Showing posts with label macros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macros. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

Unlocking Food Freedom: My Key Strategies for Conquering Fat Loss Plateaus

Today, I'm getting real, sharing my story, and talking about a common challenge many of you have faced or may be facing—plateaus in fat loss. Ever felt like you're doing everything right but still not seeing results? You're not alone. Keep reading to explore why this happens and how to move past it.

Shifting from strict dieting to embracing food freedom was a game changer for me. It’s about understanding how whole foods make your body thrive and focusing on nourishment rather than restriction. This approach can help break those frustrating plateaus.

My first diet was all about counting calories and trying to stay below a certain number that I don't even know where I got. I wrote everything down in a notebook, bought a lot of 100 calorie snack packs and was always so proud of myself when I hit my goal. 

Forget about micromanaging every calorie. Focus on food choices that make you feel good and fuel your body effectively. Food freedom is about enjoying a varied diet that satisfies and nourishes you without obsessing over every detail. For instance, instead of strictly counting calories, focus on the quality of foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins that keep you energized and satisfied. This way, you’re not just eating to fit a number, but to fulfill your body’s needs. My husband recently shared a quote he saw with me that sums it up perfectly: Too many people are focused on calories when we should be focused on ingredients!

When I was trying to eat as little as possible, I was not giving my body what it needed. I was miserable. I was hungry all the time, tired and kept getting injured and/or sick. It's not just about eating less; it's about eating right. Learn to listen to your body and respond to its needs, not a one-size-fits-all diet plan.

Intuitive eating empowers you to identify and honor your hunger signals. This could mean choosing a hearty smoothie for breakfast when you're really hungry, which keeps you full and focused, rather than just a cup of coffee that might leave you famished later. This approach helps to stabilize your energy levels and maintain a healthy weight naturally.

On top of trying to eat less, I was so focused on exercising more. I sometimes did two 60 minute intense cardio workouts on the same day, plus go for a run. Exercise was a chore. It wasn't fun. I never thought you could see progress from just 30 minute workouts. In reality, shorter, more sustainable workouts can be more beneficial than hours of cardio, preventing burnout and promoting better fat loss results. 

Effective exercise is about quality, not quantity. Incorporating activities like a 30-minute HIIT session or a fun dance class into your routine can be more enjoyable and easier to maintain than lengthy sessions on the treadmill. These types of workouts can boost your metabolism and enhance your fitness without overwhelming your schedule or motivation.

Ready to break free from dieting frustrations and embrace a healthier lifestyle? Join my program today and start your journey to real food freedom. If you have any questions or need a little extra guidance, don’t hesitate to send me a message or drop a comment below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Southwest Chopped Salad (with turkey breast)

Want to know how FASTer Way has changed me (besides losing over 13 inches)?

Take a look at this Southwest Chopped Salad!

The old me considered a salad a bowl full of romaine lettuce, some sharp cheddar cheese and Ranch dressing. Not only do I know how to fuel myself properly with all the macros, but now my body craves the micronutrient rainbow!!

I was inspired to make this salad by the Epic Salad Challenge we did in the FASTer Way VIP membership community in August. Like everyone else, I still don't eat EVERYTHING, so I tweaked the recipe we were given to make it my own.


2 cups romaine and leafy green lettuce

1/2 cup black beans

1/2 cup sweet corn

1/4 cup yellow pepper

1/2 avocado (I like mine mashed)

4 oz taco seasoned shredded turkey breast

2 tbsp salsa as dressing

If you follow the FASTer Way, this recipe is best on regular macro days. See my macros below.

Carbs 48.8g
Fat 21.5g
Protein 37.2

PS - I get asked frequently how I prepare my turkey breast. I buy a small Butterball turkey (I get mine at Safeway) and cook it in the crockpot. When it's done, I cut part into slices and shred the rest. For this recipe, I combine the shredded turkey breast in a skillet with taco seasoning and some water. Easy peasy!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

May Miles and More Strength Training

It's funny how fast time can fly sometimes. The week, the month, the year! It's hard to believe it's already time to add up the miles for the month of May.

I'm still amazed at the number of miles I have been putting on my Mizunos considering I was almost certain my running days were over when my old, cranky knee got even crankier last year. The month of May was good to me: 7 runs (I usually go twice a week) and 23.16 miles. This is a little less than April, but at least I can blame the weather and not an injury. My runs got shorter as the days got warmer.

Heading into June, I'm not sure what my goal is for running while I'm carb cycling. There will be some sprints and hopefully I'll figure out where to work in at least one moderate run each week.

Regular Calorie Day 2 - the workout

We joined the fitness center last November when we moved to Discovery Bay, but have really only used the treadmill and elliptical. It's been one part fun and one part frustration trying to find the machines we need to use for strength workouts. Plus it gets crowded after school drop off time and I prefer working out before the rush (hint, hint ;) mrC). 

Warm up - walked to the fitness center

Strength -  Today was all about the upper body and mostly arms. My shoulder still bothers me a little on some of the exercises (reverse fly) and I discovered that I'm between 5 and 10 or 10 and 15 pounds on many of the exercises ---> what's wrong with having an 8 or 12 pound dumbbell lying around? My solution was to go heavier on the first set and lighter on the second and hope I could finish. It wasn't always pretty, but I did it. Except the pulls-up. I didn't even try those. I need the assisted pull-up machine for that and we don't have one.

Cool down - walked back to the apartment

Regular Calorie Day 2 - the meals

Broke fast at 11:30 - Bob's Red Mill pancakes and scrambled eggs with ham

Lunch - 4 turkey rollups and red grapes

Dinner - quinoa and tuna

Snack - gluten free brownie

My goal for the week has been to hit my macros and I was so excited by how well I did today keeping my fats down. I still have some work to do, but using My Fitness Pal to track what I eat makes it so easy.

How many miles did you run in May?
Do you prefer having the gym to yourself or working out with a crowd?
Do you track your macros/calories/food at all?

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Back to Strength Training

It's time to do some heavy lifting.

Did you know that strength training does more for you than make you strong? It increases your metabolism, helps your body burn calories more effectively and improves bone strength.

Despite struggling out of bed with DOMS from my first two days on the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program (see posts here and here), I was pretty excited to get to work building muscles.

Regular Calorie Day 3 - the workout

Warm up - we walked to the fitness center

Weights - I'm pretty sure mrC and I learned how to use every single leg machine today. Considering my legs are feeling sore from Monday's HIIT workout, I managed better than I thought I would. My favorite machines were the adductor and abductor ---> 1) I need to seriously tone up the inside of my thighs and 2) ooh, the stretch. The rest of the workout focused on chest and shoulders using dumbbells. Some of these exercises bothered my shoulder, but I did ok. It felt good to hit the weights again.

Cool down - we walked back to the apartment

Regular Calorie Day 3 - the meals

Broke fast about 12:30 - This was later than our planned time to break fast at 11, but after our workout we headed into Central to run some errands. One stop was to our favorite juicery. Acai bowl topped with peanut butter, apple granola, and kiwi ---> perfect on a warm day!

Snack - three crab cakes from the CitySuper takeaway counter on the ferry back to Discovery Bay

Lunch - two turkey and swiss rollups, red grapes, celery and hummus

Dinner - Quinoa penne pasta with pasta sauce and green beans

Snack - I thought I would have something for dessert, but I couldn't think of anything that is a good carb and low in fat and a little sweet. Not asking for much, am I?

The goal today was to follow the IIFYM: 50% carbs, 30% fats, 20% protein. It was difficult to keep my fats down (over by 5g), but I think I did ok overall.

Do you strength train at home or the gym?
What's your favorite exercise or machine?

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Shred Day 18: No Sprints But I Killed My Macros and Why You Should Wear Yellow on Saturday!

It was another travel day for me as I made my way back to Montreal to hang out with mrC while he finishes up his new plane training.

I usually do my low carb day sprints workout first thing in the morning, but I had an early flight and left my mom's before the sun came up. Then I took a ride on a couple of these.

When I travel alone, I use my time at the airports to recharge a little. I like to read. I picked up this book on my last travel day and it is really, really good. 

If I have a good layover, I like to sit in massage chairs and get massages. My back gets so tense when I have to drive myself to the airport and then sitting in airplanes just doesn't help. The girl who worked on me in Philadelphia really tried to break up my knots. I was loosey-goosey afterwards.

mrC surprised me with some very pretty flowers at the hotel. I think he missed me. I know I missed him.

I had big plans to do my sprints workout when I got to the hotel, but I was starving. Instead we had an early dinner and then took a walk. The weather is perfectly comfy for walking in the low 70s so we did an extra long loop.

So, even though I missed my workout, I killed my low carb day macros. This is probably my best day ever.




Snacks: a serving of peanuts and some celery with hummus


There's a big event on Saturday that I don't want you to miss. I hope you will join if you can. 

It's called Girls Run The World

"On September third, women all over the world are are participating in a day of solidarity to send a message to the unknown perpetrators of recent violence against women runners that we’re not going anywhere. 

There is no specific event - just thousnds of runners taking to the streets that day to show support for our cause. 

On our daily run, we are wearing YELLOW to draw attention to our numbers, to our strength, to our courage, as we hit the streets in celebration of running and to remember Nicolette Brueger, Katrina Vetrano, Vanessa Marcotte and all the other strong, women runners who have faced violence or harassment on the streets.

We ask the guys who want to support us to please year yellow, too! Pass the message on..."

I'm going to try to run and I hope I have something yellow in my suitcase!

Monday, August 15, 2016

30 Day Shred Begins

We're going to be hanging out in Montreal for a few weeks for mrC's work, but we have some pretty nice digs at the hotel. Since I'm starting 30 Day Shred, another carb cycling and intermittent fasting program, I was excited to see that the room had a little kitchen area.

What is 30 Day Shred?

After watching the introduction video from Amanda, here is what I learned:
  • Takes the best parts of Carb Cycling Level 1 & 2 
  • Uses a CUSTOMIZED IIFYM (if it fits your macros) plan
  • Puts less emphasis on being GF and DF (no more guilt over cheese and yogurt!)
  • Uses an optional shortened feeding window to get in your daily calories
  • The workouts: speed, strength training with focus on lower body, and running (this should be interesting for me and my knee) 
During the program we will be using two APPS:
OTR (On The Regimen) - to set custom macros and use with MFP
MFP (My Fitness Pal) - to log food/workouts and track macros

My OTR custom macros look like this (training = regular calorie day and rest day = low cal day):

Then using the customized macros, I input into MFP. I also upgraded to Pro and created goals for each carb cycling day, although I think my low carb day needs tweaking.

I started day 1 bright and early in the fitness center doing an elliptical sprint workout. We jumped right into intense with 20 intervals of 20 seconds on and 20 seconds off. I was secretly hoping my knee would give me another sign that it was up for an outdoor run. Maybe tomorrow.

We missed the shopping window when we arrived yesterday (stores close early here on Sunday), so after mrC went to work I found my way to both Walmart and a local grocery to stock up on some breakfast and lunch items.

Best find of the shopping trip was sweetener for my coffee and tea. Liquid stevia is the best!

I saw this postal box on our after dinner walk and think Canada has way better taste in mail than the USA. What do you think?

I want to stay on track during the 30 Day Shred, so I'm back to blogging every day. My first round of carb cycling was a huge success and I attribute a lot of it to the fact that I blogged EVERY day about my workouts and what I ate.

What I ate on low carb day:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon (what else, right?), coffee
I'm out of practice and almost forgot the plate photo ;)

Lunch: veggie burger, salad with parmesan cheese, ranch dressing, celery and hummus, diet dew
Can you believe all that food is only 370 calories? It's crazy how full I feel when I eat well.

Dinner: another salad, tuna, some green beans, and diet dew
I completely forgot the meal pic, so I compensated with a shot of the unprepared items ;)

Snack: Around 3:00 I satisfied a little sweet tooth and hunger with an low carb bar. These things are seriously sooooo good!

MACROS: Low carb days on MFP always confuse me because the app doesn't calculate net carbs (carbs minus fiber). My net carbs were 34 (yay), but my calories were 523 short (not good). The crazy part is that I feel satisfied and had plenty to eat.

Ever been to Montreal?
What tricks do you use to stay on track with your nutrition?
What Apps do you use to track your fitness/nutrition?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Core Work and A Carb Cycling Update

After a late night of travel back to Shenzhen and a little extra sleep, I got right to the core work today. I was a little behind on the plank challenge I'm doing because of my trip to Bali, but by putting together all of the days I had a tough core workout. But I did workout in Bali too.

Before I get to today, I have some catching up to do. It was not easy to be on a getaway while doing the carb cycling program, but I switched around some of the days and made it work as much as I could. 

Sunday: Low calorie day = rest
This made traveling easier. I had breakfast with mrC before being picked up for my ride to the airport, lunch was a protein bar and dinner from the room service kid's menu (on a Winnie the Pooh plate!).

Monday: Low carb day (originally feast day) = sprints on the elliptical 
Super easy at the hotel and restaurants in Bali. Eggs made to order at the hotel, chicken satay by the pool and dinner at Tony Roma's.

Tuesday: Feast day (originally fast day) = full body workout (or climb a volcano!)
We were served breakfast on our hiking trip (one at the bottom and one at the top): banana pancake and banana sandwich. Another order of chicken satay at the pool and dinner at Fish Co. Dessert from room service was a strange yogurt and granola bowl (but not in the same bowl?).

Wednesday: Fast day (originally regular calorie day) = REST
Breaking fast on an airplane is not my first choice! A little bit of chicken and rice, some fruit, and pb& j rice cake when I got back to apartment.

Macros: I'm pretty excited by these. I kept my carbs up except on low carb day and ate more on feast day again which made my fast go smoothly.

Today: Low calorie day (to get back on track with the group, I skipped regular calorie day)

Breakfast: our easy go-to: scrambled eggs with ham and pb&j rice cake

Lunch: quinoa pizza bake, salad, and grapes
Thank goodness my favorite pizzeria sauce is gluten free and mrC brought some back from the states with him.

Dinner: Italian crockpot chicken, green beans, salad and watermelon 

Macros: not at all happy about these. Unless MFP is wrong, most of my fats today came from my eggs. Who knew?!? On the bright side, my calories were right at 25% less than a regular day though.

Here's to staying on track and getting things done on schedule!
