There are so many good, I mean really good, challenges out there this month. I have been known to take on more than one at a time, but May is looking like a record setting month.
Most of the challenges I follow require Instagram, Twitter, or Challenge Loop participation in some way to be entered to win the prizes. That part is appealing to me because I like the feeling of teamwork and the motivation I get from seeing others. However, you can also do the challenges without posting a thing!
Here's what I'm doing:
#ZOOMAphotoaday by ZOOMA Race Series - This challenge is for fun, but every week you have the chance to win a Fastdraw 20 Handheld water bottle from ZOOMA race sponsor Ultimate Hydration.
#MakeFitHappen by Fitness Magazine - Another fun photo-a-day challenge with a definite fitness focus and the chance to win a daily prize. Fitness Magazine is also hosting a Pinterest version of this challenge and the grand prize is a Willow 3 Beach Cruiser from Brooklyn Bicycle Co!
#SweatADay by Under Armour - Shauna Harrison leads you through the daily moves via Instagram. I've participated in this monthly challenge in the past and loved it. I learned new exercises and felt stronger every day. A couple of things make this challenge fun: the weekly shout outs and a chance to win an awesome UA swag bag.
#FFYoga by FitFluential & MPG - As a runner who has faced many injuries lately, this challenge is just what I need to limber up. Two winners will be outfitted in MPG Mondetta Performance Gear.
#SweatPinkYoga - by Fit Approach - Another fit and fun challenge (without a monthly calendar) and a chance to win a Sweat Pink yoga mat. Daily challenges are posted to Instagram.
May is shaping up to be an a-MAY-zing month of challenges. I apologize now for the flood of photos I will be posting! Hopefully I can keep up, especially since I will be running the Ragnar Cape Cod relay next week. I wonder how many van-mates I can get involved?
Do you like 30 day challenges? Which one(s) are you doing?
Showing posts with label 30DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30DC. Show all posts
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Monday, August 12, 2013
Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 5
I have really been liking my summer running schedule of 4 days per week. In preparation for my September half marathon, I have been running 5 mile routes 3x per week and then following my long run plan on either Saturday or Sunday. The bad news is that my left hamstring has started bothering me, so I did a couple of walking workouts using the new laptop board my husband made for me and took some extra rest days.
Wanting and needing a change of scenery, on Monday I drove into town and ran 5 miles along the river. The weather was cool and the route was semi-peaceful - just a little morning traffic and one barking black lab protecting his domain.
Spoiled by my bike trail run in Ohio, on Wednesday I recruited mr. C for an adventure. We drove 25 minutes to Peterborough to check out the bike path I heard about from my Daily Mile friend Colleen. It was a mix of paved path-sidewalk-neighborhood road. We loved it. We parked on the south side and ran north through Depot Square where we found a quaint collection of shops and cafes.
I developed a pain in my left hip- turned out to be a tight inner hamstring muscle - that went from nagging to almost making me limp, so on Thursday I went for an easy walk of 4.15 miles on the treadmill and used my brand new laptop board. I told mr. C that I wished I could multitask during my walking workouts and voila! He's the greatest.
My 5 mile run on Friday became a another rest day to give my tender hamstring more rest time before Sunday's long run. I still completed my daily exercises for the #AugustCoreFocus and #SweatADay challenges I am doing this month. I also iced, rolled, and compressed in my Aspaeris pivot shorts.
Feeling in good shape, Sunday we went back to the Peterborough Trail to do my scheduled 9 miles. This trail is a gold mine for runners who like paved paths, peace from traffic, and shade. I made a point to stop to stretch my crabby hamstring a few times during the run, but overall it was a good run.
Wanting and needing a change of scenery, on Monday I drove into town and ran 5 miles along the river. The weather was cool and the route was semi-peaceful - just a little morning traffic and one barking black lab protecting his domain.
Spoiled by my bike trail run in Ohio, on Wednesday I recruited mr. C for an adventure. We drove 25 minutes to Peterborough to check out the bike path I heard about from my Daily Mile friend Colleen. It was a mix of paved path-sidewalk-neighborhood road. We loved it. We parked on the south side and ran north through Depot Square where we found a quaint collection of shops and cafes.
I developed a pain in my left hip- turned out to be a tight inner hamstring muscle - that went from nagging to almost making me limp, so on Thursday I went for an easy walk of 4.15 miles on the treadmill and used my brand new laptop board. I told mr. C that I wished I could multitask during my walking workouts and voila! He's the greatest.
My 5 mile run on Friday became a another rest day to give my tender hamstring more rest time before Sunday's long run. I still completed my daily exercises for the #AugustCoreFocus and #SweatADay challenges I am doing this month. I also iced, rolled, and compressed in my Aspaeris pivot shorts.
Feeling in good shape, Sunday we went back to the Peterborough Trail to do my scheduled 9 miles. This trail is a gold mine for runners who like paved paths, peace from traffic, and shade. I made a point to stop to stretch my crabby hamstring a few times during the run, but overall it was a good run.
Heading into next week, I know I need to take it easy or this hamstring issue could get worse. I'm thinking I might return to a three day running week again and cross my fingers.
How do you deal with injury?
Monday, August 5, 2013
Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 4
Coming back from vacation a couple of weeks ago, I felt relaxed, refreshed, and reenergized. This made it easier to unpacked my suitcase and get back on track with my half marathon training last week.
On Tuesday I went out for my regular 5 mile out and back. Normally I turn around at what looks like a Floating House, but instead I took a left and turned the route into a loop. It shorted me about a half mile, but it was fun to check out a new part of the neighborhood. The first half of the run was on the road while the second half was more dirt road or trail like.
Since Wednesday was the last day of July, I couldn't resist adding some more miles to my monthly total. Even though it was a really nice day, I didn't want to deal with cars, bugs, or heat so I jumped on the treadmill and ran an easy 6 miles. This was my longest run in the Wave Sayonaras and my legs seemed ok with that distance. Then I went out later to run another mile just to bring my monthly total to 80. I blame the Sweaty Challenge!
Thursday morning was one of those kind that runners love in the summer: cool with low humidity. So even though I was planning a rest day, I laced up my "other" pink Mizunos, the Wave Rider 15 Limited Editions, and ran a 5K to the beach and back.
Thursday was also the first day of the August challenges I signed up to do. The August Core Focus is hosted by Kat from Sneakers and Fingerpaints and will help participants build core stability. The #SWEATADAY Instagram Challenge by Under Armour encourages women to kick it into high gear every day.
Saturday morning's weather continued to be cool and perfect for the long run. After contemplating driving somewhere to run my scheduled 8.5 miles, I faced the truth that I was really trying to get out of running HILLS and let's face it, there are hills everywhere in NH. So, I ran local starting at my driveway.
At the end of my fourth week of ZOOMA training I'm feeling good with the way things are going. I've had a few minor aches and pains, but I have been treating myself to some good old fashion foam rolling, stretching, and strength training.
How are you doing?
On Tuesday I went out for my regular 5 mile out and back. Normally I turn around at what looks like a Floating House, but instead I took a left and turned the route into a loop. It shorted me about a half mile, but it was fun to check out a new part of the neighborhood. The first half of the run was on the road while the second half was more dirt road or trail like.
Since Wednesday was the last day of July, I couldn't resist adding some more miles to my monthly total. Even though it was a really nice day, I didn't want to deal with cars, bugs, or heat so I jumped on the treadmill and ran an easy 6 miles. This was my longest run in the Wave Sayonaras and my legs seemed ok with that distance. Then I went out later to run another mile just to bring my monthly total to 80. I blame the Sweaty Challenge!
Thursday morning was one of those kind that runners love in the summer: cool with low humidity. So even though I was planning a rest day, I laced up my "other" pink Mizunos, the Wave Rider 15 Limited Editions, and ran a 5K to the beach and back.
Thursday was also the first day of the August challenges I signed up to do. The August Core Focus is hosted by Kat from Sneakers and Fingerpaints and will help participants build core stability. The #SWEATADAY Instagram Challenge by Under Armour encourages women to kick it into high gear every day.
Saturday morning's weather continued to be cool and perfect for the long run. After contemplating driving somewhere to run my scheduled 8.5 miles, I faced the truth that I was really trying to get out of running HILLS and let's face it, there are hills everywhere in NH. So, I ran local starting at my driveway.
At the end of my fourth week of ZOOMA training I'm feeling good with the way things are going. I've had a few minor aches and pains, but I have been treating myself to some good old fashion foam rolling, stretching, and strength training.
How are you doing?
Monday, January 7, 2013
TrainingTruths: Fun Challenges
Last week my training coincided with the kick off of a couple of fun monthly challenges. Challenges are fun because you can find motivation, sometimes win prizes, but most importantly improve your overall fitness.
This month I am hosting the Chilly Challenge with Janine from The Purple Giraffe and I want my team to win the prizes. I logged my first miles for Team Escapades with a 10K race on Tuesday.
Shrinking Jeans has me motivated again with Fab Abs January. This 30 day challenge is meant to supplement your current fitness routine (like running) and build your strength by progressing each day. I did a couple last year with positive benefits to my running and overall fitness, so when I saw this one I had to do it.
With temperatures at a feels like 8 degrees, I took my Thursday run indoors where I could wear my favorite Oiselle shorts. After logging another 10K on the treadmill, I cooled off in front of the fan - which just feels weird when it's so cold outside.
Temperatures warmed up to 29 degrees on Saturday, so it was time to head back outside. I layered up in my favorite Nike thermal top with built in mittens and mixed up some Cytomax to put in my Simple bottle. For the first three miles around the frozen lake I felt like I was overdressed, but the higher elevation and winds kept me cooler on the second half.
Last month I mentioned that I was learning how to use my Polar HRM. Mid-morning Sunday, I drank half a serving of FRS and then fired up the treadmill for a 30 minute walking workout determined to get in one day of cross training for the week. I listened to Grrl Power Vol. 2 from RockMyRun and watched the end of Legally Blond while treading out 1.77 miles.
Want to know more about how to join Team Escapades in the Chilly Challenge? Check out all the details here or skip right to the sign-up part and be sure to choose #TeamEscapades! Already a member? Don't forget to follow #ChillyChallenge on Twitter and join the Facebook group.
#TrainingTruth - If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you
With temperatures at a feels like 8 degrees, I took my Thursday run indoors where I could wear my favorite Oiselle shorts. After logging another 10K on the treadmill, I cooled off in front of the fan - which just feels weird when it's so cold outside.
Temperatures warmed up to 29 degrees on Saturday, so it was time to head back outside. I layered up in my favorite Nike thermal top with built in mittens and mixed up some Cytomax to put in my Simple bottle. For the first three miles around the frozen lake I felt like I was overdressed, but the higher elevation and winds kept me cooler on the second half.
Last month I mentioned that I was learning how to use my Polar HRM. Mid-morning Sunday, I drank half a serving of FRS and then fired up the treadmill for a 30 minute walking workout determined to get in one day of cross training for the week. I listened to Grrl Power Vol. 2 from RockMyRun and watched the end of Legally Blond while treading out 1.77 miles.
How was your first week of 2013?
Want to know more about how to join Team Escapades in the Chilly Challenge? Check out all the details here or skip right to the sign-up part and be sure to choose #TeamEscapades! Already a member? Don't forget to follow #ChillyChallenge on Twitter and join the Facebook group.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Building a 30 Day Challenge
Do you like 30 day challenges?
My tips for how to build your own 30 day challenge are over on the FitFluential Blog.
My tips for how to build your own 30 day challenge are over on the FitFluential Blog.
Go check it out and tell me what you think!
Enthusiasts: Are you passionate about fitness and would like to be in-the-know about great fitness opportunities?
Bloggers: Do you blog about fitness and want to spread your inspiration to even more people?
Enthusiasts: Are you passionate about fitness and would like to be in-the-know about great fitness opportunities?
Bloggers: Do you blog about fitness and want to spread your inspiration to even more people?
Join the FitFluential family.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
#TrainingTruths: Workouts and Yogurt
June 13 - If I'm going to become a better runner, I have to take time to think about what I'm actually doing. Obviously I'm running, but what else is going on that might help or hinder my training?
In an effort to be more conscientious about my fitness choices I'm starting a weekly post in which I will share...well, my training truths. Mainly I'll be focusing on my workouts and food, but really any topic is fair game. The point is to be honest and maybe learn something.
#TrainingTruth: Sometimes I run when I shouldn't because I'm so caught up in meeting the weekly mileage.
Two weeks ago I officially started following another Nike+ training program as I get ready for half marathon #5. Even though I have been running regularly since last August, I still like the structure and guidance of a plan.
This plan suggests three runs each week. Week 1 of the program I missed a day because of a work event so I didn't reach my weekly mileage. Week 2 was better and I even ran an extra day trying to catch up a little. This is a good way to get an injury.
#TrainingTruth: I am consistent with strength training in small portions.
I've been working on strengthening my core. I love these weekly workouts and wrote about them here. When I faithfully followed these 30 day challenges in the past, my running felt better, easier. Last month I tried to do more than one challenge and that was a big fail. Lesson learned. Don't over do it!
#TrainingTruth: I need yogurt to counter the side effects of the junk food I like to eat.
I have always been a picky eater with stomach issues on top of the fact that I devour all things salty and by definition "junk." I tried Activia because Jamie Lee Curtis said that in two weeks I would feel awesome. I don't know how it works; I can only attest that it does...for me. Running is much easier when you don't have to worry about stomach issues. My favorite flavor is Raspberry...
Want to know what others are eating? Go here.
What have you learned about yourself this week?
#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to asses ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary. If you feel like sharing your #TrainingTruths, tag a Twitter post with the hashtag, comment on Facebook, or leave a link to your post in the comments below.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Strength Training: 30 Day Challenges
May 1 - The past couple of months I have been adding strength training to my exercise routine. I have been using some of my own and daily workout challenges that I found on Pinterest.
The first one I found was FAB AB FEBRUARY:
Then in March I found MAD ABS MARCH:
Last month it was AWESOME ABS APRIL:
This month it will be MAD MUSCLE MAY:
I'm still on the hunt for a daily workout calendar for abs, so let me know if you have seen one!
**Update!! Found it...MUSCLE MANIA MAY:
I love these daily workouts because they are quick and get progressively more challenging each day. The simplicity of three focus exercises makes them doable for someone like me who doesn't particularly like strength training. I do them because of the benefits: strength training helps you burn more calories, run more efficiently, and prevent injuries.
What is your favorite strength training exercise?
Are you starting anything new this month?
Are you starting anything new this month?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
My 30 Day Challenge
January 24 - A few weeks ago, I was reading a post by Kristy and learned about a challenge that would help me improve my running.
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This seemed easy enough. So I vowed to do it.
Then I saw a great video by Patrick Goudeau, a Nike Elite Fitness Trainer, that promised to boost metabolism and keep me in my skinny jeans. Another pledge.
Around the same time Fitness online sent me an email with a promise for
Sensational Legs in Only 3 Moves. One more oath.
I decided to combine all three of these short and simple exercises into my own 30 Day Challenge. Each exercise takes only a few minutes to do and can add maximum benefits to my running through form, strength, and toning.
And because I want legs like these:
Creating this personal challenge appeals to me because I'm the type of person who needs variety. My runs are never the same. Different distance. Different route. Different days.
I also need direction. Focus. A goal.
My 30DC gives me a perfect combination of everything I need. At the end of thirty days, I can create a whole new challenge. Beautiful.
Have you ever joined a 30 day challenge or made your own?
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