Monday, January 6, 2020

Two Key Ingredients in the Recipe for Success

I have the perfect recipe for you if you are trying to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, wanting to fight disease without using medicinal methods or feeling frustrated by not getting results when you feel like you are doing everything right.

Learn more about my next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss ---> here

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Carbs are not the enemy!

Yesterday I was really hoping to break my fast with an acai bowl, but our top two favorite places to get them were closed for the holiday - which I actually love! I love that the employees had the day to spend with family and friends.

So today, I am looking forward to getting that acai bowl!

Now I know some of you watching will be thinking that all those carbs are surely going to set me back or make me fat, and I know that there are tons of programs out there promoting the elimination of carbs to lose weight, but the truth is…carbs are not the enemy!

For too long we have been made to believe that carbs are bad but the truth is our bodies NEED carbohydrates in order to perform optimally.

Carbs are important to our overall hormone health, to our energy levels (especially the more active we are) and to our mood!

Now it is true that not all carbs are created equally. This is one of the biggest lessons my clients have to learn when they go through the FASTer Way with me.

Our body needs carbs, but it needs good carbs, complex carbs, so instead of eating mostly highly processed carbs like breads and pastas, cereals, soda, candy

Instead we should be eating fruits and veggies that are high in fiber, quinoa and rice, oats, potatoes and sweet potatoes. Our carbs should be real, whole foods.

In the FASTer Way, we do not believe in eliminating carbs. When we do that, we are lowering our overall calories and possibly under-eating, we are depriving our bodies of important nutrients, and causing our energy to be low and cravings high.

In the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we cycle our carbs which allows us to deplete our glycogen and tap into fat stores for fuel but then we rebuild our energy stores and protect our hormones by adding carbs back into our day.

Now, as much as I want to let you know that you need carbs in your life and if you have eliminated them I hope you will consider bringing them back…I also don’t want to leave the rest of you thinking that you have to completely eliminate cookies and ice cream and donuts from your life either. It’s about eating the right carbs, the good carbs most of the time and enjoying the occasional treat strategically that will help you reach your goals.

Remember to keep in mind that carbs are not the enemy. Some just happen to be healthier for you than others. If your goal is to lose weight, let me teach you how. Learn more about my next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss by clicking here.

I will teach you how to eat the right amount of carbs, the right type of carbs and how to cycle your carbs for the best results.

If you have questions or concerns on this topic, let me know. I would love to chat with you more!

Now, I would love to know, what are your favorite carbs to fuel up on? 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

GOOGLE Won’t Do That: How to Reach Your Goals in 2020!

It is crazy that we have wrapped up another year, another decade and are starting what I think will be an incredible year, and incredible decade!

This is the time of year that we start thinking about goals for the new year and setting resolutions. I know a lot of people set goals around health and wellness. That is what I have always done.

Today I want to share what I used to do before I found the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

When it came to setting goals, this is what it looked like for me…I had goals to run X amount of miles, run X amount of races, or set a PR in the half marathon, 10K or whatever race I wanted to run better. I would include goals like I will eat healthier and get stronger this year.

My method for reaching those goals was to GOOGLE it. Maybe you do this too? Tell me in the comments. And if you do, kudos to you! You are thinking about your health and wellness and that is a GOOD thing!

So I would GOOGLE everything. I would Google training plans for running, speed workouts so I could be a faster runner, yoga for runners because I would be a better runner if I improved my mobility. I would Google healthy recipes because I had to eat healthy to be in good shape and to be a fit runner. I would Google strength workouts, so I could get stronger.

And it was all out there, it was FREE and it was at my finger tips.

The problem was I didn’t know how to put it all together properly. So instead of becoming a better, faster, stronger runner, I was injured a lot, my weight fluctuated up and down (and I didn't know why) and I did not get stronger.

I didn’t know what I was doing even though I thought I was doing all the right things.

I didn’t know that I was spending way too much time on cardio and not enough time on strength training.
I didn’t know that in order to get strong and build lean muscles, I needed to eat the right amount of foods.
I didn’t know that getting lean and staying fit relies a lot on eating at the right times.

These days people are GOOGLING all the same things I used to and information about intermittent fasting and carb cycling. They're searching for free meal plans on Pinterest.

And it’s all still out there and still FREE, but in order to get the best results, in order to get sustainable results, you need someone to show you how to use all of that information.

You need someone helping you implement intermittent fasting, so that you don’t damage your hormones. You need someone working with you on meal planning to make sure you are eating enough and not stressing your body by under-eating. You need a community to lean on and support you with motivation and guidance.

GOOGLE won’t do all that.

But the FASTer Way can!

My clients in the FASTer Way learn how to properly implement sustainable strategies and get daily one on one support and guidance from me. They get six weeks to practice putting all of the strategies to together to work with their everyday life. Because in order to be sustainable, it has to be something that they can successfully do ON THEIR OWN.

GOOGLE won’t do that.

You can learn more about my next round of FASTer Way by clicking here.

If you have questions or comments on this topic, leave them in the comments below. I love hearing from readers! And if you know someone else who is searching GOOGLE, I would love for you to share this post with them.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Friday, December 27, 2019

Three Things To Thrive Through Your Day with Energy!

Happy Friday everyone!! I hope you are having an amazing holiday season with your loved ones.

We made it to Cincinnati on Monday morning after a long night of flying. We were feeling little upside down, but after a couple sleeps we are feeling more like ourselves and have enjoyed visits with family & friends and exchanging gifts and all the holiday treats!

So, today I want to know, are you downing multiple cups of coffee or energy drinks to get through your day? Tell me how you get through your day in the comments.

If you are surviving on coffee or caffeinated energy drinks, there is a better way! Follow these tips to boost your daily energy levels.

1. Think about what you are eating - instead of choosing coffee, energy drinks or sugary drinks - grab foods that will boost your energy without leading to a crash later. Eat whole foods and get a balance of protein, fat and carbs. Some great foods to eat for energy include quinoa, tuna fish, beans, eggs, chia seeds, oranges, nuts, wild salmon, pumpkin seeds, apples, bananas, spinach, blueberries, dark chocolate, trail mix, and lean beef.

2. Stay hydrated - When you’re dehydrated it can lead to exhaustion and difficulty focusing. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If it is challenge for you, find a way to track it.

3. Get moving - Make it a point to stay active during your day. Movement and exercise improve energy. When you keep your body active, it releases endorphins. This helps manage stress and greatly improves sleep quality. It also helps the heart work more efficiently, allowing it to deliver more oxygen to the brain and other organs.

If you focus on doing these three things, you can greatly improve your energy naturally and stop relying on caffeine and sugary energy drinks to make it through your day!

Let me know in the comments, what makes you feel energized for your day? I would also love to hear your questions or concerns on this topic, so send them my way. 

And if you think someone else will find the information valuable, go ahead and share it. I would love for you to do that. I would be so thankful.

Have a great rest of your day!

Learn more about my next round of FASTer Way here -> click
