Showing posts with label fitness friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness friday. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fitness Friday: New Year, New Goals

It's that time of year again: time to reflect, assess, and set new goals. 

But first, I made a list of some of my favorite running moments from 2012:

1. Earning a half marathon PR 1:57:51

2. Running another half marathon with my husband
3. Serving as a ZOOMA ambassador
4. Meeting and running with Joan Benoit Samuelson
5. Participating in my first relay RTB:NH
6. Finishing 6 half marathons!
7. Running and races with my step daughters.

It's been a year full of amazing running experiences, but did I meet my goals? Time for a little 2012 analysis:

1. Keep running!! - I ran more than 850 miles this year!
2. Run a race every month (at least one) - I ran a race every month - 19 total
3. Continue to improve my blog - Completely biased, but I think it's #1
4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run - I ran a couple of races in Massachusetts this year
5. Keep meeting new running friends - I'm so lucky to have met so many amazing people this year. I'm looking forward to many more runs with all of you!

Looking back on my highlights and goals reminds me that every accomplishment begins with the decision to try. So, here are my 2013 goals:

1. Set a new half marathon PR
2. Run in NYC 
3. Host a fun run
4. Run 1000 miles
5. Do strength exercises consistently

What do your goals look like?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fitness Friday: Tell Me About Your 2012

It's hard to believe that in just a little over two weeks 2012 will come to an end. Happy Fit Mama recently shared a look back at her year in running, and so inspired me to do the same.

Best Race Experience - Reach the Beach NH. My very first relay. I went into this experience knowing only one other runner, but ended up with a bunch of new running friends!

Best run - In September I had the opportunity to participate in a fun 3 mile run with legendary Joan Benoit Samuelson. An afternoon spent hanging out in the park on a beautiful fall day with an Olympic gold medalist and 25 other running enthusiasts doesn't get much better.

Best new piece of gear - I found two new running items this year that allow me to have everything I need on my runs, but stay hands-free. First the Simple Hydration Water Bottle. This gem makes carrying water on my runs so simple! And my Big Banjees Wrist Wallet. I love taking pictures, and wearing this means I can carry my phone without carrying it in my hand.

Best piece of running advice you received - I've heard lots of great running advice over the year, but the one that stands out the most to me came from Joan Benoit Samuelson. Her belief that there is no finish line reminds me that it is up to me to stay focused and healthy.

Most inspirational runner - My running partner (aka the energizer bunny - according to my husband) is so amazing. Not only does she run, and run, and run, but she is also one of my greatest supporters. It doesn't matter what I need (someone to listen, take a picture, or adjust schedules), Daisy is always willing to do what she can. Thanks girl!

If you could sum up your whole year in a couple of words, what would they be? Adventurous. Exciting. Fun. FitFluential. I have had a blast all year pursuing my passion, meeting new running friends, and experiencing some pretty amazing escapades.  

Now it's your turn. Tell Me About Your 2012!
Comment below, tweet @runningescapde, or write your own blog post and let me know that you did!

There is still time to join the Chilly Challenge! Check out all the details here or skip right to the sign-up part and be sure to choose #TeamEscapades! Then be sure to invite all your friends: more people = more miles!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chilly Challenge: Prizes Preview

Today I'm giving you a sneak peak at some of the prizes that are up for grabs from our amazing sponsors for the winning team of the Chilly Challenge

Sweaty Bands - 4 winners will each receive 2 headbands

Simple Hydration - 1 winner of a water bottle

Mizuno Breath Thermo Gloves - 5 winners will receive 1 pair 

Gold Bond Friction Defense - 5 winners each receive tube & socks

Whole Foods - 1 winner of a $25 gift card

ShowerPill - 3 winners each receive 4 packs

Pro Compression - 3 winners will receive one pair of socks

Aspaeris - 1 winner of a pair compression shorts

Bia Sport - 3 winners get technical shirts

My Race Rags - 2 winners receive custom race shirts

Bic Bands - 5 winners receive one headband 

RockMyRun - 1 winner will receive a free 3 month gold subscription

Are you excited yet? If you haven't already joined the challenge...what are you waiting for? 

Sign up here and don't forget to choose #TeamEscapades!

Chilly Challenge tees are available for purchase. Check out the men's and women's options here.

Tell me, what prize would you most like to win?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Santa Claus Shuffle

The Santa Claus Shuffle is a 3 mile fun run in Manchester that debuted last year with thousands of people coming downtown to run Elm Street wearing a Santa suit. This year was no different. Participants received a free suit with their registration. Those who opted not to wear the suits were encouraged to dress in a holiday costume or wear red. 

I was looking forward to running this event again because the girls were planning a meet up. It got even better when we started coordinating our outfits. Katherine ordered Peppermint Swirl Sweaty Bands and I picked up some matching holiday socks to go with our red shirts and black pants. 

As with most of the downtown weekend events, we parked in the comfortable garage right near Stanton Plaza and then made our way to bib pick up by cutting through the Radisson Hotel lobby. Thanks to modern technology, I easily found all of the girls before the start of the race. After watching the kids run their 50 yard dashes, we made our way into the start corrals. There were so many people lining up for this event that we completely ignored the designated pace signs and just found an open spot and tried to keep warm.

Once we were actually moving, my body temperature stayed comfortable in my new Nike Pro Thermal Training Shirt and I think I made the right call by wearing my Aspaeris compression shorts under my Nike capris. My toes, even with my Zensah compression socks under my cute holiday knee highs from Target, were painfully cold in my Mizuno Wave Rider 15s, but warmed up before the halfway point. On the other hand, my ears stayed nice and toasty the whole time since I was wearing my Sprigs Earbags. It didn't hurt to be surrounded by thousands of runners in Santa suits either!

Saturday's weather was perfectly suited for the Queen City event with temperatures in the low 30s and light snow covering the streets. A winter weather advisory did not interfere with the line up of events: Kid's Elf Runs, the Shuffle, post-race pizza and beer, and the Manchester Holiday Parade. The cold weather also didn't keep the spectators from lining the streets again this year with their cheers and bells.

The Millennium Running Company produced another fun event that certainly captured the spirit of the holidays and had me humming Here Comes Santa Claus on the way home. 

How do you combine exercise with your holiday?

Combine exercise with the NEW YEAR by joining the first ever Chilly Challenge and logging as many miles as you can for a chance to win some fabulous prizes. Check out all the details here or skip right to the sign-up part and be sure to choose #TeamEscapades! Then be sure to invite all your friends - more people = more miles!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fitness Friday: Five Recovery Tips

Anyone who engages in fitness has experienced the post workout soreness at some point. Pushing muscles beyond their normal threshold causes small muscle tears. Until our muscles adapt to the new type or level of workout, they will continue to need time to recover.

Here are some tips I have learned to help speed up the recovery process:

1. Compression gear - Invest in some good compression gear such as socks, sleeves, and shorts and put it on as soon as you finish an intense workout. The basic principle behind wearing compression gear is that it allows better blood flow to the muscles thereby helping to decrease muscle soreness.

Aspaeris, Zensah, Pro Compression, Feetures, Nike

2. Foam Roll/Stretch - Avoid letting muscles stiffen up by stretching or foam rolling after exercise when the muscles are still warm. Again this will help increase the blood flow and help get rid of any lactic acid build up which could contribute to muscle soreness.

3. Rest - After strenuous exercise your body will need, and deserve, a break. Muscles need time to repair and rebuild. It's good to schedule some down time. Most training schedules include a rest day for this reason.

4. Active Recovery - While giving your body some rest is important, it is also a good idea to keep moving. Take a walk, go for a casual bike ride, swim a little. Light activities that allow your muscles to move will help prevent tightness from setting in which can lead to increased muscle soreness.

5. Replenish - Drink plenty of water to rehydrate and eat protein and carbs to aid muscle recovery and replace nutrients lost during workouts. Not only will this replenish your body, but it will also help keep your muscles at peak performance for your next workout.

What is your favorite recovery technique?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fitness Friday: Why I Run

It's early morning and somewhere a runner is lacing up her shoes, attaching her reflective vest and head lamps, and stepping out into the darkness. Elsewhere a runner is looking very determined as he makes his way up the steep hill that even causes a car's engine to groan. A snow storm arrives just as another runner in her thermal tights is pulling on her winter cap and gloves before hitting the snow covered trail. 

A lot of people see these runners and wonder, why? Why do you want to get up so early when you can be sleeping in? Why do you want to run up the nasty hill that causes you pain? Why do you want to go out in the middle of a winter storm and freeze?

The truth is, I run because of the way it makes me feel. I want to be healthy and fit. I like running with my family and friends. I've had amazing experiences, met great people, and run races in some incredibly beautiful places. Yet, it is something bigger that keeps me lacing up my shoes and logging the miles.

I run because it makes me happy. When I look at my running pictures, I can see it in my face. A perma-grin is usually plastered there. When the topic of running comes up in conversation, I can hear the excitement and energy in my voice. Even during a tough run, when it's not reflected in my face,  little bubbles of bliss are lingering just under the surface. Really, they are.

We all have reasons for running. Here's a video taken by Dimity of Another Mother Runner of ZOOMA runners talking about why they run:

ZOOMA wants to outfit you in an awesome running shirt from Another Mother RunnerCheck out their awesome giveaway hereThe shirts are super cute, flattering, and very comfortable. I have one and I LOVE it:

Why do YOU run?

Today is the last day to enter my Big Banjees Wrist Wallet GIVEAWAY

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fitness Friday: Running Pop Quiz

Angela at Happy Fit Mama posted a running pop quiz on her blog and I thought it would be fun to it share here.

1. Fuel: Shot Blocks, GU, Energy Chews, Candy, or other?

My favorite go-to fuel is Sport Beans because the beans taste just like jelly beans, are easy to chew, and small.

2. Race Length: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Ultra, or other?

I'm loving half marathons right now, but I always enjoy a 5K or 10K too. No marathons, ultras, or triathlons for me (yet)!

3. Workout Bottoms: Skirts, Running Shorts, Capris, Pants, or other?

I wear all of the above. Check it out:

4. Sports Drink: Gatorade, Powerade, Cytomax, water, or other?

My usual choice is just water on short runs, but either Gatorade or Cytomax after a long run.

5. Running Temperatures: Heat or Cold?

Running seems easier for me in the cooler temps, but I really like the warm temps because I have more clothing choices!

6. Running Shoe Brands: Saucony, Mizuno, Nike, Brooks, Asics, or other?

Although I used to wear only Nikes, I'm now a Mizuno girl.

7. Pre-race Meal: Oatmeal, Bagel, Banana, Eggs, Cereal, or other?

Best fueling meal for me is peanut butter and jelly toast with a side of coffee.

8. Rest Days: 1x per week, 2x per week, Never ever ever, or other?

My running schedule is usually 3x per week, so that means I rest 4x per week? Hmmm, doesn't really feel like rest...

9. Music: Have to have it or Go without it?

I like to go without because I like running with people and chatting. Sometimes on solo runs, I use music so I can play one of the Rock My Run playlists that help me maintain my pace.

10. #1 reason for running: stress relief, endorphins, you love to race, so you can eat all the cupcakes you want, weight-loss, love running for social reasons, or other?

I love running for a bunch of reasons. I love the experiences. It makes me feel good. There's great bling. I can run with friends. I get inspired. 

Now it’s your turn! Answer any (or all) of the questions in the comments, or share the quiz with your running friends!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fitness Friday: Q & A with Sara Hall

Last month I had the privilege to serve as a ZOOMA Women's Race Series Ambassador for the Cape Cod Half Marathon

With Founder Brae Blackley at ZOOMA Expo

Sara Hall, a Muscle Milk sponsored athlete, our 2012 USA Cross Country Champion, and of course Olympian Ryan Hall's wife, was supposed to run the half marathon with her mom. Unfortunately, she had to change her plans and will now be running the ZOOMA Great Lakes Half Marathon instead. 

from Sara Hall Facebook Page

Ambassadors had the opportunity to submit questions to Sara and today I am sharing her answers:

1.    How often do you and Ryan run together and how has running strengthened your relationship and how do you make each other better runners?  
   -Bethany from Our Love On The Run (

We are fortunate to run together usually ever day. Fortunately our training run pace is the same, though our hard workout paces are vastly different! It’s been a great thing for our relationship to have that quality time together. As we all know, on a run conversation flows differently than anywhere else, and we love talking about our goals and dreams for the future as well as what God is doing in our lives in the moment.

2.    I have been following your Steps Foundation for a few years now after reading about it in a magazine. I'm curious if beginning this foundation has changed your perspective on running and its potential impact on the world.  - Nancy from Living the Dream (

Thanks for following Steps! Ryan and I feel very honored to have a community of supporters that are committed to running for a reason- bettering the health of underserved communities world wide. It has been amazing to see the tangible impact a race can have on a community halfway around the world, whether bringing basic health care or clean water. It’s added to our motivation and given our running more depth to have a cause we care so much about.

3.    What does an "average" in season training week look like for you? -Jessica from 30 Something Mother Runner (

An average week of training involves 80 miles for the week with 3 hard workouts and lots of easy training runs around 7-8 min/ mile pace. My hard workouts are usually some form of interval session on the track where I am running paces specific to my race, a tempo run that is at “marathon pace”, and a long run around 15 miles.

4.    You train with your Olympic Marathoner husband and you will be running ZOOMA Great Lakes with your mom, what do you think are the benefits of running with loved ones? - Amy Caine from Running Escapades (

Being able to share running with people you love is such a blessing! My husband and I have been able to travel the world together and explore so many areas, making life-long memories. It has really helped our relationship to have the consistent quality time together on runs. And now having my mom start running has been a fun way we can connect in a way that we never related before! All of a sudden she understands me so much better, as she goes through the same things. The health benefits of running are well known, and it’s always comforting knowing the ones you love are staying fit. Doing something that improves your health together is a great way to show love to your friends and family.

5.    How do you deal with race performance disappointment after training so hard to achieve a goal? - Michelle from Running With Attitude (

It’s definitely a process learning to deal with disappointment. One thing that has helped me is realizing just how much God loves all of us regardless of how we perform, and that we never have to perform for His love, that it is unconditional. I always knew this in my head, but getting a full revelation of it in my heart really helped me to no longer fear failure, and when I did failure, helped me keep my performance in perspective. I’ve learned to separate my identity from what I “do”, that is a part of who I am but my performance does not dictate my value as a person. I also love to be around friends and family after a disappointing race because you see how little changes when you’re around people who just love you for who you are. I think it’s ok to be disappointed though when you’ve invested a lot in a goal. But after letting myself grieve for a bit I like to choose a new goal and start working towards that.

6.    Do you and Ryan enjoy running/training together or do you each workout separately? - Marcia from Marcia's Healthy Slice (

Ryan and I are fortunate to run together usually ever day. Fortunately our training run pace is the same, though our hard workout paces are vastly different! It’s been a great thing for our relationship to have that quality time together. As we all know, on a run conversation flows differently than anywhere else, and we love talking about our goals and dreams for the future as well as what God is doing in our lives in the moment. We have also been able to travel the world together and explore so many areas, making life-long memories.

7.    What strategies do you have for getting past the discomfort of your hardest workouts and races so you can perform your best? - Kim from

The best way to work on pain tolerance for a race is talking yourself through it in practice. One mantra I like to use “Relax and Roll”. For some reason, that works for me to relax into the pain, but keep my legs rolling at a fast pace. My workouts often feel more painful than the race itself since I don’t have the race-day adrenalin and endorphins. I also get extremely deep and painful massage on a weekly basis that has made anything I do in running feel easy!

8.    What do you think about during your runs?" - Maggie from Mag Mile Runner (

Since I began running I have always cherished the time of letting my mind wander in a way that only happens when on a run. Often I am replaying things in my mind of note from the days prior, bringing up things that are weighing on me and praying about them. Sometimes I’m seeking God for a specific thing and trying to get His perspective. A lot of times I’m thinking about my training, how I’m responding to it, and what I need to change in the coming days. And I like to visualize my upcoming races!

Thanks to Sara for taking the time to answer our questions and to ZOOMA for putting us in touch!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tufts Health Plan 10K

It was another day for running and this time I ran with women. I was invited by Reebok and FitFluential to run the Tufts Health Plan 10K in Boston on Monday as part of Team Reebok.

Thanks to my husband, we arrived at Boston Common with plenty of time to get checked in, cruise the expo, do some shopping, and say hello to the race spokesperson, Joan Benoit Samuelson, AGAIN.

We stopped by the Reebok Booth to check in and get our picture taken. They had fun signs for runners and supporters to fill out and a CrossFit game to play.

Before I knew it, the other FitFluential Ambassadors arrived. Reebok generously outfitted us all in Team Reebok PlayDry short sleeve tops. These shirts were perfect to wear with temperatures in the high 50s. 

With approximately 8,000 women (and some men) signed up for this race, the announcers started calling for the faster runners around 11:15. I hopped in the port-a-potty line one last time, got a good luck kiss from my husband, and joined the crowd. During the wait I happened to spot one of the ladies who has run this race for the last 36 years. Then Joan Benoit Samuelson wished all of us a good race and we were off.

Here's the video my husband captured of the start of the race:

I ran with my phone to take pictures because the course went through parts of Boston that I hadn't seen before. The first mile led us down Beacon Street before crossing over the Charles River into Cambridge. I know we looped past MIT, but I was more interested in watching the lead runners and looking for my FitFluential friends. We were pretty easy to spot in our purple Team Reebok shirts. People lined the streets everywhere including on top of an overpass and as we crossed the river back into Boston, the crowds on the sidewalks got even thicker. When I got to the finish line, Joan Benoit Samuelson was there to shake my hand (she finished in 38:21).

At each mile marker I had checked the time against my pacer bracelet, and had hit all of the 9:30 pace times. Since I used my Simple Hydration Water Bottle, I ran past all of the water stops including the last one staffed by men in tuxedos. My 56:23 finish time was a new 10K PRI finished 1485/5430 finishers. And for the first time, I ran faster every mile.

This was my first race in Boston and the second largest race I've ever run (biggest in Cincy). Picking up my bib and race swag was a breeze because they were so well organized. The announcements made throughout the day from the stage were very helpful (and that's how we knew JBS was there!) and we found all the volunteers to be helpful and friendly.  

Some details worth mentioning: Participants were offered pace bracelets. Even though I'm inexperienced with using them, I loved this and found it very helpful. They also handed out stickers to reflect the number of years you have participated in this race. I wore mine on my skirt and found myself looking for them on others. There was also a "changing tent" which I gratefully used.

Disclaimer: My race entry and Team Reebok apparel were compliments of Reebok. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.
