Showing posts with label #TeamEscapades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TeamEscapades. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Three Things: Fun & New

Today I have some fun and new things on my mind.

It's almost time to announce the winner of the Chilly Challenge. All miles must be logged by midnight EST tonight to count for Team Escapades. Check back tomorrow to see which team won!

My friends at ZOOMA have launched a Personal Best Program. The program challenges runners or walkers to complete a distance best or set a personal record. If they achieve their goal, athletes will receive a special “PR” medal at the finish line party, offering the opportunity for extra bragging rights.

There's a brand new race happening in one of my favorite places. The Newport Ten Miler has a fantastic course lined up that takes runners down scenic Ocean Drive, past beautiful mansions, and through the gates of Fort Adams. Best registration price ends today! 

What fun things are you thinking about?

Friday, January 4, 2013

First Run 10K 2013

Once again, my running partner Daisy and I made plans to kick off another year of running by signing up for the First Run 10K in Lowell, MA. We ran this race last year and I started the year with a shiny new medal and 10K PR.  

It was also a great way to ensure that we racked up some Chilly Challenge miles for Team Escapades. We weren't the only ones to have that in mind. While waiting for the start of the race, we ran into several people planning to log miles for our team including Bill (who I might have guilted into joining) and Dani and some members from that other team. Just kidding, it is always fun to see what Janine will be wearing!

At the last minute, my husband decided to join us and run the 5K. He's planning to re-start his own running adventure and begin training for his next half marathon. I really love having a fit-husband.

More than 1600 people participated in the 5K/10K combination race this year. The unchanged course was a neighborhood loop that started and finished at the local Elks Lodge where pre and post race amenities were held. During the first loop it was very crowded, but since they offered pace corrals the glob of runners surrounding us moved at a pace I was comfortable with. From the 5K split to the finish it was much easier running, if you could ignore the occasional bitter cold head winds. 

One of the fun parts of this race is the crowd support including my husband right at the finish ready to get the best shot! And there's my Simple Hydration water bottle in action, too. That little gem let's me cruise right through the water stops and without the aggravation of carrying it in my hand.

Katherine also surprised us by signing up for the race last minute and despite arriving last minute (barely getting her bib on when the race started), she took her speedy self right past me to the finish. I think it is because she joined the Mizuno club...check out our #brilliantrun gear.  

Spending the first half of New Year's Day running with my husband and friends is nothing less than awesome. Even though this race seems to have outgrown it's facility, the course, the volunteers, and the community make it a fun one to do. So despite only finding some granola cereal and Emergen-C packs, I was very happy to discover that I tied my 10K PR at 56:23!

How did you start your new year?

How do you feel about poor post race experiences?

Want to know more about how to join Team Escapades in the Chilly Challenge? Check out all the details here or skip right to the sign-up part and be sure to choose #TeamEscapades! Already a member? Don't forget to follow #ChillyChallenge on Twitter and join the Facebook group.

Monday, December 31, 2012

TrainingTruths: It's All Fun

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I hope you are looking forward to starting 2013 as much as I am. It's not too late to join Team Escapades in the Chilly ChallengeCheck out all the details here or skip right to the sign-up part and be sure to choose #TeamEscapades! Then go invite all your friends: more people = more miles! We have members ready to log miles in Missouri, Minnesota, Ohio, Georgia and Virginia!

Last week was all about holidays, winter weather, and fun. As the year winds to a close, I am happy to say that running IS still fun. I've had some ups and downs with different injuries, but fortunately I have been able to keep running through each of them.  

#TrainingTruth: Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running!

Monday: Since it was Christmas Eve, I decided to wear my Santa hat when I met up with Daisy for our morning run. It was a beautiful day and I thoroughly enjoyed every single beep of the horn, thumbs up, and wave that I received from passing drivers.

Thursday: With a Nor'easter dumping a bunch of snow causing a postponement of the girls' run and the hubs asking me to stay inside, I took my running to the treadmill and logged 6.2 miles. I'm starting 2013 with a New Year's Day 10K (just like last year), so I thought, why not? Afterwards, I kind of liked the juxtaposition of me in a sweaty tank while the outside world was swallowed in cold and snow.

Saturday: I had a fun run with the girls through the cold, snowy streets of downtown Manchester. We warmed up afterwards by the fire with some coffee, fresh fruit smoothies, and a lot of girl talk. Perfect Saturday morning!

What kind of fun workouts did you have last week?

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to assess ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!
