April 21 - Today for my half marathon training run, I decided to try out a pair of athletic compression socks that Corey over at Zensah sent me. If you've been reading my blog or following me on Daily Mile, you know that I have been struggling with some calf tightness and have been looking for a magical instant cure. I didn't find that, but keep reading.
I like compression socks because they help reduce recovery time, increase blood flow, and lessen post workout soreness. I also like the squeeze you get from a good pair. It's like a little hug for your calves.
The first thing I noticed about the Zensah compression socks was that they looked good. No one wants to feel like a walking-medical-advertisement. Next I was impressed by the sock's thickness. The material felt a little heavier than other pairs I've tried, but it was super soft. Then I spotted the padding from the toes to the heels. It looked like a little extra support was built right into the socks. I'm also a fan of socks that designate left and right.
I'm happy with the performance of these socks. It was a little warm this morning, but despite the thick material, my legs did not get hot during my seven mile run. My feet were nice and comfortable in my running shoes, unlike times when the extra padding crowds my feet.
Now even though I still felt some tightness in my calf during the run (no magical-instant cure), my post-run massage time was more productive. I even zeroed in on a firm knot that I was able to work on. I don't know what role the socks might have played in my painful-trigger point therapy, but I'm not one to question successful progress!
I like these socks. They look good and they feel good. In fact they were so comfortable that I kept them on for most of the day and even wore them during a two and a half mile trail walk with hubs and the dog.
Which do you prefer, compression socks or sleeves?
I used to prefer sleeves, but I'm liking socks more lately.
What was your happy moment today?
Mine was holding hands with hubs during our walk =)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product to review without compensation. All opinions are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”