Before getting out the door, I did some warmups and stretches. This is a new one from the chiropractor that is great on the glutes, but makes my lower back feel good too. I think it's just a standing pigeon pose.
The girls and I got to see the end of sunrise along the waterfront and enjoy the newly planted trees at a new apartment complex. We also enjoyed comfortable temps in the high 70s for all 3.5 miles! It still felt like 85, but it was the first time I saw temps below 80 since moving to China in May.
I've always been a Nike Running fan. I have the Nike+ GPS watch and use the Nike Running app. Most of my running friends are using Strava and lately I've been checking it out.
There are 4 things that I really like about Strava:
1. The Feed. I can follow my friends and see their workouts.
2. The Kudos. Giving and getting high fives is awesome-ness.
3. The Groups. Because it's about finding and loving your tribe, right?
4. The Best Efforts. Instantly see what was good about each run (even when it felt like crap!).
I'll still use my Nike (until I get a newer, bigger, better running watch) because I can't leave all that running data behind!
What did you do on Sunday Runday? run, race, rest?
Are you on Strava?
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