This was on my daily quote app the other day and now that I'm doing a run streak it seems to apply to me.
I was strong today. Granted I only ran one mile. I say only, but then realize that I have already run 17 miles this month. I have run every day for 7 days. And, I'm being smart. I'm running every day, but only a mile or two on what used to be my non-running days.
After my run, mrC made me my favorite breakfast: cheesy scrambled eggs with ham and pb&j apple cinnamon rice cake. Today the jelly came all the way from France (perks of being married to a pilot) and it was really good!
With all these new miles I've been putting on my feet, it was time for some pampering. It wasn't hard to convince mrC to get a pedicure with me considering there are so many benefits: good foot health, releases stress, prevents in-grown toe nails. Even without polish, his feet look good.
We stopped for lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. We love this place, but they serve a ridiculously small amount of salsa and chips. While we were out, we ran some errands: stop and buy grapes from a street vendor, pick out gluten free products at the international store, and hunt down frame maker shops.
Back at home, I dug out my tennis ball for a little at-home-PT. I read this article on treating plantar fasciitis that explains the best treatment focuses on the fascia and releasing it. I don't know if I have PF, but I do know that I have tight calf muscles and pain in my heel.
The idea is to use your body weight to pin the fascia and then stretch it by pointing and flexing your foot. It's like DIY active release therapy. The challenge is finding the right spot. It takes some work.
Tomorrow is a run day. I'm hoping the weather stays in the low 70s like this morning.
Do the men in your life get pedis?
Have you ever tried DIY treatments?