I spent my morning at the SWIC Welcome Breakfast signing up runners for the new running group, drinking mimosas, and enjoying a wonderful breakfast party. This was a much bigger event than the normal Tuesday coffees at the Hilton and was about 30 minutes away at the Marco Polo Hotel in Futian.
When I got home around lunch time, I was feeling pretty blah. I FaceTimed with mrC who is on a trip and told him I didn't think I was going to make it to the fitness center, but after taking some ibuprofen I decided to go for it.
I walked to the fitness center and five miles later, I felt much better.
Yesterday I read a great article on yoga stretches for runners (here), so after my run I actually did them. I'm not very good at stretching after my runs, but I felt so good going through all 10 poses.
My post-run swim made me feel even better. I love when no one else is in the pool.
Tomorrow is my second pilates class. Wish me luck!
Do you like mimosas?
Do you push through feeling yucky or take a day off?
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