Showing posts with label WIAW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIAW. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

WIAW: Simple

Today's post is part of the #WIAW link up hosted by Jen! 

Merry Christmas Eve and welcome to the holiday madness, right? All the kids are home and I can't wait for the movie watching, cookie-eating, present un-wrapping chaos to begin!

Nothing at all like last Saturday. It was one of the simplest days we've had in a long time. We eased into the day, went to a hockey game, and watched a movie. Simply wonderful!

Most of my days start with a workout. Lately that workout has been my PT leg exercises. Right now my exercise focus is on strengthening my quad, hamstring, and glute muscles. Oh, I can't wait until I can run again!

{Pre-breakfast} Coffee while icing the knee after doing my morning PT exercises.

{Breakfast} Kept it simple with some cheesy scrambled eggs with ham and a PB&J rice cake on the side.

{Snack} The hockey game started at 11 AM and was an hour away, so I made a to-go fruit and veggie smoothie adding in some GNC PUREDGE amino to encourage muscle recovery after my morning workout.

{Lunch} We stopped at a local restaurant after my nephew's hockey game to have lunch with the in-laws up from Massachusetts. I love when restaurants have gluten-free menus. I kept it simple with some GF cheese pizza.

{Treat} Who knew finding GF cookie dough would be so hard these days? None of our local groceries sell it. So, my brother-in-law bought some GF cookie dough for us in MA. I started baking as soon as we got home!

{Dinner} Another simple meal (leftovers) of Cheesy Tuna Quinoa and a salad.

What have you been eating lately?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

GNC PUREDGE: Chocolate Protein Mug Cake

The following post is written on behalf of GNC through my relationship with Linqia. All opinions are my own.

Over the past few months I have been coping with running injuries, recovering from knee surgery, dealing with digestive issues and overcoming fatigue. It hasn't been easy, to say the least.

However, the GNC PUREDGE line is easy to integrate into your every day life. The line includes a variety of products to meet several different needs: amino, energy, bars, and protein.

The GNC PUREDGE line is whole-food based and promises:

- No Gluten-added ingredients
- No GMO-added ingredients
- No banned substances
- No artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners
- No preservatives
- No wheat, yeast, fish, or egg
- No sugar alcohols 

GNC Complete Amino includes glutamine, so it was the first product I tried. Glutamine is known to help muscle recovery, fight illness, and improve digestion. It was recently recommended to me by a running friend. When I mixed with water it tasted a lot like the tropical punch Kool-Aid I drank as a kid. I have been blending it into my morning smoothies The tropical punch flavor overpowers the fruits and vegetables, but it is still good.

GNC Daily Energy is recommended to jumpstart your day or your workout. After days of hauling myself around school on a crutch, I was running on empty at the end of the day. Adding a scoop of cherry limeade to my smoothie gave me a boost, but the flavor didn't overpower my freggies.

GNC Complete Protein Bars are easy to toss into your lunch bag as I like to do. As much as I wanted to love these, both flavors tasted a little too much like vitamins to me. I'm very picky about my protein bars though.

GNC Complete Protein was my favorite product...maybe because it was chocolate! I had been looking for an excuse to make some sort of dessert and this product gave me a great excuse.

Inspired by an awesome recipe from Julie for chocolate mug cake, I made some modifications to make it gluten-free and protein packed so it can be a delicious post-workout indulgence!

I can't believe how easy it was to make cake…and in the microwave.

How do you use your chocolate protein?

Don't forget to check out all the GNC PUREDGE products here.

This post is also part of the #WIAW link up hosted by Jen

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

On-the-Go Egg Muffins

I'm all about making things simple.

The time in the morning before I go to work goes by the fastest. I like to try to enjoy a full cup of coffee while watching the morning news before I leave. No matter how early I get up, it never seems like I have enough time to do everything I want or need without feeling rushed.

I've made packing lunches easier by preparing on the weekends. You can see some of my favorite recipes here and here. mrC helps with breakfast by making smoothies when he is home, but lately I've been wanting something warmer. Hmmm, wonder why?

On-the-Go Egg Muffins

6 eggs beaten
shredded cheese
shredded ham
shredded spinach

Preheat oven 350 degrees
Grease muffin pan

Fill with ham, spinach & cheese
Pour egg mixture

Salt & Pepper to taste

Place center rack 20-25 minutes (to light brown)
Let cool before removing from muffin pan

So good. So easy to grab a couple and heat them up for a quick breakfast before I leave. I can even toss a couple in a baggie and heat them up at school if I want. In fact, they make a pretty good lunch option that way too.

Sometimes I don't always eat right after a run/workout because I don't feel like making something. On-the-go egg muffins also make an excellent post-run or workout snack because they're packed with protein which is good for muscle recovery. In my recipe spinach is good too because it helps muscle growth.

What do(would) you like to put in your egg muffins?

This post is part of the #WIAW link up hosted by Jen

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WIAW: Gluten Free Mini Tortilla Pizzas

Going gluten free has been a lot like learning to run. Like many people, when I first started running, I thought, I have a pair of shoes, how hard can it be? It didn't take long for me to end up in the doctor's office with an injury. I learned my first lesson and got back in my running shoes to try again.

Learning to live a gluten free life has taken a similar path. Sometimes a recipe SOUNDS good, but then when you actually make it you realize that something went terribly wrong. Like with running, I've learned it's a process and I've got to keep trying until I find what works for me.

On Sunday I tried a recipe that I thought was brilliant because it was so easy. I saw a similar recipe online somewhere and thought, I can make that gluten free!

The simple recipe called for small tortillas, pizza sauce, cheese, and toppings of your choice. I used corn tortillas (because we already had them in the house), my favorite Cincinnati pizzeria sauce, and sharp cheddar cheese.

Bake for 5-ish minutes in the toaster oven at 400 degrees.

When I took them out, they looked delicious!

I couldn't wait to take a bite.

They were not what I was expecting. The corn tortillas were flimsy, not toasted and crusty like non-GF tortillas from my quesadilla days. They didn't taste bad, but they also weren't good. If that makes any sense.

So, my first attempt wasn't the greatest, but I plan to buy gluten free tortillas and try again.

Have you ever failed at a new recipe?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WIAW: Getting Irish

As an English teacher by day, I love themes. It's no surprise that I would apply them to other aspects of my life including my fitness. For St. Patrick's Day I thought I'd look for ways to bring some Irish into my diet and workoutsI am not Irish by blood, so I started my food and fitness research on the internet - (full disclosure I asked mrC first, but he was not helpful). 

Honestly, I found A LOT of Irish food that I would never eat or won't eat now that I'm GF: Brussel sprouts, corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, lamb stew, shepherd's pie...did I mention that I'm a picky eater?

In the end, I think I'll stick to just having something spinach in my smoothie!

Mixed berry, spinach, yogurt, almond milk, and protein smoothie

Putting together an Irish workout was much easier. For this one, I thought I would focus on leg strength since that is where I am right now.

Each exercise can be done as an interval. I chose 30 seconds on for each with 5 seconds rest and repeated 3 times.

What is your favorite way to "be" Irish with food or fitness?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Ways To Fit in Fitness

Life can be crazy busy. Some days it really feels like I don't get a break until I go to bed.

Here's a typical day for me:

5:30 - 7:05  Wake up. Shower. Feed the dog. Unload the dishwasher. Grab a cup of coffee, make something for breakfast, listen to the news, while Facebook and blog reading. Pack my lunch and make a smoothie to go.

7:30 - 2:41  Teach all day.

2:45 - 3:45  Meeting after school.

4:15  Get the mail. Unload my bags and check dinner ingredients.

4:30 - 5:00  Change clothes and go for a 3 mile run.

5:00 - 6:30  Prep, cook, and eat dinner with the girls. I made this yummy Mini Mexican Meatloaves recipe inspired by a post from Allison at Life's A Bowl. It was so easy and so delicious! I find lots of great recipes at the WIAW linkup.

Mini Mexican Meatloaves

6:30 - 7:45  Let the kids clean up while I shower and blow dry my hair.

8:00  Finally unwind and watch a little TV before going to bed.

It can be hard to find time to workout, but I know I will be healthier and happier if I do. Here are some tips that I try to follow that make finding time to exercise on busy days easier.

1. Make a plan: Schedule your workouts like you would your dental or doctor appointments. This makes it a priority and one you will be less likely to skip.

2. Active media time: You don't have to give up your TV time to workout. Watch your favorite shows or movies while you are running or walking on the treadmill. Build your own treadmill desk and work while you walk. Move the coffee table and do some squats or sit-ups during commercials.

3. Exercise at work: Squeeze in a quick workout on your lunch break, sit on a balance ball to work your core, take the stairs...There are tons of ways to

4. Wake up earlier: Set your alarm to wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal. It might not be the easiest option, but it beats NOT getting in your workout.

5. Go on a fitness date: You know what they say, couples who sweat together… Instead of dinner and a movie, take a hike and have a picnic, go to the beach and play sand volleyball, or take a bike ride around town and stop for lunch.

How do you fit in fitness?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WIAW: Cheesy Quinoa "Sunshine" Burger

One of my 2014 goals is to make healthy food choices and the nice people over at Sunshine Burgers sent me some samples to help me with my endeavor. Sunshine Burgers are the epitome of healthy made without most allergen ingredients including gluten, soy, dairy, and peanuts. They also have an abundance of flavor choices.

This post is sponsored by Sunshine Burgers. I was sent samples of Sunshine Burgers to review. 

I've always liked veggie burgers, but the brand that I used to eat is not gluten-free so I haven't had any in awhile. That's why I was so excited to try Sunshine Burgers. Besides being gluten-free, Sunshine Burgers are vegan, non-GMO, and certified USDA organic. 

You can find recipes on the Sunshine Burgers website, but I decided to try something other than a sandwich and do my own little spin on cheeseburger macaroni. 

For my recipe I chose Garden Herb because it is advertised as having a mild flavor perfect for use beyond the bun. It has 5 ingredients: cooked brown rice, ground sunflower kernels, carrots, herbs, and sea salt.

After cooking the quinoa and letting the Garden Herb veggie patties thaw, I mixed all the ingredients together.

The result is most definitely DELICIOUS! 

Sunshine Burgers are sold generally in the organic market, but can now also be found in major grocery chains. You can check here for locations near you.

Sunshine Burgers are a healthy source of protein, perfect for a post-workout meal, and will continue to be on my shopping list. 

Today I'm also linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIAW: Quinoa Pizza Bake

Happy Hump (Snow) Day!

After taking my treadmill for a spin this morning, I will be baking up some quinoa for lunch.

This recipe started as Quinoa Pizza Bites (see original post here). Although I love the recipe, I don't always feel like filling all the mini muffin tins, so I decided to just bake the mix in one big pan. This saves time, but it is just as delicious.

It required about 10 more minutes of baking, but then it was time to cut and serve. It goes great with my favorite Cincinnati pizza sauce!

Are you snowed in today? What are you having for lunch?

Find more ideas at the WIAW link up!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WIAW: Cheesy Tuna & Quinoa

As I continue on my gluten-free diet, I have noticed that I do not crave pasta anymore. I used to make a lot of meals that included some sort of pasta as one of the main ingredients, but lately they aren't the least bit appealing to me.

One of my favorite easy meals to make was tuna and macaroni. Literally I would make a box of mac-n-cheese and add two can of tuna. That's it. Easy and delicious. I used to make this all the time in college.

Now I can make it by substituting a couple of ingredients and it's just as good!

After cooking one cup of quinoa, add about 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese and mix.

Then mix in about two tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt followed by two cans of tuna.

That's it. This is a great recipe for a quick, but filling lunch option. I usually make it on Sunday and then take it to school for my lunch.

If you're not eating quinoa yet, take a look at this great article and this blog post detailing the benefits of this amazing super-food.

Oh yea, it's WIAW and I'm linking up with Jenn. Check out more recipes here:

What is your favorite quinoa recipe?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My 2014 Bucket List

Welcome to 2014!

When putting together my goals for the new year, I started by looking at the past. I can't change what did or didn't happen, but I can look forward and focus on new achievements I'd like to make.

So after thinking long and hard, here are my 2014 goals:

Keep running - Am I crazy to go chasing 1000 again?? I'm pretty sure I learned my lesson about listening to my body, so I'm ready to set my sights on that evasive number again.

Run at least 2 new races - This year I'll be joining Team Too Vicious and Delicious for  Reach The Beach MA in May. I have a couple of other new races on my list of possibilities, but nothing definite yet.

Complete a race in a new state - I'd love to find a race to do while in Florida over February vacation, but it's hard when I won't be there on a weekend. My other options include Vermont or Connecticut.

Try at least 2 new fitness activities - Through my membership in Blog & Tweet NH, I found and fell in love with SurfSet and Booty Barre classes. I still want to try Stand Up Paddle Boarding and maybe even Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga.

Get coaching certification - I'm hoping to connect with other New Englanders to earn my coaching certification through an RRCA course in the Spring.

Make healthy food choices - When I gave up wheat, I began to really learn about food, started following WIAW, and discovered quinoa. I love finding new ways to use it, especially in old recipes. Here's an easy recipe where I swapped out macaroni to make cheesy tuna quinoa:

What's on your 2014 bucket list?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

WIAW: Raspberry Protein Bars

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.

It's also #WIAW, so I wanted to share the newest homemade protein bar recipe I tried over the weekend.

I'm really enjoying making my own bars and knowing what exactly goes into them. The recipe is very similar to my Banana Peanut Butter Bars and Blueberry Protein Bars, but I used Sunbutter for the first time.

This recipe only takes about 15 minutes prep time (I'm usually ready to put them in the oven right as the beeper tells me it has pre-heated) and 15 minutes to bake. So just 30 minutes until delicious-ness!

One of the best parts of baking is the removal from the oven. Everything smells so yummy. I flip the baked mixture onto a cutting board and remove the wax paper right away, but then let it cool for a minute or two before I cut it into squares.

After opening presents this morning, we're heading to Massachusetts to spend the holiday with my husband's family. These homemade bars will be a great little snack on the 2.5 hour drive.

Do you have any favorite snacks for when you're traveling?
