Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Sidewalk Sprints and 8 Technical Tips for Sprinting

mrC passed his recurrent check ride yesterday (he studies very hard, so this is no surprise to me). Yay! While he was taking his test, I was enjoying my last day of fitness in Delaware.

I found a great place to run (yes, run!) my sprints. Loads of sunshine and blue sky pulled me outside and I do not regret leaving the elliptical behind at all. The sidewalk is on the other side of a large parking lot next to the hotel and I knew it would work for sprints.

The workout: Sidewalk Sprints

I walked about 5 minutes for my warmup. I probably should have walked more and maybe even run a bit, but I was feeling crunched for time (we were leaving Delaware early). Since I haven't run my sprints in awhile I set my interval app for 10 sets @ 20 seconds sprint, 40 seconds recover. This is a starting point for sprints workouts in the carb cycling program.

After the first sprint, I paced around waiting out the 40 seconds recover. It felt like a waste of time, especially since I hadn't run for my warm-up. So, for sprints 3-10, I slowly ran the recovery back to the start. This felt good and I'm happy that I thought to do it. In a perfect world, I would have walked for 30 minutes or run a mile for a cool-down, but I had to get ready for our departure.

It was cold, but luckily I grabbed an old Nike pullover out of my fitness gear bin when we stopped at the storage unit last week. I love thumb holes on my long sleeves, but this top also has the built in mitten fold-over. I think this top at Macy's is the current version.

When I first started sprinting, I had no idea what I was doing (doing it for sports as a kid seems soooo long ago, ha!). In connection with today's Wednesday Word link up with Deb, I thought I'd share some technical tips for anyone interested in getting started.

1. Spend 5-10 minutes for warm-up: brisk walk, dynamic stretching
2. Pick your sprint measurement: time or distance
3. Start out around 50% your max speed to get a feel for it
4. Increase your speed after each sprint
5. Pay attention to your form (great tips here)
6. Allow enough rest time to catch your breath
7. Aim to complete 6-10 sprints your first time
8. Cool down by walking or jogging for a few minutes

Whether you are sprinting for an interval training workout or to increase your overall running pace, these techniques should help get you started.

I’m also linking up with Susie and Rachel and Debbie and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner 


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

3 Part Workout and My Monthly Review for April

Yesterday's workout was a favorite from the carb cycling program I did (and still do on my own) a couple of years ago. I had such good results from the program that I still follow the cycle and do the workouts. Doing this helps me maintain and stay at a healthy weight.

Low carb days were always my favorite because I really do love cardio. The great thing about these workouts is that they are short. Intense, but short. There are also options: I can swim, run, elliptical or HIIT and get the same effect from the cardio bursts.

So yesterday, I choose an elliptical sprint workout followed by some light strength training.

1. Elliptical workout: 10 minutes warm up, 12 minutes sprints @20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest, and 10 minutes cool down.
2. Arm workout: dirty dozen x2 rounds
3. Plank workout: forearm plus cha cha knees and side with twists

On Sunday, I complained on Instagram about how warm the fitness room was. Yesterday, it was cooler (because no one changed the setting I left it on, yay!), but I had to attach the cords to the elliptical for the tv to work and someone apparently thinks it is ok to "borrow" weights and left only one 10, 15, and 20 pounds behind. I had to get creative, but it didn't stop my workout.

I would love to run the sprints part of this workout every time I do it, but I just know that it's not the best thing for my knee. After taking quite a big break from running, my knee has been feeling almost normal ---> meaning not swollen or puffy, and not all.

On that note, let's look back at April.

RUN - 8.99 miles
HIKE - 5.20 km ---> Diamond Head
SWIM - 3500 m (approx)
WALK - 11.37 miles

My break from running and hard hiking that started in March just sort of carried over into April. I logged three runs while traveling in the US and these were all my runs for month.

The month was filled with lots of low impact exercise like swimming and walking and yoga. I think it was a good fit for what my body needed, but I dropped the ball on strength training. I need to make weights a priority again - at least a couple times a week.

We traveled A LOT. Hawaii for a week to start the month (a blast) and we've been in the US for the last two weeks of the month (for mrC's work and some family time) ---> count the states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Delaware.


Today I'm doing the link-up with Patty, Erika, and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run and this week we're sharing our best and worst race photos.

My worst: this was my first race ever. I didn't know much about running yet, including how to dress. I'm pretty sure I'm wearing a cotton tee!

My best: by 2014 I mastered the finish line photo - themed races help with that.

My favorite (bonus): any race photo with mrC is my fave, but we loved this one so much we had it framed.

Do you break your workouts into parts?
Ever have to deal with missing weights/equipment?
How was your April?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Do You Travel with One of These? + Tight Muscles

mrC makes fun of me for carrying a tennis ball in my purse when we travel. But seriously, it is a mini-massage ball, a tiny foam roller, magic for making my muscles feel better when I don't have a masseuse...or a foam roller handy.

My legs felt pretty good after my run on Saturday, but I noticed that the range of motion for my left knee felt a little tight. I can usually relieve that with a good stretch session, but zeroing in on tight spots with the tennis ball has a much better result.

While mrC went off to play work in the simulator on Sunday, I took our dirty clothes to the laundry room. I walked on the treadmill while the clothes were washing. It was a rest day, so I kept my pace moderate and the incline only on 2.

I do not put my workout clothes in the dryer, so I took them to the room to hang up and have some coffee while the rest were in the dryer.

It was a cold and blustery day ---> perfect for some chicken noodle soup. It's been awhile since I had this microwaveable Campbell's soup and I remember it tasting better than it did today.

When mrC returned and had eaten, we went for a walk. It ended up being much shorter than I wanted because it was super windy and the wind was really, really cold! We explored the center next to the hotel and found a used books/movies/music shop. I thought it was such a great idea because you can buy and sell.

Before dinner I did a yoga video ---> Travel Yoga - Revitalizing Flow (I'm trying to bring back the yoga practice). I didn't really know it until I got going, but my legs had gotten a little sore, I guess from my run on Saturday. So the short and sweet session definitely felt good!

In the picture I'm doing wide leg forward fold with a twist and wow! I could feel this stretch in all parts of my leg muscles including the outside of my ankles up to my knees. It made me think about how many tight muscles I have in my lower body - a lot more than I realize.

We ordered pizza for dinner and then mrC did some more studying while I watched tv. It was a pretty relaxing day!

What do you carry when you travel that people might find strange?
How do you spend a relaxing day?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

My New Running Plan | Weekly Wrap

Yesterday started on a very high note ---> 3.68 miles!

It was my first outdoor run in about 7 weeks. I knew I would want to get in a couple of runs while we are in Delaware because the Wellness Trail nearby is pretty flat which makes my knee happy. I just needed the weather to cooperate.

Yesterday started out super foggy and chilly. Since I don't know the area that well, I didn't think it would be a good idea to be wandering around in this. I delayed my run and crossed my fingers that the sun would come out.

I'm so glad I did because it turned out to be a beautiful day for a run. I walked about 5 minutes from the hotel for a warm-up and then followed my 4:1 minute intervals for 8 sets.

This was one of those runs where everything felt right. The weather, the shoes, the music (Grrl Power 2 from Rock My Run) and the route. Maybe that's why it turned out to be my longest run in months.

My Wave Horizon are a year old now, but only have about 100+ miles on them. I wrote about why I like them (here) and I still do. They are a good fit for me and my knee problems.

During my post-run walk and stretching, I got to thinking about my running plan ---> or lack of running plan. I don't have any events lined up until October when I'll be visiting my family in Cincinnati.  I'll be running the Queen Bee 4 Miler along with my mom and BFF who will be walking, maybe running.

So my new running plan is to run at least twice a week (depending on how my knee is feeling). One run will be during the week around 2 miles and a "long" run on weekend. I'll start my long runs at 3 miles and build up to about 4.5 miles.

It's not the same kind of running plan as I used to have when I trained for half marathons (pre-meniscectomy). I would love to run more, but the lack of cartilage limits me now. So, I'm making the most of what I can do and I'm happy to have a plan.

Long sleeves and shorts - one of my favorite combos!

In case you missed my posts from the week:

Running and Vacation: You Can Do Both

Detours when Exercising on the Road and Friday Faves

Last weeks workouts:

Monday - 40 minute swim. It felt good to be back in the pool, even though it was the typical tiny hotel pool. Thank goodness I had the place to myself. A couple of checks of the time showed me that I could do 4 laps in under two minutes. So for my workout, I did what I'm calling 2 minute sprints with 20 seconds rest. I have no idea how many laps or the distance I swam (my watch doesn't do that), but it felt like a good workout.

Tuesday - treadmill run. After a not-so-good night of sleep, I did a short treadmill run. Using my interval timer again, I ran 4:1 minute intervals for a total of 2.17 miles. My right calf felt tight out of the blue and a little sore, so I spent some extra time stretching afterwards.

Wednesday - rest day yoga. We drove about 5 hours in mostly rainy conditions to Delaware for mrC's work. After picking up some groceries for the week and checking into our room, we refreshed our bodies with Yoga Rinse.

Thursday - 30 minute swim, walk 3.21 miles. Second swim of the week in my second hotel pool.

Friday - 30 minute elliptical + planks. Kept my workout simple: 10 minute WU, 10 minutes sprint session (20 seconds sprint:40 seconds recover), 10 minute CD. 35 minute afternoon yoga flow.

Saturday - RUN! My second run of the week for 3.68 miles.

Sunday - rest day. 1 mile walk on the treadmill while using the hotel laundry facilities and a yoga video.

Total distance:

Run - 5.85 miles
Swim - 900-1000 meters (guessing)

How old are your running shoes?
Are you following a running plan right now?

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Detours when Exercising on the Road and Friday Faves

My first full day in Delaware started with a morning swim.

The Marriott hotel that we are staying in while mrC attends his recurrent training has an indoor pool that looks like it's the same size as any other hotel indoor pool, which according to my quick online research averages around 17 feet. Using that number in my workout (40 laps), I probably swam 400 meters in 30 minutes. It felt good to be in the pool, but I'm really missing the 25 meter length of the lap lanes at our fitness center.

I realized yesterday that there are a lot of variables that can affect a workout when traveling. Just going to swim I had to 1) adjust to the length of the pool, 2) deal with the fact that there was no changing room or toilets at the pool ---> hello changing under a towel!, and 3) time my workout so that I didn't miss the breakfast service window.

Traveling presents other obstacles I've talked about on Instagram and in previous blog posts, but what it boils down to is that you have to figure out a way to make it work. Whether you go outside or inside or stay in your hotel room, there are plenty of ways to workout when you are on the road. It might not be exactly what you planned, but you can't wait for everything to be perfect. You might be waiting forever!

It was such a pretty day that I decided to take a walk after my free breakfast of scrambled eggs and chicken sausage. There's a Wellness Walking Trail that I found when we were here last year not far from the hotel. From the hotel, the entire loop was 3.21 miles and took me about an hour.

Most of the trail loops around the hospital campus maze of parking lots and buildings, but one section passes by this small lake. It was still a bit chilly for me at 60 degrees but a great follow up to my morning cardio workout.


I have some Friday favorites for today:

1) These athleisure shoes are so comfortable and make me feel like I'm not wearing sneakers because they are so stylish.

2) This book: Feast: True Love in and out of the Kitchen because so many of us struggle with food issues ---> what to eat, how much to eat, what to avoid eating, when to eat, our feelings about what we're eating/not eating...

3) Being reunited with Jane's Krazy Mixed up Salt because it just makes everything taste better, especially my eggs.

4) I'm so happy that we upgraded our GoPro because it takes amazing water photos (see above) and I don't have to mess with a waterproof case.

5) Spring. It was so nice to see signs of Spring. I know many of my US friends have been waiting a long time to see this and I forgot how much I like daffodils.

Have any Friday favorites?

Has Spring arrived where you live?

I'm linking up with Lacey and Meranda and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0!
