Monday, August 12, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 5

I have really been liking my summer running schedule of 4 days per week. In preparation for my September half marathon, I have been running 5 mile routes 3x per week and then following my long run plan on either Saturday or Sunday. The bad news is that my left hamstring has started bothering me, so I did a couple of walking workouts using the new laptop board my husband made for me and took some extra rest days.

Wanting and needing a change of scenery, on Monday I drove into town and ran 5 miles along the river. The weather was cool and the route was semi-peaceful - just a little morning traffic and one barking black lab protecting his domain.

Spoiled by my bike trail run in Ohio, on Wednesday I recruited mr. C for an adventure. We drove 25 minutes to Peterborough to check out the bike path I heard about from my Daily Mile friend Colleen. It was a mix of paved path-sidewalk-neighborhood road. We loved it. We parked on the south side and ran north through Depot Square where we found a quaint collection of shops and cafes.

I developed a pain in my left hip- turned out to be a tight inner hamstring muscle - that went from nagging to almost making me limp, so on Thursday I went for an easy walk of 4.15 miles on the treadmill and used my brand new laptop board. I told mr. C that I wished I could multitask during my walking workouts and voila! He's the greatest.

My 5 mile run on Friday became a another rest day to give my tender hamstring more rest time before Sunday's long run. I still completed my daily exercises for the #AugustCoreFocus and #SweatADay challenges I am doing this month. I also iced, rolled, and compressed in my Aspaeris pivot shorts.

Feeling in good shape, Sunday we went back to the Peterborough Trail to do my scheduled 9 miles. This trail is a gold mine for runners who like paved paths, peace from traffic, and shade. I made a point to stop to stretch my crabby hamstring a few times during the run, but overall it was a good run.

Heading into next week, I know I need to take it easy or this hamstring issue could get worse. I'm thinking I might return to a three day running week again and cross my fingers.

How do you deal with injury?


  1. Your post sounds a bit similar to mine this week! I'm sorry to hear your hamstring is unhappy!
    I was having some ankle tenderness this week that I could really feel when running. I skipped a 5 mile run and cross trained instead. I also broke up the second 5 miler into two runs 3:2. The extra day of rest and breaking the miles up seemed to help and I was able to get through my long run no problem yesterday.
    Hope your feeling better soon!
    Karen @karenlovestorun

  2. You're doing so great Amy! Thanks for being a trooper with the #AugustCoreFocus challenge and your training overall!!

  3. Amy sorry that your hip's giving you trouble - I'm still trying to get mine to cooperate too! An extra rest day this week might be a good bet. Good luck with it!

  4. Sorry about the hamstring :( Keep icing, rolling and do other things that don't hurt. Work on glute strength too. I had good luck with ART for my hamstring. Also do you take fish oil?

  5. You got to run in some beautiful places! I love getting to mix up routes for runs. It keeps things fun. :)

  6. Beautiful scenery- thanks for sharing the pictures! It's amazing how changing up your surroundings will revitalize your runs. I hope you heal quickly!

  7. Bummer on the hamstring - ice, foam roll, stretch are the best for it. I'm jealous that you are only 25 minutes away from that gorgeous trail. Maybe we need to make a run-date soon? Hope the hammie is feeling better soon!

  8. Some nice scenery there, I can't wait for spring, bring it!
    Love the modification to the treadmill, when when rebuild I plan on getting a treadmill, and a desk like that so I can blog and walk.
    As for injury - foam rolling. Seriously since I got my foam roller when ever something doesn't feel right, I foam roll it out and it helps immensely.

  9. Not very well is how I deal with injury LOL

    I love it when I have the time to drive to a kind of close trail for a training run. It's like a breath of fresh air and a great break from my regular neighborhood runs.

    Hope the back to 3 days works out!

  10. Thanks Karen! I'm hoping some rest days this week will help.

  11. I'm loving the challenge! Thanks for hosting ;)

  12. Thanks Michelle. I'm hoping to bounce back like you are!

  13. Other things that don't hurt...walking now hurts, ugh! Planning to rest until I'm pain free. What will fish oil do? My husband has some, but I don't use it.

  14. New routes are the best, and mixing it up helps keep me from feeling bored.

  15. I'd love to! I'll let you know when I'm pain free ;)

  16. My hubs is the best! I have been rolling, hoping it starts to work soon ;)

  17. Thanks Jill. I'm not loving the rest thing, but I've decided that I need a break until I'm pain free. Hopefully we'll both be healed up ASAP!

  18. Love your new laptop board...but sad for the reason you have to use it! Hope you recuperate soon!

  19. Love the laptop board! I'm not good at dealing with injury. I have a tendency to push through it too much. I need to learn to rest better and listen to my body...which is happening as I get older! Haha!

  20. I"m so bad at dealing with injury! I always push myself, but luckily I haven't had anything too serious. Hope you're taking care of that hamstring! Good luck on your training and the half marathon


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