Sunday, September 20, 2015

Yoga and Running with Friends

Even though I was tired, I stayed busy this weekend.

On Saturday, I was thinking about skipping yoga until my friend texted me that she was going to go too. I took it as a sign that I was meant to go to yoga. Isn't it funny how things work out that way?

It was another Hatha class with the same instructor, but much easier than the first one I took. It was still challenging, for ME, but not as hard. If you've ever been to a yoga class, you probably know what I mean.

Today I met up with two friends for #SundayRunday. There's always a nice view of the marina.

The humidity is back, but we still laced up and got out there for a nice and easy 3.5 miles. It feels really good to finish a tough run.

Keeping the promise to myself, I planked after my run. Some days it is harder to do this than others. Today was one of those days,

I spent the afternoon shopping and came home with a little present for my feet. This brand new pair of Skechers GOwalk2 Super Breathe are like pillows on my feet. I can't wait to try them out on the SWIC hike tomorrow.

How was your weekend?
Have you ever tried Skechers?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Exploring on Foot: Shenzhen International Garden & Flower Expo Park

My trips with the SWIC hiking group lead to a Fitbit party on my arm quickly!

You can tell by my Fitbit stats (which are still sorted by US time) that I was up about 6AM and then walking with the hiking group between 9-12.

Today we explored the Shenzhen International Garden & Flower Expo Park. The park was created for the expo in 2004, but is still open to the public and free. We walked around almost all of it. 

Here's a glimpse of some of the interesting things we saw.

Near the end we spotted these. Not sure what they are called but it looked like the idea was to walk across them. It looked difficult and like it would be a serious leg workout!

What part of the day are you most active? 
What's the strangest piece of fitness equipment you've ever seen in a park?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Truths

Keeping this post short and simple. Focusing on the positives.

Truth: Thursday mornings are becoming one of my favorites. I love lacing up my running shoes and heading out to meet-up with other runners.

Truth: Getting a running group started takes time. It was week #2 for the running group. There were fewer of us today but two new members came out.

Truth: Post run smoothies are better than water. Today's smoothie might not have been super healthy, but we are working on that with a local restaurant. Stay tuned.

Truth: The name Posture Pump scares me. However, the thing is amazing. It has worked wonders on my neck. I'm feeling confident that my American chiropractor in China knows what he is doing.

Truth: Crockpot BBQ chicken is the bomb. I cooked yesterday (if you call throwing ingredients into the crockpot cooking...and I do) and am having leftovers today.

Tell me a truth from your day!
Do you like crockpot cooking?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Impressions of Flow Yoga

I showed up at YogaLife for Pilates class only to learn that the schedule was different for this week. Instead the class being offered was Flow with Alignment. The girl behind the counter said the class was ok for beginners to try, so I figured what the heck? I'm already here.

Since it was my first time taking this type of class, I thought I'd share my first impressions/thoughts:

1. When the instructor only speaks Chinese, DO NOT PANIC! It is easy (most of the time) to follow along by simply watching the instructor or the people near you. If you are really messing up, the instructor will come to you.

2. Flow starts off slow. I know this has something to do with breathing. Connecting with our breath. That sort of thing. We sat for what seemed like an extra long time, just breathing. This leads to #3.

3. Seated meditation poses are hard work. You would think that sitting down would be restful. Effortless. Not so much. For a beginner like me, sitting straight makes my back muscles tired.

4. Pay attention to the sequence of poses. We were shown poses in groups of 4-6. After moving through them slowly, the instructor would have us repeat the sequence multiply times at a faster (but comfortable) pace.

5. It's OK if you can't do ALL of the poses. Most people in the class collapse the pose or simply lay down at some point. For me the goal is to try everything. Then I can see if I'm improving at all later.

6. Be prepared to sweat, A LOT! Even when it's not hot yoga! Normally I find it annoying to have sweat dripping off my face, arms, and legs. But in a yoga class, sweating means your body is warm, your muscles are warm, and therefore ready to stretch and twist and reach...I like this feeling.

7. You are supposed to contract your muscles while posing. I did not know that! I know my muscles contract as I am moving, but when holding a pose, the instructor pointed to my quads and indicated that I should contract (at least I think that's what she meant. Yogis let me know if I misunderstood). And, it's not easy to do. Believe me, I tried to tighten that quad. It just didn't want to cooperate beyond what it was already doing.

Not my class, but photo from YogaLife website

Overall, I liked Flow Yoga and will probably go back when it fits in with my schedule. It was a good class for beginners to take.

Do you have a yoga class preference?
Give me your best beginner yoga advice...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

There almost wasn't a #TreadmillTuesday

I spent my morning at the SWIC Welcome Breakfast signing up runners for the new running group, drinking mimosas, and enjoying a wonderful breakfast party. This was a much bigger event than the normal Tuesday coffees at the Hilton and was about 30 minutes away at the Marco Polo Hotel in Futian.

When I got home around lunch time, I was feeling pretty blah. I FaceTimed with mrC who is on a trip and told him I didn't think I was going to make it to the fitness center, but after taking some ibuprofen I decided to go for it. 

I walked to the fitness center and five miles later, I felt much better.

Yesterday I read a great article on yoga stretches for runners (here), so after my run I actually did them. I'm not very good at stretching after my runs, but I felt so good going through all 10 poses. 

My post-run swim made me feel even better. I love when no one else is in the pool. 

Tomorrow is my second pilates class. Wish me luck!

Do you like mimosas? 
Do you push through feeling yucky or take a day off?
