Monday, August 6, 2012

Find Your Greatness

In the blink of an eye the months of June & July have flown by.

Today, I am looking back at the goals I set for myself for 2012:

  1. Keep running!! - In June I ran 58.05 miles and in July 76.59. 
  2. Run a race every month (at least one) In June I was supposed to run 3 races, but I only ran two. I opted not to run a 5k because of torrential rain. If I had to do it over, I would go to the race anyway. In July I did three runs: two were fun runs (mud & color) and one was a 5k.
  3. Continue to improve my blog In July I became a Sweat Pink Ambassador for Fit Approach and a Cape Cod Ambassador for the ZOOMA Women's Race Series. I wrote some guest posts for FitFluential, ZOOMA, and fellow FitFluential Ambassadors. 
  4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run Although I traveled to Ohio and ran a race while I was there, I have not added a new state to my list yet. 
  5. Keep meeting new running friends I met some other New England runners who also blog and ran some of the same races together.

In the midst of all this, I have found greatness.

The running community is packed with amazing people. People who want to push themselves, have a good time, and support you in any way that they can.

There are extraordinary people working hard to put together some incredible race experiences for runners. Whether you are a new runner or a seasoned runner, the people behind the scenes want you to have a great time running.

Companies are designing sensational gear for runners and getting runners involved in spreading the word. From water bottles to running shoes I have been astonished by the relationships I see being built.

As for myself, I'm feeling pretty marvelous about the amount of miles I've been posting. I can finish runs that I would have avoided a year ago and sometimes I'm even taking the lead.

Where do you find greatness?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

#TrainingTruths: Workouts & Cream Cheese Pastry

It is hard to maintain a regular schedule during the summer. Every day is different. Sometimes we are traveling. For the most part I have been able to maintain my training for the half marathon coming up in a couple of weeks, but my diet has been all over the place. 


#TrainingTruth: Compression gear is a life saver.

As I have upped my mileage on the long runs, my legs have been feeling the effects. Tight hips and glutes, sore calf muscles, and achey shins. Following my long runs, I have been sporting compression socks and compression shorts. These things really do work. I use Zensah socks most of the time, but I also have CEP and Feetures. My compression shorts are from Aspaeris and although they work, I'm not a fan of the dual layers anymore.

#TrainingTruth: I still look forward to every run.

Running is my passion. I know from experience that sometimes, after doing something repeatedly for days, months, years, the excitement can wear off. Running continues to be something that I look forward to. It doesn't matter what kind of run I'm doing; long, short, road, trail, treadmill, alone, or with a partner/group I'm always happy to get out there. 


#TrainingTruth: It is really hard not to over-indulge during the summer.

This past week, I made one big dinner for the family. Then everyone's schedules had them scattered every direction and rarely did we have more than two people home for dinner at the same time. Then we went to Newport for the weekend adding to the challenge of eating healthy. Thursday, we're having a Reach the Beach team meeting and I'm bringing dessert. 

If you've never made this and decide to try it, DO NOT HATE ME. It's THAT GOOD!

I got this recipe from a former co-worker in Ohio (I think she got it from someone at her church). 

Don't forget to check out other great recipes at the WIAW link up at Peas & Crayons.

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to asses ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Running Escapades Guide to Social Media

Using social media can be overwhelming.

Once you get the hang of it though, you will discover a world of information and support you may have never dreamed possible.

Inspired by a Women's Running Magazine blog post, I thought I would explain social media the Running Escapades way:

Here's what Women's Running Magazine blog posted:

I don't use all the social media on the list (Linked In & Google+) and I do use a couple not on the list (Daily Mile & Nike+), but it was fun making my guide.

How do you use social media?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Fitness Friday: Aha! Moments

It can be a glance in the mirror, looking through recent pictures, an inability to do something you thought you could do, or becoming injured.

That's right. I'm talking about aha! moments. The defining moment when you decide to get up and move, the epiphany that motivates you to get active, the revelation that you need to make a change, a breakthrough that sparks you set a goal and go after it. Most of us have had at least one, so I'm sharing some that I've collected from my fellow ambassadors at FitFluential and Fit Approach to inspire you, encourage you, and get you pumped up!

Shannon from The Girl's Got Sole

My moment was in September of 2008. It forever changed my life. I saw photos of myself and just knew that wasn't how I wanted to live anymore. I finally dropped the weight and have never and will never look back. I love the healthy and fit person I now am.

Mindy from Road Runner Girl

My a-ha moment was after I ran across the finish line at my first 5K! It hit me that I was actually a runner and could do this! I was never much of an athlete...I couldn't find that one thing that I was good at...until I started running. Since that day I have ran many races including 9 half marathons and 1 full marathon! Anyone can do it if you work hard and set your mind to do it!

Laura from scribbles & sass

I began taking yoga classes in University, but didn't really fall in love with the practice until 2010. I was recovering from a bad ankle injury and discovered the benefits it had on healing my body and healing my soul. The immediate sense of well-being was intoxicating; I became a much more powerful force. Since then I have made it my mission to introduce as many people -friends, family members, even some strangers - to yoga so they could share my experience and journey. The community that yoga creates is like no other, I invite you to try a class; if you're in Calgary come to one with me! Breathe deep. Smile. Twirl. Toss glitter. Write.

Katie from The Hungry Runner

In high school, I was a swimmer. I was active, fit, and healthy, and never had to worry about what I ate. But when I went away to college, I gave up swimming, and soon after, the pounds started packing on. At the time, I thought that I knew how to eat healthily and figured that 30 minutes on the elliptical at the gym a few days every week was plenty of exercise. Yet, I couldn't figure out why, despite my "healthy and active" routine, I wasn't able to lose the Freshman 15 that I had gained.

When I look back at that time now, I see that my two major obstacles were that I didn't know how to work out to lose weight, and despite what I thought, I had no idea what it actually meant to eat healthily. I finally took control after enlisting the help of a personal trainer, and with a whole lot of hard work and dedication, I've slimmed back down to my "swimmer status" and I feel stronger and fitter than ever. I still love to eat, but in a much healthier way than ever before. I've learned that being fit and healthy has to become part of your life. Now, I'm a personal trainer myself and my passion is to help others discover the fun in fitness and the excitement in eating healthily.


My aha! moment came in March 2010, when after walking 1 flight of stairs I was so out of breath and broke out into a sweat. I was 25 at the time and weighed 237 lbs. (5'6"). I knew if I kept living the way I did, it was only going to get worse and I was afraid of dying at an early age as a result of my poor, sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle. I found a nutritionist and enrolled at a new gym that was opening by my job and I have not looked back. I lost 87 lbs. and went from a size 18 to a size 6. I finally feel like I am really living. I am strong, healthy, and fit.

Abby from Back At Square Zero

I decided to take my roommate's dog for a run. Neither of us made it past the mailbox. It was scary - Something I thought I would be able to do was so hard. I knew I was overweight  and unhappy with my body. However, I never realized how out of shape I was until that moment and suddenly I knew I had to do something about it. If I didn't I was sure I would continue to gain weight, stay out of shape, and just get unhealthier. It was time for a change.

That oh crap, time to wake up, moment happened about 5 years ago, but in truth it never really stuck. I would run a few days and then quit for months at a time. Then try to start again and be frustrated because it was so hard. A little over two years ago I started to get more serious about it. However, I really began considering myself a runner on October 1st 2010. That is the day I started half marathon training. I made a promise to myself that I was going to commit to: I was going to become a runner, I was going to finish the race, and I wasn't going to let myself down. Ever since then I haven't stopped. Running is now truly a part of who I am.

Charlene from Running With Charlene

2010. My youngest son challenged my to run a mile, I could not. I vowed to never let that happen again. 7 moths later, I ran my first Half Marathon and have run close to 50 races since then.

Tenecia from Boobs, Barbells, and Broccoli

My "aha" moment came when I saw a picture of myself from a wedding and the woman I saw each time in the mirror was not the woman in the picture!! I was eating & drinking way too much as means of dealing with the loss of a child. Seeing the "real" me was the slap on the forehead I needed to start eating better, moving more, and working to cross a lofty goal (competing in a figure competition) off of my bucket list! You can read more about her moment here.

Talia from Bite Size Wellness

My aha moment that finally kicked me into gear was seeing myself in the screen of a digital camera. There was no "good side" or cute outfit that could hide the fact that I completely let myself go during my college days...and so began my healthy living journey!

Meredith from Dare You To

My "a-ha moment" was the moment I crossed the finish line of my first 5k race. Prior to this year, I loathed running, but had begun running to challenge myself, to get out of my comfort zone. Crushing my goal time for that 5K, I proved to myself that change is possible. I went from the slow girl in gym class who walked half of her "mile" to a regular runner on the road, running three or four miles at a time. If I can do that, what else am I capable of? I learned to never hold myself back or assume that I can't. Change is possible at any age, at any fitness level! Take the plunge and strive for better. I dare you ;)


My aha! moment came after spending a weekend in the Outer Banks for my friend's wedding. When I saw myself in the pictures, I was shocked! I barely recognized the person I saw. How had I let myself gain so much weight? After the jolt, I realized that I had been spending a lot of time in my new home and very little time being active, so I started running. Remembering how unhappy I was when I saw myself in those photos continues to keep me motivated today.

Have you had an aha! moment?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

#TrainingTruths: Workouts & Veggie Burgers

I'm about 4 weeks away from my next big race, Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Providence, RI, and my training, although modified, has been ramping up. Last week I ran four times for a total of 21.42 miles including my longest distance (9.2 miles) since my last half marathon in May. Here are my latest..


#TrainingTruth: Running hills is really a mental game with yourself.

Part of my training for RnR Providence includes getting ready for the hilly course. I'll be honest, I dread hills. What I realized this week, however, is that I can conquer the hills if I just focus on how I'm really feeling. My legs get tired and feel the strain, but really it's my mind that wimps out. Slowing down allows both my legs and mind conquer the hill.

#TrainingTruth: Last minute rest room visits make all the difference.

As I've gotten older, I have noticed that the need to pee intensifies greatly not long after the start of my runs. I have found myself literally running across finish line of a race and not stopping until I reach the port-a-potties. Eyeballs floating is not a fun feeling! I have been making a point to visit a rest room immediately before starting my runs and it has been successful so far.


#TrainingTruth: I accidentally bought some veggie burgers and I like them.

In the summer I'm all about keeping it simple and light, especially since often times I am the only one home for lunch. I picked up some Morning Star Grillers after seeing a commercial that showed how easy it was to heat these pre-cooked burgers. It wasn't until I had my first one that I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they are veggie burgers. They taste good, are low in calories, high in protein and low in fat.

A favorite burger that I like to make is a salmon patty burger.


1 can salmon
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 egg
salt & pepper


In a bowl combine drained salmon with 2 tablespoons of liquid reserved, egg, and bread crumbs. Mix ingredients together. Form into 1/4 patties. Cook in skillet over medium heat in EVOO until browned.

Don't forget to check out other great recipes at the WIAW link up at Peas & Crayons.

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to asses ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!
