Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Feast Day and Peng Chau Island

My morning workout today focused on lower body strength with some mountain climber sprinting (my modification) at the end.

I followed up with my plank challenge: 5 sets of 20 second holds in reverse table top. Oh my hamstrings could really feel this. 

After a quick shower and some breakfast, I headed to Hong Kong with some girlfriends. 

Peng Chau Island: after getting to Hong Kong, we took the ferry from central pier number 6. It was about a 30 minute ride to the island.

We arrived smack dab in the middle of the island, which is home to only 6000 residents and measures less than one square meter.

There are walkways along the outer edge of the island. The Heritage Trail will lead to several historical sites.

The main drag, Wing On Street, located though the center of island is lined with shops and fresh markets, teahouses and seafood restaurants serving up seafood.

We visited Tin Hau Temple in the center of the island.

We made our way to the main beach, Tung Wan, and discovered that Hong Kong's effort to clean it up is lagging (although we did see three women raking the garbage debris into piles). This spot has so much potential, but I definitely wouldn't recommend taking a swim here.

Off one end of the beach was a great little rest area. We found it to be perfect for having our lunch.

Then, to work off our meal, we made our way over to climb Finger Hill. Known for its panoramic views of the Hong Kong islands and island vistas, the highest point on the island is also in need of some TLC. Most of the view is currently blocked by overgrown trees and shrubs.

What I ate on feast day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham and pb&j rice cake

Lunch: turkey slices, sweet potato chips, apple

Dinner: banana pancakes. yes, all the goodness again!

Dessert: strawberries 

Macros: not a very good feast day. I did not eat all my calories or hit the carbs goal. Hopefully I won't pay for it tomorrow while fasting.

Happy Hump Day!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sprinting Works and I Don't Need No Stinkin' Carbs

Sometimes I still do get all fancy pants.

Today I attended the SWIC (Shenzhen Women's International Club) Farewell Lunch. This was the first big event I attended a year ago when we had just arrived in China. Since then I've made some really good friends from this group. Today we said farewell to many members, enjoyed a terrific lunch, listened to an amazing performance by Akia Knowles, and received beautiful parting gifts. I also received a very thoughtful thank you gift for helping organize the run group.

The lunch pushed my workout to the afternoon. So I took my 15 sprints to the fitness center and ate them up. I honestly think they're getting easier...or am I getting stronger? Either way, they are working on my body. I feel AMAZING and my clothes are feeling more comfy again.

Oh, and the plank challenge move of the day: sliding knee tucks. Looking for a new variation that you can REALLY feel? Do this. My abs, my quads. Oh my.

Today's eats for LOW CARB DAY

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with ham, coffee

Lunch: baked salmon and steamed veggies, water

Dinner: leftover bbq chicken, green beans, salad, and Coke Zero 

Macros: I don't need no stinkin' carbs! 25 net carbs today and I feel more fulfilled than I did yesterday. There's seriously something to this carb cycling program.

When was the last time you got dressed up (not for work)?

What was the last thing that made you feel STRONG?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Full Body Workouts, a Hike, the Pool and Regular Calorie Day

I used to love getting my full body workout at TI Fitness in Manchester, NH. Whether it was SurfSet or Bootcamp, I was working every single muscle group on my body. It was awesome.

Now that I'm far, far away from my favorite fitness studio, I've come to appreciate a good video workout. I've tried a million many, but here are a few of my go-tos:

I'm also really loving the Full Body Workout dvd that I received as part of the carb cycling program. The format of switching between cardio and strength reminds me of Bootcamp. That format kicks my butt. See?

Before heading out to hike, I got in one final stretch from my plank challenge.

The weather was pretty much perfect for mountain Monday: cool and dry. I love when I can practically see our apartment building and all the way to Hong Kong.

The best reward for making it to the top of Nanshan is some time poolside. My Hilton Fitness membership expiration is coming up and unless we can find another couple to join as a group (better price per person), I will be pool-less in Shekou. 

What I ate on regular calorie day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham, pb&j rice cake, coffee

Lunch: banana protein pancakes (same recipe as here plus 1 scoop vanilla protein), grapes, water

Dinner: leftover Italian chicken, green beans, salad, Coke Zero

Macros: not happy with my carbs. I need to work on getting to that 50%.

Do you like workout videos?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

My Tips for a Successful Fast Day

Fasting is a healthy activity. The benefits of a successful fasting experience include cleansing and restoring your body, weight loss, hunger awareness, and control over your eating.

Some people struggle to get through a 24 hour fast. Feelings of fatigue, crankiness, and let's be honest, hunger, often derail the attempt.

this is to mrC

Fasting takes willpower, but a few tips like these help me make it through.

I drink lots and lots of water. The more water I drink, the fuller I feel, and then I don't feel hungry. At least not dying hungry. 

I like to take a walk or do some other light activity when I would normally be eating. This morning I did my daily plank work and then took a walk. I took another walk around lunchtime.

When I start feeling hunger rumblings, I try to keep my mind busy. Personally I like to binge watch Netflix, but reading a good book is another good option. 

Breaking fast: shrimp spring rolls, bbq chicken breast, green beans, handful of peanuts
I didn't need the spring rolls, but they sounded so good and are not the worst thing for me to splurge on after a fast. Right? And the peanuts? I have a crunchy addiction.

Macros: Not horrible, but could have more carbs. Maybe I'll eat a couple of grapes, hehe.

How do you feel after a long fast (intentional or not)?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

3 Ways I Get Motivated in the AM and Feasting

I know it's not always easy to get up early for a workout. When I was working, Saturdays were reserved for those since my weekday workouts were after school.

To help make sure I got myself out the door, I developed a couple tricks to increase my odds of staying motivated.

I pack my gym bag the night before so that no matter how slow I'm moving in the morning, at least that part is ready to go out the door on time.

As soon as I get out of bed, I put on my workout clothes. Even though I might just be enjoying a cup of coffee, I feel ready to go. Eventually.

My favorite way to stay motivated in the morning is to read inspiring blog, Instagram, and Facebook posts. Nothing like seeing what you have been up to all day while I was sleeping in China to get me in the workout mood.

The workout for today was total body strength. The arm exercises are seriously killer for me (except maybe triceps dips) and with a bum knee, I have to modify some of the leg exercises. But I get it done and it feels good.

After breakfast mrC and I rode bikes to do some errands. I got a mani and pedi while he went to the bank. Then we rode to Charlie's, an international grocery here in Shekou, where I scored big. The best find was some granola (you'll see when you check out my lunch), but we got a bunch of goodies there.

What I ate on FEAST day

First, let me say that this was my best food feast day so far. It makes a big difference to feast at home.

Breakfast: banana pancakes, grapes, and coffee
I researched lots of recipes, pulled a little from one and a little from another, and crossed my fingers. They were really, really good. I can't wait until the next feast day to have them again.


1 mashed banana (I did not mind having some lumps)
2 whisked eggs
1/8 tsp baking powder
1/4 vanilla

Combine all ingredients.  The mix is very liquidity. I used approximately 2 tbsp scoops to make smaller pancakes. It was pretty easy to flip them this way. They cooked just like regular pancakes, about 1 minute per side.

The next time I might add some protein powder and see how they taste.

Lunch: leftover quinoa pizza bake and smoothie bowl
I've been thinking about this bowl ever since our weekend in NH with the girls. I just made my regular smoothie then added the toppings. Yum!

Dinner: gluten free spaghetti and meatballs, salad, water
mrC makes really good pasta. I wanted to be hungrier so I could eat more, but by this time I had nearly eaten my daily calories.

Macros: It was the most carbs consumed on feast day and I went over my calories, but not by 50% as is the goal.

It's crazy to think that just a couple of weeks ago, this was my normal day. Everyday. No wonder I wasn't seeing any changes even though I was working out everyday. Learning how to fuel my body has been nothing but positive, except of course, trying to be dairy free :)

How do you get moving for a morning workout?
