Team Vicious and Delicious is one BIG team of 22 ladies in four vans. For communication purposes, two vans go by Vicious & Delicious and the other two vans go by Too Vicious & Delicious.
I am runner #10 for TooV&D (which is really runner #11 on the Ragnar runner distance chart). I have the least amount of miles, but I'm still making sure that I am ready to run! Since I am on Spring Break, it seemed like a good time to simulate my legs by doing multiple workouts.
Practice Run #1: Ragnar Leg 11 - 4.5 miles - moderate - elevation gain 198'
I set out around 9AM in the hopes that I could avoid most of the morning traffic (mission accomplished). The route I chose was pretty close in elevation with a gain of 177' and it was chilly enough to test run our team long sleeve shirt (loved it). Even though my stomach grumbled the whole time (I didn't eat before), I ran near my goal pace and felt really good (even after Sunday's 10 miler).
Practice Run #2: Ragnar Leg #23 - 2.4 miles - easy - elevation gain 45'
Nearly 12 hours after the first one, I decided to do this run on the treadmill. To create the feeling of running outside (and for fun) I dimmed the lights and sported my night gear. I didn't have any problems during the run besides my legs being a little grouchy, and it was over quickly enough. However, I did learn a few lessons that will save me from tummy issues next week: skip the full dinner and drink more water.
Practice Run #3: Ragnar Leg #35 - 4.5 miles - moderate - elevation gain 235'
Almost 13 hours after my last practice run, I suited up for a rainy, hilly, out and back. About a mile into the run, I had to turn around because I started getting sharp pains on the inside of my knee. By the time I got back to the house the pain had stopped, so I decided to keep going and try to finish the run. Another half mile and I turned around again cutting the run short. I'm optimistic that all I need is a little rest and extra foam roller time.
Now that my practice runs are complete, it is time to start obsessing about the weather, what to pack, and what I need to purchase. Good thing I ran in the dark because I learned that one of my blinking lights has died. (update: the light works. mrC found it flashing in the garbage can!)
Are you running Ragnar Cape Cod? Tell me your team name so I can look for you!
Are you running a different Ragnar Relay? Let me know which one!
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