Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Dogs Are Barking 2012

On Sunday morning, my husband and I took our loyal hound to his second road race. The 3rd annual My Dogs Are Barking 5K was held at the Joppa Hill Educational Farm in Bedford, NH. This race benefits the Animal Rescue League and this year my friend and colleague, Gary, was the event coordinator. 

We ran this race for the first time last year and thought it was an enjoyable family friendly event that encouraged people to get out with their canines and exercise while advocating for the adoption and support of sheltered animals.

Me, Booney, Jen, and Emma
This race was fun because we got to run another official race with the dog. Booney used to run with us much more frequently than he does now, but his age and our distances have made it more difficult. At 9 years old he just doesn't have the same amount of stamina as he used to. 

It was also fun because we were able to meet up and run with friends and their dogs. It's interesting to take those lunch time conversations about running with your pets and make it a reality in one big group fun run!

The race had a new course this year so runners, canines, and walkers were treated to a steady downhill across the finish line. Runners without dogs lined up and started first, followed by runners with dogs, and then walkers. I liked this wave start because it allowed the runners who just wanted to run and not worry about leashes and four-legged friends to bolt right from the shout of "GO!"

Knowing that our loyal hound was not going to be gunning for first place, we decided he should aim for a PR. Last year he crossed the finish in 31:13, a very respectable time for a dog who runs inconsistently. Despite getting out fewer times this year for runs, we were hopeful he could shave a few seconds off his time with the downhill finish.

Booney trying to catch his friend Emma (with Jen)
After about a two minute delay from the start of the runners, we were off. The start was really a crowded mess of owners, dogs, and leashes. Some people let their dogs stray dangerously on loose leads which almost caused a few trips and others were being dragged into ditches by their excited canines. Fortunately it cleared out after about 2/10ths of a mile and we were able to find a steady pace as we made our way through the rolling hills. 

About halfway, we took advantage of the water stop for both two-legged and four-legged runners. The course led us through some nice neighborhoods - houses with three car garages (so nice) and picturesque views of the fall foliage. Then as promised, we rounded a corner to climb one last time before the downhill sprint to the finish. Booney finished with a PR of 31:04!

Do you have a favorite fun race?

If you are looking for a race to run, Amanda told me about a great one for a worthy cause.  The Michael LoVerme Memorial 5K run/walk is on Sunday, October 14th at Merrimack High School in Merrimack, NH. Michael was a Merrimack High School cross country and track runner and died unexpectedly this past August in a motorcycle accident. Amanda's husband, Michael's brother, and some other friends have started the Michael LoVerme Memorial Foundation and planned 5k run/walk as a way to honor him. They plan to make this an annual event. The proceeds will go towards offering a graduating Merrimack High School student a scholarship.

You can visit the website: to find out more information.

Monday, October 8, 2012

TrainingTruths: Squeezing It All In

There is always one week in the month that seems busier than the rest. One where you find yourself rearranging the running schedule to make it all work around soccer games, meetings, and school events. That about sums up the week that I had.

#TrainingTruth: You can't be picky with the weather if you want to get in a run.

Soccer games come first, so my normal Tuesday run became a Wednesday run. By the time I got home from after school meetings, the relatively nice weather of the day had turned back to rain. Grabbed the dog and went out anyway.

#TrainingTruth: Short runs are better than no runs at all.

Open House at school and a rescheduled soccer game meant that I had to bump my normal Thursday afternoon run to Saturday morning. So, instead of running with BRF Daisy, my running partner was my husband. With two races on the weekend schedule, we kept it short.

#TrainingTruth: Sometimes a fun race fills in as one of your missed runs.

Normally I run twice during the week with a long run on Saturday. This week of crazy busy-ness prevented that, but a fun race on Sunday was a great substitute.

How do you deal with busy schedules 
and working out?

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to assess ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fitness Friday: Double Race Weekend

Last weekend I enjoyed a much needed break from races, but read all about the Smuttynose Half Marathon from my running friends who ran it. Hopefully they will want to do it again next year because I've added it to my #FitnessBucketList!

So after getting a chance to catch my breath (and spend some quality time at home), this weekend I'm doubling up on races and running a 5K for dogs and a 10K for women.  

The 3rd Annual My Dogs Are Barking 5K benefits the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire. Last year my loyal running partner, Booney, made his debut at this local race held in Bedford, NH. On Sunday, my husband and I will be pacing Booney to his first PR. My friend Gary is the event organizer and he has been working hard to organize an awesome day for runners, walkers, and canines. 


On Monday I'll be spending Columbus Day afternoon on the Boston Common for the Tufts Health Plan 10K for Women thanks to Reebok and FitFluential. This event opens with a stroll through the Health & Fitness Pavilion, followed by a pre-race warmup with Reebok Ambassador Tara Stiles before a noon race start. Most exciting, the spokesperson for the race is Joan Benoit Samuelson, a truly inspirational running legend. 

from the Tufts Facebook Page

Even though these two races couldn't be more different in size, location, and beneficiaries, they both encourage people to be active and have fun while supporting a good cause and healthy living.  

Have you ever run a race with your pet?

What's on your #FitnessBucketList?

Monday, October 1, 2012

TrainingTruths: Fresh Legs + GIVEAWAY

Is there such a thing as running too much? I don't like to admit it, but my legs have been feeling less than stellar after running Reach the Beach followed by the ZOOMA Half Marathon. Will my legs ever feel fresh and light again? How can I help get them back to that feeling?

#TrainingTruth: Running on the trail after a half marathon gives my fatigued muscles a break.

#TrainingTruth: Sometimes the last half of a run feels better than the first half.

#TrainingTruth: Chilly wet weather cannot dampen the awesomeness of a good run (finally). 

#TrainingTruth: Chafing is not a fun experience.

I've always used Vaseline on my feet for long runs to prevent blisters. A couple of weeks ago, Rebecca sent me Gold Bond Friction Defensean anti-chafing product that’s just hit the shelves, to try. Gold Bond Friction Defense is specially formulated to prevent friction, soothe and comfort skin and keep the sensitive area dry and smooth.  It has a no-mess application, lower price point per volume, and is available in major retailers nationwide.

Just days before I received the product, I had my first "real" chafing experience caused by my sports bra rubbing against my torso during a half marathon. More recently, I experienced another chafing mishap because the inner shorts of my running skirt were too large. Ouch! I used Gold Bond Friction Defense to sooth my skin and reduce the friction on my sensitive area and I healed right up. Now I use GBFD on my feet and other sensitive areas before long runs.

Rebecca was generous enough to send me a stick and some socks to share with readers. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fitness Friday: ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon

Last weekend I ran the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon in North Falmouth, MA. I had been looking forward to this race since June when I found out that I would serve as an Ambassador. I didn't get to attend the training kick-off in Boston, so I was excited to get to finally spend some time with the rest of the race crew.

On Friday, my husband picked me up after my last class so that we could beat the traffic to the Cape. We stopped for a quick lunch and arrived easily in North Falmouth just after 3:30. The Sea Crest Beach Resort, the host hotel and location for all of the weekend race events, was gorgeous. We took a walk around after checking in to get a peak at the pool, patio, beach access, restaurant, and courtyard.  

After touring the resort, we headed to ZOOMA Marketplace to pick up my race packet and check out the vendor booths. Similar to the Cox Rhode Races Half Marathon, this was a small expo, but the BIG difference was the interactions. Tricia, ZOOMA's social media director, immediately greeted me and helped me get checked in. Then I met Dimity of Another Mother Runner, and immediately loved her positive energy. While talking to Dimity I also met Heather, who has read my blog at least once (thanks Heather), and lives in the town next to me! 

After making a couple of purchases we made our way to sit in on the presentation by the team behind Another Mother Runner, but not before meeting Brae, one of the founders of the ZOOMA Women's Race Series. Sarah and Dimity shared tips on preparing for your race, how to get the best race photo, and recovery. Then Brae walked us through the course and pointed out some changes. Runners stood or sat comfortably on the floor during this cozy and intimate chat.

We made our way to dinner at Red's located right inside the resort after a quick room change because of a small problem (great customer service by the resort staff!). We started with the yummy Local and Imported Artisanal Cheeses spread. I ordered the delicious carb-loading Brick Oven Pizza and my husband chose the huge Big Red burger. The three season dining porch gave us great views of the approaching sunset over Old Silver Beach on Buzzards Bay and was perfectly comfy. 

The Mocktail Party sponsored by Hint Water was set up on the Sunset Pool Deck overlooking Old Silver Beach and we met up with the other Ambassadors on the big blue lounging chairs. I got to meet Felice, Michelle, and Bethany for the first time IRL and see Nancy who I met at the Boston Saucony Party back in April. We had a great time chatting about our families, running, and packing tips. We also had a chance to meet Brooke, the other founder of ZOOMA. 

Race morning arrived, but there was no stress since this race started literally steps from the resort entrance. Thanks to my husband for remembering to bring our toaster from home, I was able to have my normal pre-race breakfast of PB&J toast with a cup of coffee. On our way to the start, we ran into Felice in the elevator and then I spotted Sandra, another NH runner, who I have been trying to meet IRL but we've kept missing each other. Outside the organizers had music playing and were getting runners pumped up for the start.

Right on time, the race began. ZOOMA worked hard on the course design to have the start and finish right at the resort doors, which meant some normally not-so-runner-friendly maneuvers, but it was nice knowing these in advance and the reasons behind the choices. We turned left out of the resort for a quick 1.5 mile out and back. The nice thing about this is that we got to run past the resort and see our family and friends again. My husband took this video of me running by him:

My goal for this half was to finish in 2:10. My legs were still feeling the miles from last weekend and so was my sleep-deprived body. I read somewhere that it takes about 8 days to fully recover from RTB. Well, here I was on day 8 running a half marathon! 

I made a rest room stop at about mile 3 and felt pretty good until the hills came. My legs were just not in the mood for hills. I ran again with the Rock My Run playlists, and it helped a little to keep my mind off the climbs. I got a couple of bursts of energy from runner Joan, an Ohio girl from DC who ran with me for a couple of miles, and Nancy, who was working the ZOOMA Ambassador Aide Station around mile 10.5. 

When we turned the corner to head back up Quaker Road my gas tank was near empty. All week I'd been struggling with a lack of appetite and I think it caught up to me on this run. I took a walk break and caught this pretty picture of Buzzards Bay.

The rest of the race was a mixture of feeling like crap and being determined to finish with my head up. One final mental zapper was a short jaunt we had to take on a side street just after mile 12...but I knew that this was one of the course adjustments to allow for an awesome finish in front of the resort. As I neared the finish, I was giving all that I had left in me when I saw Dimity cheering. Then I heard the announcer say my name and saw my husband waiting. Somehow I pulled out a 2:08 finish according to my Nike+ GPS (my official ZOOMA race time said 2:10?).

I had some water, a banana, and some Muscle Milk and then we walked to the Sunset Courtyard to enjoy the ZOOMA After-Race Party & Expo. ZOOMA thought of everything: massages, chiropractic adjustments, foam rollers, instant results look-up, food, wine and live music by Mighty Groove.  

Photos from ZOOMA Facebook Page

It wasn't until we got home, that I recognized some of the notable differences this race offers. First the finisher's medal. It's not one that your going to hang on your display rack and forget about. This one is going to hang from your neck so you can show it off all day long!

Second the finisher's video on the ZOOMA results page. Most of us are lucky to even get a race photo of ourselves, let alone a finish line photo. ZOOMA goes above and beyond by making the video available the same day. (Here's a iPhone recording of mine)

This running adventure ranks on the top of my favorite's list. If you have the chance to run a ZOOMA event, do it. You will have a blast. The ZOOMA ladies will make sure of it!

Have you run a ZOOMA yet? What did you think?

Are you planning to run a ZOOMA event? Which one?
