Glad to see you settling back in. When is your next trip to the US?

  3. Jet lag is the worst. I do like dining outside but if it is too hot or cold, then I prefer to be inside. I don't have a favorite meal before a race but do like pizza, breadsticks, hummus, or a burger.

  4. Wow, that sunrise pic is amazing! I kind of bailed on the Challenge for May...I'm busy enough with so many other things, I honestly would probably be forgetting (or skipping altogether) some of the workouts anyways. I do plenty of push-ups, burpees and (daily) planks on my own, so I don't have much guilt LOL

  5. You've got a Shake Shack in HK! The last time we went to one the line was crazy and trying to get a table was worse than brain surgery. SO good though. Pre-race night before I'm all about the pizza. Thanks for linking!

  6. Sometimes those jet lagged workouts turn out to be the best! Great sunrise photo

  7. What beautiful views you have! I love eating outside, but not usually when it's hot & humid. About 70-80 with low humidity is fine. Food just tastes better outside!

  8. Great job with that HIIT workout! The sunrise looks gorgeous as well! I do love a good cold pressed juice!

  9. I am pretty impressed with your lifestyle. Daily workout and proper all sounds great to me.


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