Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WIAW: Weekend Plans

I've been cooking up some ideas on how to spend my ZOOMA Cape Cod weekend even though I'm injured and won't be running. You can check out some great ways to still have fun on race day in my post on the ZOOMA Blog and find out what I'll be up to this weekend!

Weekends are also fun for cooking up some treats around my house. Last weekend we had a big batch of Greek Flaxseed Protein Pancakes for breakfast.

Then for dinner, we skipped the usual meal options and went straight for the football appetizer favorite: Buffalo Chicken Dip.

The recipe is so easy:

We watched football and munched all afternoon!

Find more ideas to cook up your weekend plans at the WIAW link up!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 11

My second "test" run last week did not go as I hoped, so my plans to run the ZOOMA Cape Cod 10K have been scrapped. However, I have plans to make race day just as fun as ever. Stay tuned!

Last week, I spent more time with my strength training and more time doing what I can do without pain: WALK. My friends in the running community keep telling me that hamstring injuries take a long time to heal, so I've decided to walk on the days that I used to run.

Monday - 50 squats. PT after school followed by a workout at home: Good Morning Circuit from Lorna Jane and the Knee Strength Workout from Christine.

Tuesday - 50 squats. Ran two slow painful miles on the trail after school and then sat through a soccer game. My adductor was not happy for about a day and a half.

Wednesday - 50 squats. Spider man pushups, straight leg bicycles, and the 8 minute belly buster circuit.

Thursday - 50 squats. Normally a run day, I took a 5K walk to the beach with mr. C and the dog. The view was gorgeous so I did some spontaneous side plank crunches for the Under Armour daily challenge.

Friday - 50 squats. Saw the dermatologist after school and he took a small spot from my cheek. Long day, emotional day = rest day.

Saturday - 50 squats. Walked, instead of ran, the My Dogs Are Barking 5K course with mr. C and the retired-loyal hound. Knee strength routine and got caught up on some daily challenge exercises.

Sunday - 50 squats. Needed to work the abs, so I did the 4 Minute Ninja Abs circuit and then added some glute strength exercises as well.

Waiting out this hamstring/adductor injury is by far one of the hardest things I've had to do in a while. If you have been in my shoes, I'd love to hear your advice/tips. This week, I'm looking forward to some good walks and then we head down to Cape Cod for a ZOOMA filled weekend!

Last, but not least, the winner of the Oofos Recovery Shoe giveaway! Please email me your Oofos recovery shoe selection and size.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 20, 2013

Oofos Recovery Shoes Review & Giveaway!

One thing that is never far from my mind as a runner is recovery. I have accumulated a lot of recovery gear like compression socks, compression shorts, ice packs, foam get the idea. Recently I was sent a pair of recovery shoes from Oofos.

Oofos footwear is built using the "proprietary OOfoam™ technology" and "patented footbed design" to "comfort and support while reducing fatigue and enhancing recovery." At first glance, it's a clod-hopper with a very thick sole, but it's surprisingly lightweight.

As soon as I put on my Oofos Ooriginals, I forgot about how awkward looking they are and immediately felt their cushion-iness. After standing on classroom tiled floors for the first three days of school, my legs and feet were tired.

I like to wear slip on shoes around the house (my normal go-to pair are some Addidas that I have had for years). After just a few steps, I could feel some bounce in my walk. According to the Oofos blog, these shoes make an excellent training buddy because they'll "help absorb 37% of stress."

After spending some quality time in my new Oofos shoes, I can see why they have made the Sneaker Report's Top 10 Recovery Shoes list.

Oofos Footwear would like you to feel the #RejOOv for yourself. Use the rafflecopter below to enter. This giveaway is for US residents only and ends Sunday evening September 22.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary pair of Oofos footwear for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Day in the Life: What I do Besides Run

Happy Hump Day! Making it to the middle of the week takes on a whole new meaning once school is back in session. Today I'm joining Angela and Jill for a "Day in the Life" link up and sharing a glimpse of what one of my days as a high school English teacher looks like.

I usually wake up around 5:30 and after brushing my teeth, feeding the dog, and pouring a cup of coffee, I start my day with 50 squats. This is a new routine for me. One that I adopted right after the PT told me I need to strengthen my glutes.

For breakfast my pre-wheat-free toast has become an apple cinnamon rice cake with PB & J and a side of yogurt.  At this time of the morning I still have the downstairs to myself, so I watch the news, read email, and check Facebook while eating. 

After breakfast I make a smoothie and pack my lunch. After getting dressed for work, if I'm lucky I get a brief chat with my husband and step-daughter before heading out the door for my 20 minute commute to work.

My days vary as a high school teacher because we are on a 90 minute block schedule: we have odd days when periods 1, 3, 5, 7 meet and even days for periods 2, 4, 6, 8. Here's a look at a typical even day. 

From 7:30 - 7:56 I get ready for my day - making copies, writing instructions on the white board, greeting students as they enter the classroom. 7:56 - 9:26 I teach Period 2 English 10 for 90 minutes. As the class starts, the morning announcements begin with the Pledge. During announcements students work on a quick write that leads to a discussion of the story the students read. Afterwards I give them a writing assignment to complete. The class ends with another reading selection. When the bell rings, I quickly change what I've written on the white board for my next class.

9:31 - 11:01 Period 4 is my planning time. Most of it is spent in the teacher's room which happens to be right across the hall from my classroom. I use this time to grade papers, make copies, and run errands. I might also have a snack during this time, like some dry rice chex cereal. Although I could stay in my room, another class is being taught in there during this time.

11:06 - 12:36 I'm back in the classroom for Period 6 English 10 Honors. This is my biggest class of the day and right before lunch. Today this class starts with a practice SAT question and discussion. Today they are practicing how to write correct works cited entries for various sources. They work quietly with a partner to complete a series of entries. I walk around helping and monitoring for most of the activity.

12:36 - 1:06 This is my lunch period and I'm back across the hall in the teacher's room for a little down time with my colleagues. Today I'm having some tuna, grapes, and cheese & crackers. 

1:11 - 2:41 Period 8 English 10 Honors is a repeat of the my before lunch class. The last five minutes of class we listen to announcements before the dismissal bell. I like to stand in the hall and say good-bye to students as they leave.

3:00 - 4:00 Today we have a faculty meeting in the Information Center (aka library). These are held every third Wednesday and are scheduled for one hour. I also attend a quick GEA meeting after the faculty meeting.

4:30 When I get home, I will complete the Lorna Jane daily challenge and my strength workouts. I told my PT about exercises I found from Christine and he LOVES them, so it is a priority to get them done more than twice a week.

Once everyone is home, it is time to prep dinner. Tonight we are having a favorite: chicken florentine with gluten free pasta. I used to use cream of chicken soup, but now I use plain yogurt, milk, parmesan cheese, and garlic.

Don't forget to see what everyone else is doing and eating today!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 10

Another week has gone by and I'm still not back to running. Instead of training for the ZOOMA Cape Cod half marathon, I downgraded my registration to the 10K (in the off chance that I might be able to run 6.2 miles just 2 weeks from now).

For now, it is more PT, lots of strength, and testing the hamstrings on smaller runs. I am again using challenges to help keep me motivated and focused while working to get back into my running shoes. Another thing to love about challenges is that some have prizes. Like this great Brooks Running hat I received from the #AugustCoreFocus challenge with Kat.

Monday - 50 squats and I broke out the weights for single leg dead lifts.

Tuesday - 50 squats in the morning. My afternoon workout consisted of horizontal pull ups, the 4 minute ninja ab workout and the knee strength workout I mentioned last week. Then I tried a new one from the Lorna Jane Challenge: Good Morning Circuit.

Wednesday - The usual morning 50 squats. After work I had to get a physical and then went straight to  PT. I was tired, so it turned into a rest day.

Thursday - 50 squats. After work I did some reverse table top crunches, single leg squat jumps, planks, and a slow, tender two mile treadmill run at the suggestion of my PT. As much as I wanted this to be pain free, I'm realizing that the healing process cannot be rushed.

Friday - My hamstrings were tender following my short run, but I still did my 50 squats in the morning. When I got home from work I did the Love Your Legs workout from Lorna Jane before heading to another session of PT.

Saturday - I started the day with happier hamstrings and 50 squats. Later I did some planks and jump rope jacks. My PT told me to take it easy after the ART session we had on Friday. I'm not taking any chances!

Sunday - This was rode trip day to Connecticut for a soccer clinic with my step daughter. Before we left I did my 50 squats and a handstand challenge. While at UNC, we walked around campus for a bit to stretch out our legs from the 3 hour car ride.

Off to PT now and hopeful for some more improvement. Maybe I'll even try another run tomorrow!
