Sunday, June 4, 2017

I Tried a Juice Cleanse and This Is What Happened

I like food. I also like carb cycling. The fasting part of the FASTer Way To Fat Loss®️ program has always been the hard part for me, but since it is a key component (it's when your body reaches into its fat stores) I always give my best effort. I've read that a juice cleanse is an effective way to extend your fasting window (because your body stays in digestive rest), so I thought this would be my ticket to a successful fast.

We ended up at Nood, a juicery right off the Mid-Levels escalator in Central. With the help of Justin, we were able to put together a one-day cleanse and purchase from the ready made stock in the shop.

This is what happened when I tried a one day juice cleanse:

6:30 - wake up and drink my usual bottle of water. No coffee on cleanse day. I have 6 bottles to drink throughout the day, so I wait to start so that the last bottle will be due at 7PM, the end of my eating window on a normal day.

8:00 - drink another bottle of water as prep for the first juice bottle. I will continue to do this every hour between bottles.

9:00 - Bottle #1. Hydrating and anti-inflammatory effects to start the day. I was terrified that it would taste disgusting, but it wasn't bad. It was a sweet lemonade flavor and easy to drink. The fun part was the slight sting left on my lips like when I eat spicy food.

11:00 - Bottle #2 - Even better than the first and I was eager to drink it because I was feeling hungry and sleepy.  According to Nood, this was a little bottle of energy. It reminded me of the lemon grass tea mrC and I had at the spa on our trip to Phuket.

1:00 - Bottle #3. EWWW! This bottle aims to balance fruits and greens, but all I could taste was cucumber and I am not a fan. This was not easy to drink, but the ingredients make it good for post workout recovery and fighting inflammation.

3:00 - Bottle #4. Ewww again, although not as bad as bottle 3. This was another balance of fruits and greens. It looked like it would taste good (the color fooled me), but between the beetroot and cucumber, it was hard to finish.

4:00 - All I could think about was solid food. My energy was super low. I was sleepy and napping off and on. I'm pretty sure I was on a carb overdose. I broke my fast with some left-over buffalo chicken quinoa and a rice cake.

I wouldn't say I failed the juice cleanse completely because I did extend my fast and that was the point.

mrC convinced me to go for a walk and stretch our sore legs from yesterday's strength training session. Even though I got bit by a mosquito in about 30 seconds and it was warm, I'm glad I put on my comfy walking sandals and got some air.

Have you ever done a cleanse?


  1. I've never done a cleanse because I think I would have the same results as you - tired and a big crankster all day. :)

    1. I wasn't as hangry as I thought I would be, but so lethargic! I didn't like the way I was feeling. I think if I had just been feeling the hunger, I might have kept going.

  2. I tried a juice cleanse and I was starving by 3/4 and grumpy.
    I am starting intermittent fasting and carb cycling in a few weeks and hoping I survive.

    1. I may have been a little grumpy too, when I wasn't napping ;) This is my 4th time going through the program and I love it. You will do great! Can't wait to hear about your journey.


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