Showing posts with label YogaCamp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YogaCamp. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Workout Wednesday by the Numbers

Let me start by saying that my knee is feeling good after yesterday's interval treadmill run. No delayed pain or swelling as has happened in the past. Yay!

Today I'd thought I play with numbers.

3 - number of workouts I did today 

10 - minutes burning my inner thighs doing the Pop Sugar video

47 - degrees (F): the temperature when I went outside this morning

6, 374 - steps I took walking to chiropractor and back

2 - number of buses it took to get to Decathlon. The first one was not the right one, oops! 

1 - pair of new swim goggles purchased

30 - minutes = length of today's yoga practice

5 - number of Yoga Camp videos completed so far

¥50 - (or $7.60) cost of one hour Zumba class

342 - calories burned during class (according to my Fitbit - another reason I want an Apple Watch!)

Play along! Tell me something, by the numbers :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

How I Survived the Big Chill + Some Workouts

It seems like everyone is dealing with winter weather lately. Blizzards in the US and the coldest temperatures on record in Shenzhen. This tropical climate city even had some freezing rain! Apartments in China are not built for cold weather. We have single pane windows and tile floors. But we are one of the lucky ones who have a combination AC/heating unit.

This morning we were up early (4AM!) to watch the Patriots vs Broncos. During half time, I warmed up a little by doing a 10 minute inner thigh video from Pop Sugar. Going to feel that one.

Since the sun was shining, I ventured out to meet the hiking group, even though the feels like temperature was only 28 degrees (F). A few layers plus a few stairs and we warmed up nicely. It was a great hike on a new peak (recap to follow).

When I got home from the hike, the obvious choice for lunch was a big bowl of chili followed up by curling up the couch for some Netflix. It wasn't long before I took a little nap.

After my cat nap, I layered on some fitness gear and warmed up with my day 3 Yoga Camp video. The cold tile floors wore me down and I had to put on a pair of Zensahs.

I also did a plank workout that I created a few days ago. My goal is to do this at least 3 times per week to try to get back my core strength. I set my gym boss timer to 30 seconds work and 3 seconds rest. I struggle through the last set of leg lifts, but that's how I'll get stronger, right? If you try it, let me know what you think.

The forecast for the rest of the week is rain, so mrC took me out for dinner when he got home from work. We spotted Chinese New Year preparations.

To give you an idea of how people here are dealing with the big chill, our favorite Mexican restaurant provided this version of indoor heating!

 Fun day!

Now we're off to watch this week's Downton Abbey!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Yoga, Yoga, Yoga!

Since I haven't been running lately, yoga has become my new obsession. I never thought I would say that, but a perfect storm of all things yoga just kind of happened...

It started with Pilates class. I started taking Pilates to try to fill the space missing from my SurfSet and Bootcamp days at TI Fitness. I fell in love with Pilates. I love that for 60 minutes I work my butt off while confined to my yoga mat and only using my bodyweight. My instructor is amazing and I can feel myself getting better and stronger. I just wish the class was offered more than once a week.

Then the SweatPink #flexandflow Challenge started on Instagram. It's a pose of the day challenge and I find these completely addictive and motivational. I love seeing everyone's photos and the different variations.

And recently I found Yoga Camp with Adriene. I signed up because it's a home-based program, FREE, and her videos are (so far) short enough to cooperate with my unreliable China internet. I'm so excited to complete the 30 day camp and improve my yoga. You should check it out here.

I used to only do yoga for stretching after a run. Sometimes.

Now, the more I do it, the more I like it.
