Monday, September 9, 2013

TrainingTruths: ZOOMA Week 9

It's killing me to not be able to run. Am I still a runner if I'm not running?

So, once again, I focused on the exercises that I could do and found a new challenging routine. I also joined a couple of September challenges to help keep me motivated. Remember the #AugustCoreFocus challenge? All my hard work for the month was rewarded with a prize from Brooks Running.

Monday: 50 squats to start the day and then some challenge work - twisted chair taps and Bulgarian split squats followed by my one minute plank routine.

Tuesday: 50 squats first thing in the morning. After my first day back to work I did my challenge work - triceps dip and flips. I really have no upper body strength.

Wednesday: 50 squats. Two mile trail walk after school with mr. C, then some walking planks and my one minute plank routine. I'd never done walking planks before and felt completely awkward at first, but then finally got the hang of it.

Thursday: 50 squats. My first attempt at downward air jacks (not easy or pretty), along with some jumping jacks and crunches. I also found and tried the 4 minute ninja ab workout from Amanda for the first time. This is an awesome dynamic ab workout. Be sure to watch her video!

Friday: 50 squats. Too tired after school and a soccer game to workout. Took a rest day!

Saturday: 50 squats. Cross-body mountain climbers, 15 minute very slow jog on the treadmill (speed set at 3) with the incline on 10 for some "hill" work, and the 4 minute ninja ab workout again. I also did my plank routine with some supermans and butt kicks.

Sunday: 50 squats, hip flexor strength workout from Women's Running and a new knee strengthening workout from Christine. She has a great demo video too.

It's three weeks until ZOOMA Cape Cod. I already know that I won't be running the half marathon again this year. Now I'm wondering if I'll be able to even do the 10K. We've decided that we will go for the weekend no matter what and if I can't run, then I will volunteer at a water stop!

Until then, all my faith is in Trainer Brian and St. Sebastian.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WIAW: Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Bites

So far on my wheat free journey, my favorite new food is quinoa. It is so easy to make and very filling. After making my first batch of quinoa bites, I couldn't wait to try more.

Since school starts today, I thought it would be perfect to share another recipe that I think will make a great back to school lunch.

On Sunday, I made a whole batch and sorted the bites into small containers so I can grab them and go in the morning.

Don't forget to check out all the great recipes at Jenn's link up today!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Wk 8 with a #GoalGetter2013 August Update

It has truly been a bummer to not be able to run. I spent A LOT of time last week trying to get a diagnosis. So, after physical therapy, a referral to a sports medicine doc, an x-ray, and an MRI, here's what I know:


No one can find an explanation for my pain. What we do know is that I need to strengthen my left leg and HOPEFULLY with continued TLC I will be back to 100% soon.

On Saturday I had to defer my first race entry and now the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon is in jeopardy. There is still the option to run the 10K or just enjoy the weekend on the Cape with mr. C and the other Ambassadors as a spectator. We shall see.

Looking back at my #GoalGetter2013 goals, my quest to reach 1000 miles for the year was derailed this month with only 33.19 miles. On the upside, I was very consistent with my strength exercises.

Thank goodness for Kat's #AugustCoreFocus challenge and Under Armour's #SweatADay challenge to help keep my mind off what I couldn't do and stay focused on what I could do.

Here's a look at all the core and strength work I did this month.

After an easy 2 mile test run on Saturday, I was still feeling tenderness in my left leg which tells me I'm not ready to jump in where I left off earlier in the month. Heading into September, my plan is to keep working on strength training and patiently wait for the pain free running to return.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WIAW: Quinoa Pizza Bites

Today, instead of talking about running adventures, I'm sharing my recent food adventure!

At the beginning of the month, mr. C and I went WHEAT FREE! I downloaded a copy of the book Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health and cleaned out the cabinets. We are doing this as an experiment. Neither one of us have a medical issue or health concern. We just want to see if we will really feel better by eliminating all wheat/gluten from our diets.

While tossing all of the food that had wheat in it, I was shocked to see how many bread products we were using at each meal. I was tossing out English muffins, bread, tortillas, buns, and pasta. Then I moved on to reading labels and tossing sauces, soups, cereal, and chips.

Soon, I was thinking, What are we going to eat? My meals have been so programmed to include some sort of wheat product, that I worried we would be starving!

I was wrong.

Over the past four weeks, I have been learning a lot about food and trying some new recipes. In my last WIAW post, I shared some of the smoothie recipes I've been making. Recently, I tried quinoa for the first time.

Lack of planning on my part forced me to modify the recipe I found online because I didn't have the exact ingredients, but I don't think it interfered with the end result at all.

When I make this again, I will definitely use mozzarella cheese and fresh basil as the original recipe lists and a little more pepperoni.

Do you have a favorite quinoa recipe?

You can also find tons of great recipes at Jenn's WIAW link up!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 7

It was week #2 on the sidelines despite my best efforts to be a good runner. Do you ever feel like when you start to focus on doing more of the good-for-you stuff, an injury suddenly appears? That is how I have felt this summer.

I spent the month of June adding yoga stretching poses to my daily routine by participating in the Athleta Seize-the-Solstice challenge and working to strengthen my core with a July Ab challenge. I also found an easy hip strengthening routine by Coach Jay called The Myrtl Routine.

It appears that I should have spent more time on my a$$. Seriously, PT Brian told me that my weak glutes make my hamstrings and hip flexors work overtime leading to strains. You'd think I'd have plenty of power packed back there by the looks of it, but no such luck. 

Monday - As much as I wanted to run, I made myself wait until after my chiropractor appointment. So it was another day of more rest except my August challenge core work modified as needed.

Tuesday - I went for my adjustment first thing in the morning where he found my hips out of whack (shocker). I decided to let the adjustment set before attempting a run, so it was more rest and core work only.

Wednesday - It took all of 10 seconds for me to realize that my hip was not ready for me to make my BIG COMEBACK. Following a minor melt-down, mr. C and I took the bikes out for 4+ miles. I followed up with my core work and then went to PT in the afternoon. I've had success in the past with ART, so I'm hoping this time is no different.

Thursday - My morning started with some core work and then I walked 3.61 miles on treadmill. 

Friday - I rode the bike on one of my 5 mile running routes. It has a good sized hill to tackle on the way back. I don't know why I thought it would be easier on a bike!

Saturday - I completed day 24 of my strength challenges, a glute strength routine and a round of Coach Jay's Myrtl before jumping on the treadmill for a 1.5 mile walk.

Sunday - challenge core work and some casual swimming at the lake.

I have another PT session today and then I'm hoping to lace up my Wave Creations. My goal for the week is to continue working on my glute strength and maybe run the 10 Miler on Saturday?!?
