My workout ---> 5 minute walking warm-up, 25 intervals at 30 seconds run/30 seconds walk, 2 minute run, 5 minute walking cool down. I was really excited about the run, but even more so that I bumped up my interval time and then ran a solid 2 minute finish. These are small changes, but BIG steps for me and my knee.
My route kind of looks like a heart, right? |
Later I went to the fitness center to do a yoga session to stretch out. I was hoping to swim, but the pool was full of kids. The Yoga with Adriene video did the trick. When I pay more attention to my hamstrings, my knee seems to be happier.
It was such a nice day that I decided to take a walk after lunch. I did a one mile loop and ran into this guy. So strange that he was just sitting in the grass right next to a busy four lane road.
I started this book today. A friend told me about it. The author is a Cincinnati native (me too) and it's also the setting of this book. It's always fun to read books that take place in a familiar setting, plus it's good so far.
Here's what I ate for Regular Calorie day:
Snacks: white cheddar rice cakes and red grapes.
Tell me something that made you happy today!
Read any good books lately?