Monday, April 1, 2013

#TrainingTruths: Finding Your Zen

It was week 3 of training with my husband for our next half marathon. Because he has an unconventional work schedule, he has not run consistently since last August when we ran the Rock 'n Roll Providence together.

#TrainingTruth: Running can help you find your zen!

Monday: We ran a 4 mile route out and back from the house. It gives us a pretty good hill workout even though it's a shorter distance. I'm working on being a better pacer, while my husband works on getting his fitness back. After running, he asked, do we have to run first to get this great feeling? The loyal hound is always happy to see us return. 

Thursday: I chose a new route that kept us mostly off the main road, but took us on some side streets with rolling hills. We met our goal to keep moving on the hills and coast down the other side. During the run, I found myself concentrating on my husband's breathing to help gage our pace. It was surprisingly relaxing.

Sunday: After an evening spent with family having Easter dinner and attending Mass, we eased into this mid-morning run feeling very blessed. The weather was beautiful for our
 7 mile hilly out and back. We used the same route from Tuesday, just extended it a mile and followed the muddy road along the river. Despite the muddy-season, our surroundings were very peaceful.

And here's a little Pinterest zen-spiration from The Arty Runnerchick that sums how we felt during each run!

Do your thoughts ping-pong when you run, 
or do you zone out?

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to assess ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Forced to Retire at 70

I introduced you to my Loyal Hound a couple of years ago when I started writing this blog. Booney has been running with me since he was a pup back in Ohio, but he made his race debut here in New Hampshire at the 2011 My Dogs Are Barking 5K.

For the last few years, Booney has been slowing down on our runs and struggling with anything more than 3 miles. As much as he loves the idea of going for a run, it just isn't the best thing for him anymore. So more times than he would like, he has to wait for us back at the house or next to the treadmill.

Booney turned 70 10 last week, so my husband and I thought it was time to officially announce Booney's retirement. He will still get to join us on short fun runs, but most of his exercise will come from walks, playing in the yard, and swimming!

How far does your running buddy go with you?

Monday, March 25, 2013

What's In Your Fitness Closet? Winter Edition

When I first started running, I didn't think much about what I was wearing. I just grabbed whatever was already in my closet. Years later I have learned that running year round requires some investment in appropriate gear. 

Since I am beyond ready to pack up my winter gear, I thought I'd share what I have been running in all season in a Winter Edition of What's In Your Fitness Closet?

My winter gear is mostly made up of thermal tops, half zips, and long pants. The winters here in New England can get bitterly cold and snowy. So I have stocked up on some essentials to make sure I can run outside in any conditions.

The Nike therma-fit crew neck pullovers are perfect on most of my cold running days. They have thumb holes so I can keep my hands warm without having to wear gloves. They are thicker than the normal dri-fit, yet work the same way: keep me dry.

I also like to wear the Nike dri-fit half-zips. Although they are ideal for winter running, they are a little lighter-weight. Like the therma-fits they all come with thumb holes, but the best features are the mitten cuffs and back zip-pocket that can be found on some. 

My favorite winter running top is a new one I found this year. The Nike Pro Hyperwarm Mock Turtle Neck is perfect on those cold AND windy days. The turtle neck is adjustable with drawstrings and can be used to protect your face. 

In the winter my bottoms are either pants or tights. The pants are nice because they fit snuggly without feeling restrictive the way some running tights can. Running tights work perfectly on runs when the streets are slushy because they don't get wet and heavy.

This year I splurged on a pair of Lululemon Runder Under tights and they became my favorite because they are really soft, warm, and look good. The hidden pockets are very convenient and you can roll them up to add a safety reflective feature. But really, they just look the best!

On really cold days, I obviously wear gloves and/or a hat (if I must), but my new favorite accessory is my Lululemon Brisk Run Neck Warmer. It might look a little funny, but it works so well as either a hood or turtleneck. 

Since it is officially Spring according to the calendar, I am really hoping that the weather here in NH catches up so that I can replace my winter running gear with shorts, skirts, and tanks!

Now, tell me: What's in your fitness closet?

Check out more closets by heading over to Pavement Runner's link up today!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

TrainingTruths: Next Up #9

After completing half marathon #8, last week was about recovery and switching gears. I've mentioned that I'll be heading home to Cincinnati to run the Flying Pig Half Marathon in May. I was going to run this race last year, but instead choose to be a blogging ambassador for the Cox Providence Half Marathon

So, over the next six weeks I'm going to maintain my endurance and try to stay healthy. 

#TrainingTruth: The run never ends

Tuesday: Another snow day here in NH kept me cooped up inside, but didn't keep me off the treadmill. This post NYC Half run felt pretty good considering my legs were a little sore. Easy runs are great for recovery.

Thursday: My husband was back from his trip and on running duty. He is beginning his half marathon training which worked perfectly with my recovery week. We took advantage of the gorgeous afternoon to run one of our favorite routes to the pond and back. The easy 4 miles felt awesome in the sunshine and sporting some capris. Hurry Spring!

Saturday: Still following the hubs' training schedule, we eased into the morning with a six mile run to town and back. We were virtual runners too, dedicating our miles to the Sandy Hook Run for the Families 5K. Although the sun was shining, it was a cold morning with frigid winds. 

What do you do when you reach your fitness goal?

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to assess ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!

Friday, March 22, 2013

If It Makes you Happy

Happy Friday everyone! Angela at Happy Fit Mama recently asked What makes you happy? Of course Fridays make me happy because I really like weekends, so to kick off Fitness Friday I'm going to share my happy list. Angela guarantees it will make me happy.

My Happy List:

Race-cations - I love to take weekend trips and if you throw in a race, even better! Last weekend I was hanging out in New York prior to the NYC Half, but I've also taken race-cations to Newport, Cape Cod, Cape Elizabeth, and Providence. Coming up next is a weekend in Newport to include the Newport 10 Miler.

ZOOMA Ambassador 2013 - I was recently notified that I will be serving as an ambassador for the Cape Cod race again! I'm looking forward to hanging out with the ZOOMA ladies and meeting some new friends.

My treadmill - Five years ago I bought this little gem because I was a newbie to NH and somewhat intimidated by the elevation and lack of sidewalks in my neighborhood. Even though I have (somewhat) successfully become a year-round New England runner, there are still times when the weather just doesn't cooperate.

Snowplows - Speaking of weather, this is a glimpse at what Mother Nature dumped on us during the Nemo Blizzard. Thankfully the plow guy showed up with the Big Rig! Hopefully I've seen the last of plow guy until next winter.

Shiny New PRs - Whether I'm aiming for them or not, I love the feeling of besting my time in any distance, but especially the half marathon. The only thing that could make it better, would be knowing what I did right to make it happen.

Pizza - I'm not sure what it is about some dough, sauce, and cheese, but a Margherita pizza always puts a smile on my face. 

Strawberry Daiquiris - Even though it's loaded with calories, I love to splurge on a frozen, fresh strawberried drink.

Flowers - I know they only live a short time, but receiving a colorful bouquet of flowers always warms my heart. I'll never get tired of walking into a room and seeing my favorites.

Home - We have a crazy family schedule in our house, but I really like it when we can all hang out together. 

So, now it's your turn. 

What makes you happy? 

If you write your own blog post, be sure to come back and leave a link to your post for me!
