Monday, January 9, 2012

To Keep Running

Almost to the finish line!
January 9 - Last year my major running milestone was running my very first half marathon. This year (cross your fingers for continued healthy running) I will attempt to run THREE half marathons while keeping up with my goal for 2012: TO KEEP RUNNING

After taking some time off from running to let my shin heal once I completed the half marathon in August, I basically had to start over.  It is amazing what a couple of weeks without running can do to your body! I had no idea. Since  then I have been running non-stop. Through the fall and winter I ran a bunch of 5Ks and a couple of 10Ks.

To keep me motivated (and prevent the whole starting-over-again thing), I am attempting to run a race every month. This requires planning. Here is what I have scheduled: (highlighted = races registered/finished):

January 1 - First Run 10K - Lowell, MA - 58:09 PR
February 19 - Half at the Hamptons - Hampton, NH
March 11 - St. Paddy's 5 Miler - Portsmouth, NH
April 21 - Stonyfield Earth Day 5K - Londonderry, NH
May 6 - Cox Rhode Races Half Marathon - Providence, RI
June ? - Kickoff to Summer 5K - New Boston, NH
July 3 - Manchester 5K - Manchester, NH
August 19 - Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon - Providence, RI
September 22 - Zooma Cape Cod 10K - Falmouth, MA
October ? - My Dogs Are Barking 5K - Bedford, NH
November 11 - Newport Pell Bridge Run - Newport, RI
December 1 - Santa Shuffle - Manchester, NH

For me to complete the above schedule I have to focus on my training and stay healthy.  In "How to Run Injury-Free" on, Jeff Galloway offers great advice to runners on how avoid overuse injuries and enjoy years of running. The main points Galloway makes include:

  1. Train fewer days during the week
  2. Slow your pace on long runs 
  3. Take walk breaks 
  4. Massage instead of stretch
  5. Prepare for speed training
  6. Stop if you experience pain
Also, on his blog Galloway stresses the importance of resting after long runs to allow muscles to recover, rebuild, and reduce the chance of injury. Rest days are great for doing some light cross training activities. I have found some good workouts on the Nike Training Club app. 

One thing I know that will help me achieve my goal to keep running is to let go of the idea that a "real runner" doesn't need to stop and walk. If I want to stay injury-free and enjoy all of the races I signed up for, I have to listen to my body. If I need to take a break in the middle of an 8 mile run, it's OK! I'm still running 8 miles, right?  

What do you do to KEEP RUNNING?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2011 Nike+ Rundown

January 7 - One thing I really like about using the Nike Running website is the Rundown Report. This report lets you see your running stats for the year and compare them to the previous year. I saw my report for 2011 today and was PUMPED UP:

I wish I knew what happened to me in 2010. I have no explanation. No excuses. No justifications. I was completely, totally, and embarrassingly LAZY!  See further proof:

Not that 2009 was by any means stellar. I ran one race, a local 5K. It was something.

2008 was the year I first started using Nike+. Then in August I moved 900 miles to NH. It took me awhile to adjust.

Last year I fell in love with running. I became addicted to the racing experience. This year I want to keep the feeling alive. My 2011 Rundown Report will be a constant reminder of what I can accomplish.

How do you use your running stats?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 First Run 10K

January 1 - To welcome in the new year and get a start on my 2012 running goals, I headed to Lowell, Massachusetts to participate in the First Run 10K. Joining me was my running buddy Daisy, and my husband who would be running the 5K. Using VZ Navigator, we found the race location and parking easily, but getting into the registration building was like trying to buy an iPad on Black Friday! Ok, maybe not that bad, but it was super crowded. Good sign for the race (a lot of people usually means it is a good race) but harder to make those last minute rest rooms breaks and find people.

Cool hat and long sleeve tech shirt
Today's race was a big festive continuation of New Year's Eve. I'm guessing at least 2000 runners turned out for both races and we were given great swag, outstanding music, and a functional starting line area with all the typical runner-needed amenities. The course was a double loop with 5Kers splitting off when 10Kers continued on to loop part 2. It was an easy course, mostly flat with one small hill and the last two miles followed the Merrimack River. The 5K portion was very crowded, but things were nice and roomy for those who kept on for the 10K.

Personalized bib & finisher's medal
The last time I ran a 10K race was at home in Cincinnati. I PR'd that one with 59:08. I had no intention of trying to PR this one because the plan was for me to run the 5K with hub and then continue on. However, he encouraged me to go ahead. I ran with Daisy most of the way, but about 2 miles in I realized that I should have gotten in the port-a-potty line. Two miles later I trailed Daisy as I struggled with my very, very full bladder! This really sucked because other than that, I was having a great running day. The 10K took a small side route through a neighborhood where, if you ask me, a couple of port-a-potties would have been like finding water in the desert! Overall, I did enjoy this race and managed to PR in 58:09l!

Stephanie & her hub!
Leading up to this race Bill from Daily Mile arranged a DM group meet up and Stephanie from Run for Fun let me know she was running and wanted to meet. I was super excited to meet fellow cyber runners for the first time. These are the other people who have what A Veteran Runnah would call RUNNERITISThey are a totally fun and loyal virtual support group.

Today I was supposed to meet them IRL (in real life). I'm happy to report that I did meet Stephanie, but only briefly. She was easy to spot in her "Crazy Bitch" running shirt. I still had to grab my race bib, so we parted ways and only saw each other again during the run.  (I shamelessly stole this picture from her Twitter post). I never did find the DMer group in the massive crowd.

Appropriately named, the First Run 10K was a day of firsts for me. First run of 2012. First race on my run-a-race-a-month goal. First time meeting a blogger friend. First time meeting attempting to meet Daily Mile friends. First time running a race in Massachusetts (another race goal). First PR of 2012. Now if I could only take my FIRST GOOD RUNNING PHOTO!

Why do I wave like that??

How did you spend New Year's Day?

What do your running/active photos look like?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Highlights and Goals


December 28 - With three days left in 2011, it is time to start thinking about goals for 2012. I began this year by joining the Nike+ challenge Run 211 in 2011. My previous year of running was pretty UNSPECTACULAR so this was my motivation to do better. Happily, I met my goal in MAY and I have continued to run ever since. 

Before deciding on new goals, I thought about some of my favorite running moments from this year and made a list:

  1. Training with my husband
  2. My first winter weather advisory run
  3. Starting a running blog
  4. Participating in a 5K with my dog
  5. Completing my first Half Marathon
  6. Running across the Newport Pell Bridge
  7. Being asked to be a RhodeScholar for Cox Rhode Races
  8. Returning to Cincinnati to run the Thanksgiving Day Race 10K
  9. Dressing up like Santa and running a 5K
  10. GDTC Fun Run around MHT
When I read my list, I think of how much fun I have had this year pursuing my passion. I think of the hard work I put into reaching my goal. I think about the time spent with my family and friends. The places we traveled. The amazing people we met. The fact that I want to do it all again.

So as January 1st marks the day for resolutions, goal making, and to-do-lists, I too am putting together some things I want to accomplish:
  1. Keep running!!
  2. Run a race every month (at least one)
  3. Continue to improve my blog
  4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run
  5. Keep meeting new running friends

What are your running goals for 2012?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Home for the Holidays 10K

December 24 - I woke up early Christmas Eve morning to take part in the Home for the Holidays 10K, a virtual race created by bloggers Ashley, Stephanie and Robin.  It is also training time for my second half marathon, so I worked in the 10K as part of my scheduled long run.

We still needed some last minute things for Christmas, so my husband dropped me at the school where I met up with my running buddy and he went off to the grocery. Our plan was to blend two of our running routes together and try to make an 8 mile run. Route #1: a 6.5 mile loop around the lake. Route #2: part of our hills workout run that we thought would add another 1.5 miles.

Here it is on GPS:

Did I mention that it was only 20 degrees? It was the coldest day we have gone running so far. All we needed was a little snow! Our run was slightly challenging because it included a few what-I-call-steep hills. I'm not sure if it was the cold weather or just an off day, but this run definitely required a lot of effort to push through. It was especially difficult to face one of the toughest hills at about 4.5 miles. My legs wanted me to keep moving down the hill instead of turning off and heading up.

We ended our run with 7.5 miles (so our estimations were a little off) and icicles in our hair! Participating in the Home for the Holidays 10K has been a lot of fun and I love that I burned a few hundred calories before the Christmas partying even began!

Virtual 10K - 1:01:10

Merry Christmas!
