Friday, March 14, 2014

How Running Changed Me

Running has definitely transformed my life and I'm so grateful for the ability to continue do something that I love. If you follow Mizuno, then you probably know about their new #IfEverybodyRan campaign. Running is a powerful thing and can have a tremendous positive impact.

As a member of the Mezamashii Run Project, I shared my story with Mizuno.

How running changed me...

You can read more stories like mine on the Mizuno Running website or stay right here and see how running has changed these runners:

Running helped me lose pregnancy weight, and it made me a better mama! - Rachel at www.runningonhappy runningonhappy @rfrutkin

Running helped me really learn the values of discipline and time management. I have a much clearer picture of how what I do today can impact what I can or can't do in a few months - even when "today" is difficult! - @snowcreamNsyrup

Running my first marathon completely changed my life. I never thought I could run a mile let alone 26.2! Now I feel like there is no impossible! - Linda @LKelnock

Running is continuously providing me with new goals to achieve, and when I do, it boosts my self-confidence. - Lisa at

Running taught me how to endure the hard and what really matters. It helps me remember that as a person who tries to always be there for others, I need to be a warrior for myself too. And that sometimes, situations in life suck and even hurt. But no matter what - it can always be worse and being able to head out the door and run is a blessing. - Rachel @turborachel

Running helped me lose and keep off over 100 pounds, helping me rediscover who I was in the process Denise - Twitter @DeniseL321

Running is my zen. It's my time to connect with myself and enjoy some me time. It's also taught me that I am capable of anything I put my mind to and that with enough hard work anything is possible. - Courtney @TriGChronicles

Running has given me confidence to complete any goal I put in front of myself. It has helped me build amazing friendships and made me a stronger woman! - Alyssa

Running has taught me about my strengths, given me confidence, a lot of joy and new friends. But most of all, and what I am so ridiculously thankful for, running is one of the big reasons I now love myself and life! Evelin - Twitter @evelinruns

I started running to lose pregnancy weight and I never stopped. It has helped me believe in myself more and has given me the confidence to keep going and set new goals - Xiomara Twitter: @xiomeeks

Running's given me a freedom that I never knew I had. It's also given me a sense of community. If you're a runner, we're friends! Love it! - Kim @Runkimmierun

Running has introduced me to some of the most amazing women I know (Emily Frye De Sousa). It has developed new friendships & rekindled old. Without my running girlfriends, I would feel empty. We encourage, embrace & support each other - Megan @dzalumni (launching this week)

Running has taught me that I am so much stronger, mentally and physically, that I ever imagined. And that there isn't anything that a good run won't help me get through! ;) - Lesleyanne @BeachyRunner

Running has taught me confidence and made me a stronger person inside and out - Colleen and @livefreeandrun 

Running has taught me that I always have a little more to give, when that be out on the road, in the office or at home. It's taught me not to quit early and it's given me the mental space to let go of "failures" in running or in life - Larissa @LarissaDaltonS

Running has been a motivator, a stress reliever, a confidence builder, an escape, a way to bring playfulness and fun into every day, a constantly changing goal, and a way to show myself that I am capable of doing amazing things ... and so are so many others! - Megan @thelyonsshare

Running has given me ME .. and through this found an "athlete" inside. Every mile is a challenge .. making me stronger than I ever knew I was... - Yvonne

Running provides me with a constant challenge, raising me up one day and putting my ego in check the next. It's something that has shown me a strength and resolve that I didn't know I had inside of me. - Jess from Just Call Me Janks. Twitter/Instagram: @jessjanksa

The girl who always failed the mile run in gym class turned into a marathoner — what a beautiful twist. Running changed me into a healthier, happier person, a person I am proud to be, a person who knows she is able to accomplish so much. - Abby from @backatsquare0

Running has taught me how to set a goal, make a plan, and work to achieve it, and the thrill of exceeding my expectations on race day. Running also has taught me that I can't take short-cuts, that I have to do the grunt work, and that I really am stronger than I think. - Coco from @Got2Run4Me

Running has showed me that I am much stronger mentally and physically than I ever thought. It has made me more confident which has resulted in more success at my job. Running makes me a better mother and a better wife and I am so glad it is now a part of my life. - Meg from @maxfitgirl29 on Twitter. 

Running has shown me how far I can push body mentally and physically. It has allowed me to overcome slight depression without medicating myself. In turn running has made me a better wife, mom, and friend. - Larisa from Twitter/Instagram @0to26point2

Running helped me learn to like myself in a serious time of depression. It taught me that I could do more than I thought I was capable of and it pushed me to do more than I ever imagined I would. - Sarah from @momonempty

Running has taught me that I'm capable of doing more than I ever thought possible. I went from only being able to run 1 mile at a time to running my very first half marathon and I can't wait to see how much farther I can go! - Kristen from @RunAwayWithKK

Running has helped me overcome some really hard obstacles in life. I really started pushing my self in running more after my husband had a mental breakdown and was at the mental institution for a week. I had to be strong for him and for my three kids. I decided then and there what happened in life wouldn't dictate who I was - Michelle from

Running gave me back my health after living a life of autoimmune issues. It has given me a passion to help others feel better and live a new mantra "Life is too short not to feel great" everyday! - Phyliss from @phyllis4fitness

Running has made me a better me and deepened my spirituality. It has given me the means to see that greatness is always possible if you work hard - Erica from

Running helped me lose 50 pounds after quitting smoking (I smoked for 20 years). It is something that I am able to do legally blind and tt keeps me focused and on track ever since. - Heather Tuck from @flfitnessmom 

Running made me realize that I could do a lot of things that I never thought were possible for me. It gave me confidence in myself that I never had before! - Jane from @janieliz19

Running has shown me possibilities. The possibility to dream and achieve a goal, and also the possible to run away sometimes (Don't we all want to at times?!). It has taught me not to fear the start. Many a times I've told myself in running that the first step (and second) is the hardest. So it is with life. - Smitha from @fauxrunner

How has running changed YOU? Which runner's story do you relate to most?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WIAW: Getting Irish

As an English teacher by day, I love themes. It's no surprise that I would apply them to other aspects of my life including my fitness. For St. Patrick's Day I thought I'd look for ways to bring some Irish into my diet and workoutsI am not Irish by blood, so I started my food and fitness research on the internet - (full disclosure I asked mrC first, but he was not helpful). 

Honestly, I found A LOT of Irish food that I would never eat or won't eat now that I'm GF: Brussel sprouts, corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, lamb stew, shepherd's pie...did I mention that I'm a picky eater?

In the end, I think I'll stick to just having something spinach in my smoothie!

Mixed berry, spinach, yogurt, almond milk, and protein smoothie

Putting together an Irish workout was much easier. For this one, I thought I would focus on leg strength since that is where I am right now.

Each exercise can be done as an interval. I chose 30 seconds on for each with 5 seconds rest and repeated 3 times.

What is your favorite way to "be" Irish with food or fitness?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Training Truths: Marching toward 100

For the first week of March, I kept my focus on taking care of my knee and enjoyed racking up some miles for the #FFMarchMiles challenge with short 30 minute runs and working walks. I am motivated by challenges and data, but I am hoping to NOT over-do it just to hit 100 miles in March. I know I can't do it with running only, so I'm hoping the walking will keep me level-headed. I'm the type of runner that will keep going to hit the full mile mark and not end up with a .95 run!

On Wednesday, +Mizuno Running  launched their new #IfEverybodyRan campaign asking the question, What would happen if everybody ran?  Since I run because it makes me happy (see photo evidence in this post), it's no surprise that this is my favorite stat:

Monday - ran 3.1 miles on TM

Tuesday - walked 2 miles on TM

Wednesday - After having issues with my Nike Sportwatch on Monday and again on Wednesday, I ran 3.4 miles on the TM. I might have taken out my Nike Sportwatch frustrations on my pace.

FitSnap app!

Thursday - REST

Friday - REST

Saturday - ran 3.1 miles with mrC outside because IT. WAS. GORGEOUS! (And, after phone calls and Tweets with +Nike my Sportwatch is back in action. Great customer service!)

Sunday - walked 3.1 miles on the TM and blogged thanks to my handy-dandy treadmill desk (19.83 #FFMarchMiles total)

I also had fun with the first week of the ZOOMA #ZOOMAphotoaday challenge. My favorite day was #8, shadow. I love my retired running buddy always following me around when I put on my running shoes, but I absolutely LOVED the sunny weather more!

What kind of runner are you? What do you think would happen if everybody ran?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Half at the Hamptons 2014

I love half marathons. And to be honest, I want my family to love half marathons, too. When mrC agrees to run them with me, I'm happy. After my oldest step daughter ran her first half marathon last November, she was eager to run another so I cheerfully signed us up for Half at the Hamptons, my third race in the #14in2014 challenge.

I ran this race in 2012 and loved it. The course is flat and a large portion has scenic ocean views.

This was supposed to be my comeback race. When I signed up, I was rebuilding my mileage after battling a hamstring issue that had lasted months longer than I ever imagined. I picked this race because I had time to train and the course would be leg friendly, aka flat.

What I didn't count on was that my hamstring issue would persist and manifest into a tight ITB and then a cranky knee!

Despite my pitiful training, I managed to get myself to the starting line. I knew there was a possibility that I might see my first DNF and I was ok with that. My step daughter and I made a plan to walk for 1 minute every two miles and hopefully we would make it. Her busy college schedule resulted in less-than-stellar training also.

It wasn't sunny, but the wacky New England weather did cooperate. The rain held off and we had 40+ degrees with just light winds.

The first 4 miles seemed to fly by. It helped that we ran past our cheer section twice. The crowd support along the boardwalk was amazing. By far the loudest and most enthusiastic was the Stonyfield van.

After walking at mile 4, we were feeling pretty good, so we decided to walk every third mile. I grabbed water from the stations along the way to rinse out my mouth. Sometime around mile 6 my stomach started growling so I accepted some GU to supplement the Cytomax I brought in my Simple Hydration bottle.

I was still smiling at mile 10, but my legs were starting to tighten up. My longest training run had been a 10 miler three weeks earlier.

Just after passing mile 11, I needed to walk and stretch my tightening legs. My step daughter was anxious to get to the finish, so I urged her to keep going. It was a long final two miles to the finish, and even seeing mrC at mile 13 couldn't energize my legs. The last three weeks of non-running to care for my cranky knee caught up to me.

I was so happy to make it to the finish line so I could stop running. It wasn't the finish I had planned on when I signed up, but I did finish and I'm happy with that.

Finish time: 2:20:29

I'm glad I ran Half at the Hamptons again. There are lots of reasons to like this race besides the easy course and great views.

  • Several (5 total) water stops with Gatorade and GU 
  • Friendly volunteers along the course & cheerful spectators
  • Tons of bathrooms available at the bath houses along the course and at bib pickup
  • Plenty of free parking (more if there aren't 12 foot snow banks!)
  • Runners get a simple long sleeve race tee - it's cozy and perfect for lounging around
  • The race medal - I love the seashell shape
  • FREE race pictures courtesy of Delta Dental

Have you ever had a "bad" race, but felt happy about it anyway?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Ways To Fit in Fitness

Life can be crazy busy. Some days it really feels like I don't get a break until I go to bed.

Here's a typical day for me:

5:30 - 7:05  Wake up. Shower. Feed the dog. Unload the dishwasher. Grab a cup of coffee, make something for breakfast, listen to the news, while Facebook and blog reading. Pack my lunch and make a smoothie to go.

7:30 - 2:41  Teach all day.

2:45 - 3:45  Meeting after school.

4:15  Get the mail. Unload my bags and check dinner ingredients.

4:30 - 5:00  Change clothes and go for a 3 mile run.

5:00 - 6:30  Prep, cook, and eat dinner with the girls. I made this yummy Mini Mexican Meatloaves recipe inspired by a post from Allison at Life's A Bowl. It was so easy and so delicious! I find lots of great recipes at the WIAW linkup.

Mini Mexican Meatloaves

6:30 - 7:45  Let the kids clean up while I shower and blow dry my hair.

8:00  Finally unwind and watch a little TV before going to bed.

It can be hard to find time to workout, but I know I will be healthier and happier if I do. Here are some tips that I try to follow that make finding time to exercise on busy days easier.

1. Make a plan: Schedule your workouts like you would your dental or doctor appointments. This makes it a priority and one you will be less likely to skip.

2. Active media time: You don't have to give up your TV time to workout. Watch your favorite shows or movies while you are running or walking on the treadmill. Build your own treadmill desk and work while you walk. Move the coffee table and do some squats or sit-ups during commercials.

3. Exercise at work: Squeeze in a quick workout on your lunch break, sit on a balance ball to work your core, take the stairs...There are tons of ways to

4. Wake up earlier: Set your alarm to wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal. It might not be the easiest option, but it beats NOT getting in your workout.

5. Go on a fitness date: You know what they say, couples who sweat together… Instead of dinner and a movie, take a hike and have a picnic, go to the beach and play sand volleyball, or take a bike ride around town and stop for lunch.

How do you fit in fitness?
