Showing posts with label bestfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bestfoot. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014

Training Truths: Driveway Workouts

A lot of people I know go to the gym to workout. Maybe it's because I spend all my time cooped up in a classroom all day, but I love to do my workouts outside. The neighbors probably think I'm wackado for jumping around in the driveway, so sometimes I recruit family members to join me.

Even though I don't let the seasons deter me from doing outdoor workouts, I do get outside more frequently now that it's warmer. This week only the rain kept me inside.

Monday -  30 minute walk, side lunge jumps and ab ninja workout

Tuesday - 3 mile run (fueled with Vega Sport SFE) with negative splits (9:15, 8:58, 8:56), side lunge jumps, and side plank lifts.

Wednesday - The rain chased me inside today - 30 minute walk, side lunge jumps, side plank lifts, jump rope(less) side to sides and ab ninja workout.

Thursday - 5K run (in my new Wave Paradox!!) and glider oblique pikes (ugh!). Fueled my run again with Vega Sport SFE and was even speedier than Tuesday (9:08, 8:58, 8:34)!

Friday - much needed rest day with a little vino!

Saturday - Ran two awesome 5Ks: one on the way to the Kickoff to Summer 5K where I met up with littleC. Both 5Ks were speedier than I expected (#1 8:50, 8:39, 8:15 and #2 8:56, 9:47, 8:38), so I'm beginning to think the Vega Sport SFE is working even more than I originally thought. After the race, lateral slide burpees in the driveway.

Sunday - Side lunge jumps, in & out squats, yoga stretching

Everyday - #PlankStreak - 1 minute every day!

Where is your favorite place to workout?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Training Truths: 4 Ways to Stay Motivated

Last week mrC left for ground school and will be gone for three weeks. One of the hardest parts about having him gone is facing run days and still getting myself out the door...alone.

Tuesday - Beyond the fact that mrC wasn't around, there were lots of reasons I was tempted to put off this run: questionable weather, busy day at work, hunger...but I changed into running clothes and that helped get me out the door. Even though my legs felt heavy, I'm happy with my run and excited that my fast last mile streak continued one more run! (9:24, 9:09, 9:15, 8:55)

Thursday - Considered putting this run off until Friday until I saw the weather forecast. Running on a gorgeous day is far better than in a downpour, even if I was tired. While my legs were not happy with the hills, my final speedy mile streak continued! (9:18, 9:02, 9:27, 9:00). I felt so good after that I even did some planks (it's been awhile).

Saturday - After a fitful night's sleep, I woke up feeling sluggish. Worried I would be struggling at SurfSet, I drank some VEGA Sport Sugar-Free Energizer to help boost my energy for a better performance. It was just what I needed for an awesome workout.

Saturday - I cannot resist a run on the beautifully paved Manchester Trail, so even though I was running low on energy after SurfSet, I knew that the scenery of the trail would perk me up. Despite a major blunder when I paused my watch at a light and forgot to restart it, I was happy with my pace - even if my last mile wasn't super speedy this time (9:23, 9:23, 9:25, 9:11, 10:49, 9:37).

What quirky tricks do you use to keep yourself motivated?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Training Truths: Back On My Feet

By now, you have probably heard about Mizuno's new campaign to get people running and support the Back On My Feet program at the same time. If not, here are the basics: Download the Mizuno Baton App and use it on your runs. For every mile that you run during a one week window, Mizuno will donate $1 to Back On Your Feet.

Now every run means even more.

Tuesday - Beautiful 4 mile trail run after school. Managed my pace better and finished with a 8:56 final mile.

Thursday - With questionable weather looming, I opted to do my 4 mile run from home instead of school. It turned out that I beat the rain and finished with another awesome final mile at 8:41! Then I hung out with the boys.

Saturday - My first workout of the day was SurfSet where we really worked our upper body. Now I'll know what's in store when the instructor says to grab two sets of weights.

(note: I am whimpy, so my weights are very light!)

The weather on Saturday was again questionable, so instead of running downtown after SurfSet, I came home. Hoping for better weather on Sunday for a long run, I chose to do a virtual 5K and used a tempo mix from RockMyRun. It wasn't a good tempo run, but I had another awesome last mile (9:22, 9:44, 8:47).

Sunday - No surprise that I woke up a little stiff from Saturday's SurfSet, but to loosen up I did a 10 minute ab workout (from Comcast on-demand, who knew?) and then loved on my foam roller. After selecting the Run Chat Fan Mix by RockMyRun as my pace music, I set out for a six miler that turned out way better than I expected. I'm happy with my overall pace, but even happier with my splits because for once I'm not all over the place. Mile 4 was a continuous climb that started with a steep 150' gain over about 350 yards. And of course I love that my last mile was once again my fastest.

Do you dedicate your runs?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Training Truths: Running with a Hottie

Last week I was completely spoiled by the fact that I got to do all of my runs and a race with mrC. People often tell me that they wish their husband/wife would run with them and how lucky I am. It is definitely fun to run with mrC and I'm grateful he is a runner.

Tuesday - We hit the trail by my school for a quick 3 mile run before littleC's tennis match. The day before was really warm, so it was nice to have mild temps for this one. We weren't ready for warm runs yet.

Thursday - We tried to escape the heat on this 4 mile trail run, but instead it was a sweatfest. We did ok for the first two miles, but after the turnaround, we both struggled. Big difference from Tuesday's run!

Saturday - Disco Fever 10K with mrC. The morning started off rainy, but by the race start the clouds were moving out and making room for plenty of sunshine. I walked with mrC when he needed to until the last mile, when I just wanted to finish. Our pace was pretty good, slowing when we reached the steep hill at the turn around, but I feel really good about my final mile! 9:19, 9:36, 9:44, 10:21, 9:52, 849.

Do you run with a hottie or wish you did?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekend Workouts

First let me say that I have been faithfully completing a daily yoga for runners routine along with the FitFluential Namaste in May #FFYoga challenge. My goal is to limber up these tight muscles that I think are the root of my aches and pains.

It felt good to get back to SurfSet Saturday. After two weeks away, I got my butt kicked and it felt awesome!

Normally we run after class, but mrC got in late from his trip and needed to nap. We stopped at the grocery (because it's on the way home) and after putting everything away, I jumped on the treadmill to test my legs. Even though everything felt ok, I kept it to a short two miles.

I spent some time getting things ready for Ragnar and checking my own packing list more than once! My team is one of the Ragnar teams being sponsored by ShowerPill and Katherine shared that a box of goodies arrived.

Photo from Katherine

How was your weekend? 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Training Truths: It's a Struggle

The struggle with my crunchy knee problems continued last week. It's been a daily roller coaster of not knowing what my knee will feel like when I wake up.

Monday - This is a regular REST day for me, so I did some planks for the FitFluential #FFAprilAbs challenge and that's about it.

Tuesday - As soon as I woke up I knew something was wrong. My knee felt "puffy" and my crunchy was back to being painful with more intense popping. I called the doctor and he scheduled a MRI to get a better look. After school, I took some ibuprofen and iced.

Wednesday - Much improved knee conditions...almost like Tuesday never happened! Just crunchy, but no pain. Planks.

Thursday - My knee was still feeling good, so I went for a run. No problems during the 3.4 miles with mrC or when I played with the dog after.

Friday - Another REST day

Saturday - Planks. SurfSet, and 3 mile run downtown before heading to my MRI. Ironically my knee was SILENT most of the day. It felt weird to write crunchy knee on the in-take form when my knee wasn't being crunchy. More confusion...

Sunday - Headed to the trail for 8 miles with mrC. It was chilly when we left, so I changed into my Athleta capris (you can't tell in the picture, but they are actually BRIGHT coral!). About 1.5 miles in, the sun came out and I quickly regretted my decision. Thank goodness I wore a racerback. Other than that annoyance, it was a quiet and pain free knee day. Still confused...

Yes, I AM wearing pants ;)

This was my last long run for awhile. Although I've been helping mrC train for the Newport 10 Miler, I'm having surgery to remove some skin cancer and won't be able to run per doctor's orders. Ironically, that is how I would normally deal with the stress of having surgery.

How do you deal with struggles/stress when you can't run or exercise?

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Update: Run, Run, Run

It's amazing how fast time passes at times. Does that mean I've been having fun?? I think so!

March was a fun month of workouts. I focused on strength and tried a new fitness class. Last week wasn't the most productive week of the month, but it ended on a strong note.

Monday - strength exercises for runners. I'm really liking this routine.

Tuesday - Last minute faculty meeting before rushing home to meet the cable guys meant another active rest day. More strength exercises.

Wednesday - Monthly chiropractor visit with another knee cap adjustment. Managed a 30 minute TM run. My knee was a little tender during and after the run.

Thursday - REST day - my knee was still hurting a little so I iced a few times.

Friday - Easy 5K on the treadmill followed by some strength exercises.

Saturday - SurfSet Saturday and then a 6 mile run downtown. Loving the double workouts!

Sunday - strength workout

This month I enjoyed playing along with the Instagram challenges from ZOOMA and Happy Fit Mama. I joined the FitFluential #FFMarchMiles challenge and logged 55.3 of the 100 mile goal. I knew it was an ambitious goal with all my kneecap problems, but I couldn't resist.

What was your best March moment?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Training Truths: March Madness

Happy Monday! Last week felt a little bit like March Madness! It was so busy that I didn't even have a chance to write a blog post since my last #TrainingTruths, but I am happy to say that I still found time to workout! My strength workouts took a back burner at the beginning of the week, but I managed FOUR runs and TWO fitness classes over the weekend.

Monday - Unavoidable REST day. There just wasn't time for a workout between school, making dinner, and watching my former student earn runner-up status at the Poetry Out Loud NH High School State Finals at the State House in Concord.

Tuesday - Ran a 5K to the beach and back with mrC and youngestC. One look at us, and I'm sure you can tell we are a family!

Wednesday - Another inescapable REST day. Met up with youngestC after a faculty meeting, went shopping for tennis gear for her, and then joined mrC and oldestC for dinner at the British Beer Company - where they have an awesome GF menu!

Thursday - We woke up to about 4 new inches of snow, but the temperatures warmed up through the day melting most of it by the time I got home from school. It wasn't warm enough for the troops to venture out with me though, so I faced the windy 3.4 route solo.

Friday - After learning about the 16 year old who died after running her first half marathon, I wanted to run in her memory. I did a little strength workout as a warmup and then ran a 5K on the treadmill.

Saturday - It was a double workout day with mrC. We warmed up with an hour of SurfSet and then hit the downtown streets for a 5 miler, oops I missed a turn, 6.3 mile run. (#FFMarchMiles = 49.85)

Sunday - I met up with the gang from Blog & Tweet NH to try out a new fitness class. Full review coming soon!

How are you surviving March Madness?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Training Truths: YoYo Days

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I am hoping that the leprechauns will be bringing the warmer weather to NH, because I'm really tired of having to layer up on outdoor runs especially after the tease Mother Nature gave us last week!

Monday - Sports massage - ahhh! It's not a pain-free experience, but she finds and works out those knots.

Tuesday - I spent the day at a Teacher's Workshop and couldn't wait to get home to put on my running SHORTS! It was a gorgeous (almost Spring-like) day. 3.45 mile run

Wednesday - A little evening yoga.

Thursday - Wintery weather returned, so I hit the treadmill after school. 3.23 miles

Friday - REST (except step back sliders for one minute). Body must have needed a day off because I took a 2 hour nap after school, fell asleep watching TV after dinner, and then slept until 7 AM (which I hardly ever do!).

Saturday - I started the day at SurfSet with mrC and then planned on doing an afternoon run outside because it was another gorgeous 50 degree day. However, Mother Nature had other plans and (literally) rained on our parade. So, I ran 30 minutes on the treadmill instead.

Photo from TI Fitness Facebook Page

Sunday -  Bundled up for a 4 mile cold, but sunny, afternoon run with mrC. I love when he tells me that he is having fun! (33.95 #ffmarchmiles)

Throughout the week I also squeezed in this strength workout that I found on Runkeeper's website. I did 20 repetitions of each exercise using x3 cycles.

How was your week? Are you enjoying warmer weather already?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Training Truths: Closing the door on February

February did not turn out the way I expected. Instead of finishing my half marathon training strong, I found myself dealing with a tight ITB and a crooked knee cap!

At the beginning of the month I started the #FFburpee challenge sponsored by FitFluential, but my cranky knee prevented me from being able to finish. I was hoping to develop a love for burpees, instead I settled for having made it to the halfway mark of the 1000 burpees goal.

During the month I kept myself busy with the three week #MNBchallenge sponsored by Lorna Jane and Fit Approach that focused on how to move, nourish, and believe everyday. I loved this challenge!

I did cross a goal off my 2014 list though. I ran my first new race of the year in Newport and followed up with my 11th half marathon (recap coming soon).

While on vacation in Florida at the end of the month, I learned that I will be returning to the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon in the fall as an Ambassador!

After much TLC on my cranky knee, I did get in two nice 5Ks last week. On Thursday morning mrC and I enjoyed a leisurely trail run wearing shorts! My knee felt pretty good and the new patellar band that my chiropractor recommended felt better than the KT tape and less bulky than mrC's brace.

After running errands back at home in NH on Saturday afternoon, we enjoyed another easy 5K to the beach and back. It was the best my knee has felt, so I'm hopeful that I am fully on the mend.

mrC had to go on a three day trip, so it was just me to take the dog for a walk on Sunday. We took a two mile round trip to the waterfall and back.

I am happy to be closing the door on the month of February. Looking ahead to March, I am once again involved in a couple of challenges. Angela is hosting the #HappyFitMarch challenge on Instagram and Twitter. FitFluential is sponsoring the #FFMarchMiles challenging participants to run, walk, or hike 100 miles. ZOOMA is hosting the #ZOOMAphotoaday challenge.

What are you looking forward to in March?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fitness Friday: Florida Favorites


Well, maybe. I've spent the week in Florida, but today we are headed back to the frozen land. Boo!

It's been a great week of active resting, so today I'm sharing some of my Florida favorite fitness moments.

1. Taking walks in shorts and flip flops - I've missed the warmth and the green.

2. Open swim and lounging by the pool - it felt so good to relax in the sun.

3. Laps at the fitness center - this was a great little workout.

4. 5K on the trail - it felt good to lace up my Mizunos.

What was your favorite fitness moment this week?
