You know it's a good day when...
My workout for today called for run intervals ladder style: 1 minute run, 1 minute walk, 2 minute run, 2 minute walk...up to 6 minutes. Since my knee is still questionable, I kept it at a simple 20:30 run:walk interval.
I did a 5 minute walking warm-up. At 7:30 in the morning in Florida it was only 73 degrees, but sunny and humid. Even though I wasn't going very far, I still took water in my Simple Hydration bottle. ---> ask me how you can get a
My route took me to the trail.
The last time I was here I ran the whole 5K loop with mrC, but today I just ran a short loop in and out. I loved running on the soft surface.
When I got back to the house, I had run 26 intervals for a total of 2 miles! The last time I ran 2 miles was back in February and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to run anymore. I was so happy with my run today, all I could do is smile. It's nothing like I used to do, but I told mrC that I would be thrilled if my knee let me run a 5K once in a while.
After showering, I watched the Olympic Men's Marathon and wow! It was a great day for the USA. Galen Rupp earned a Bronze Medal, Jarod Ward finished in 6th place, and
Meb Keflezighi pushed through stomach issues to cross the line 33rd.
Lesson 1: you don't have to be the most experienced runner to do well. Rupp ran only his second marathon today.
Lesson 2: If you want to stay in it, you have to dig deep. Jarod Ward dropped off the lead pack and with the gap widening he tapped into his reserve tank and started picking off runners to fight his way back.
Lesson 3: If you fall, get back up and do it with class ;) I love how Meb turned his fall at the finish into a flourish of good humor.
Regular calorie eats from today:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham, fruit, GF toast, and coffee
Lunch: turkey breast, grapes, diet dew (but I only ate the grapes!)
Immediately after taking this photo, my dad told me we were going out for Mexican (yay!!) and then I snuck a handful of rice snacks.
Dinner: chicken quesadilla, chips and queso, water
What got you smiling today?
Did you watch the marathon?