Showing posts with label HIIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HIIT. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2015

My Lazy Day Wasn't So Lazy + 60 Second Challenge!

Today was supposed to be a lazy kind of day, but instead I found myself cleaning, working out, and biking to some errands.

I woke up early to speak to mrC before he left Singapore and to watch the other World Cup semi-final game. During half-time I decided to vacuum the floors. What a workout! This vacuum was gifted to us by a friend who returned to the US, and I have the hardest time getting it to cooperate!

After the game and cleaning the apartment, it was time for a morning strength session. I did the same stability ball workout from yesterday plus the 7 minute HIIT workout I shared a few days ago. 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, x12, repeat. Shewww!

I also took the PopSugar 1-minute plank with arm and leg reach challenge. She did 14 reps. I did 9. How many can you do?

After my workout, all I wanted was a smoothie. I took quick bike ride to Peninsula, about a mile away, to a local international store because I was running low on smoothie ingredients.

It's common to see street vendors selling local in-season produce at corner stands. On the way back from the store, I stopped to buy some watermelon.

For lunch I had left over cheesy quinoa & tuna and a smoothie made with fresh spinach and strawberries. 

What do you do during halftime of sporting events?
What's your favorite smoothie ingredient?

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Morning Date and Trip to Tuen Mun (Hong Kong)

It is still hard to believe that I wake up to this view everyday.

After admiring my view over a cup of coffee, I had a date with my foam roller. It's my China chiropractor until I find one here to see...meaning one that speaks English. I found this great guide to 5 Foam Rolling Moves You Aren't Doing (But Should) very helpful.

My morning workout was Day 30 of #MeanAbsJune challenge (it feels so good to be done!) and one round of 7 Minute HIIT Workout. I worked up an appetite, so I splurged and made myself some cheesy scrambled eggs with ham. YUM!

Then I put on my walking shoes for my first visit to Tuen Mun, a city in the New Territories, Hong Kong. I was a little nervous about the trip because it was my first time crossing the border and I needed to change money from China RMB to Hong Kong dollar for bus fare and a metro card.

It was awesome of Young and (new friend) Kathy (from San Diego) to show me the ropes and take me to all the practical shopping in the area.

After passing through China immigration (departure) and Hong Kong immigration (arrival), we rode in a double bus to Tuen Mun Town Center.

Tuen Mun is a popular destination because things are cheaper than in China and you can get your hands on a lot more western products at the malls and the supermarkets, like Taste. Great name, right?

One of the malls we went to, Trend Plaza, had an Outback Steakhouse! That's a cheeseburger (no bun) and fries for lunch.

We went on the Hong Kong metro to get my Octopus Card which can be used on buses, metro, and in stores and restaurants. I thought that was pretty cool.

I'm pretty excited to have made my first trip to Hong Kong and look forward to going back with mrC soon.

My best purchase of the day was Bob's Red Mill ground flaxseed. Now I can make gluten free protein pancakes!

Dinner was left over gluten-free spaghetti with the last of the strawberries on the side.

Do you use a foam roller?
How often do you use your passport?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Weekend Wrap - It Was Hot & Quiet

My weekend was full of strawberries and a little fitness. My knee has been a little cranky and it's hot, hot, hot, so I laid low.

After watching the US win the World Cup quarterfinal game on Saturday morning and putting mrC in the car to go on his first multi-day trip, I did what any fitness junkie would do. I rode my bike to the gym. I did a short run to test out my knee (it was ok), did some strength, and then swam some laps.

For lunch, I had turkey rolls ups and some strawberries.

I took a couple of walks after lunch and after dinner. Every time I go out, I find something new that makes me love our little apartment neighborhood even more.

My knee was feeling cranky again (I honestly think it's the swimming) so I spent the evening with Jack Bauer on Amazon Prime.

My knee felt a little better this morning, so I took my morning walk and then tried this HIIT workout from POP SUGAR. I have no idea what "push-up rotations" are and I only did one circuit, but I liked it.

If you don't have an interval timer yet, I highly recommend Gym Boss. I have been using it during my #MeanAbsJune daily workout to help me get through and I can clip it on my shorts to do intervals on my runs. The beeps are LOUD.

After walking to the store to get more yogurt for smoothies, I spent the hottest part of the day inside reading this thriller. I can't wait to see what happens.

A final walk after dinner to end my quiet weekend.

What do you do when the weather gets unbearably hot?
Read any good books lately?

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fitness Center Workout: Body Blast Interval

I love pinning workouts on Pinterest, but what I love even more is when I actually use them! While waiting for the power outage to end here in New Hampshire, I took advantage of the hotel fitness centers and my Pinterest page.

Yesterday I created my own morning workout with a mix of strength and cardio. I am a big fan of HIIT workouts because even though they make me breathe harder, they burn more fat calories.

My RPE was level 5 on the stationary bike and I tried to keep the RPMs in the 70s. Not an easy task. Each round on the bike got harder and harder. My legs were basically jello.

Each circuit got harder after the first because I was out of breath from the bike. At times I didn't think I could even move my arms let alone my whole body. Those are the moments that leave you smiling after the workout, right?

You can find the Body Blast workout that I pinned from Pop Sugar here.

Fitful Focus

Today's #FitnFashionable look is all Oiselle. The Off the Grid Knickers were perfect for this fitness center workout in front of a wall of windows. Plus the side zipper pocket kept my room key safely tucked out of sight. I'm a big fan of racer backs and the Winona Tank doesn't disappoint. It's form fitting but without revealing the insecure spots (my gut!)

Do you like to create your own workouts?
Any fitness clothing you are loving right now?
