Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Albion Fit: Go Long Crew Giveaway!

You may have seen me hanging out repeatedly in the same blue long sleeve crew top lately.

When I first started seeing Albion apparel online, I was impressed with the feminine but sporty look. So, of course I checked them out. Albion is a family owned eco-friendly business focused on creating luxurious clothing for women on the go.

Because I love a comfy long sleeve top that I can wear casually or to and from SurfSet, I reached out to the company. They generously sent me their bestselling top: the Go Long Crew with thumb holes.

This top is everything they claim it to be: soft and lightweight, flattering in length, and versatile for any situation. It retails for $28 but you can get 15% off with my discount code escapade15 (good on any purchase through April 6, 2014).

Besides wearing it while hanging out around the house and as a cover up to SurfSet classes, the Go Long Crew is also perfect for my strength and yoga workouts in the cool basement.

Albion offers a wide variety of tops, bottoms, and swimwear - all with the same fitness flattering touch. Here are some others I would love to try of my favorites:

Giveaway: Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to try an Albion Fit Go Long Crew!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Albion Fit provided the product for this review, but all opinions are my own.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Update: Run, Run, Run

It's amazing how fast time passes at times. Does that mean I've been having fun?? I think so!

March was a fun month of workouts. I focused on strength and tried a new fitness class. Last week wasn't the most productive week of the month, but it ended on a strong note.

Monday - strength exercises for runners. I'm really liking this routine.

Tuesday - Last minute faculty meeting before rushing home to meet the cable guys meant another active rest day. More strength exercises.

Wednesday - Monthly chiropractor visit with another knee cap adjustment. Managed a 30 minute TM run. My knee was a little tender during and after the run.

Thursday - REST day - my knee was still hurting a little so I iced a few times.

Friday - Easy 5K on the treadmill followed by some strength exercises.

Saturday - SurfSet Saturday and then a 6 mile run downtown. Loving the double workouts!

Sunday - strength workout

This month I enjoyed playing along with the Instagram challenges from ZOOMA and Happy Fit Mama. I joined the FitFluential #FFMarchMiles challenge and logged 55.3 of the 100 mile goal. I knew it was an ambitious goal with all my kneecap problems, but I couldn't resist.

What was your best March moment?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fitness Friday: New Perspectives

In the classroom, I talk to my students about perspectives a lot. It's a prominent theme in several books we read throughout the year and it encourages them to look beyond the surface to consider points that they hadn't thought of before.

I've also talked about perspectives in fitness. What might be easy for some is hard for others. An injury makes you reflect on your goals. You get the idea.

This year I wanted to continue to broaden my perspective, so I set a goal to try more new activities.

On Sunday I joined the Blog & Tweet NH group at New Perspectives Pole and Aerial in Manchester to try the new fitness trend for first time: Pole Fitness

Pole Fitness combines dance and acrobatic moves to create a fun workout that builds strength and flexibility. It involves moves such as spins, climbs, slides, and inversions.

The owner and our instructor Juel is a retired gymnast and certified strength and conditioning coach. In addition to instructing, she also competes professionally!

After some floor warm-ups, our Intro to Pole class started to get up close and personal with the POLE.

Even though Juel did an outstanding job showing us how to do the individual beginner moves, it was the toughest thing I've ever tried. I've never been known for my upper body strength, but it was obvious that the rest of my body is lacking power also.

When I signed up to attend this event, I was expecting to feel awkward during the dance-like portions, but I was ready to push myself out of my comfort zone. I was ready for it to be hard, but willing to try.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that even though I'm not the strongest girl, I was still able to do most of the moves. It was also a relief to feel a sense of encouragement from the instructor and the other ladies in the class.

I don't know when I will be back for more Pole Fitness, but I will be back!

If you're thinking about checking out Pole Fitness, follow New Perspectives on Facebook for information about the upcoming Open House.

Have you tried Pole Fitness? 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WIAW: Gluten Free Mini Tortilla Pizzas

Going gluten free has been a lot like learning to run. Like many people, when I first started running, I thought, I have a pair of shoes, how hard can it be? It didn't take long for me to end up in the doctor's office with an injury. I learned my first lesson and got back in my running shoes to try again.

Learning to live a gluten free life has taken a similar path. Sometimes a recipe SOUNDS good, but then when you actually make it you realize that something went terribly wrong. Like with running, I've learned it's a process and I've got to keep trying until I find what works for me.

On Sunday I tried a recipe that I thought was brilliant because it was so easy. I saw a similar recipe online somewhere and thought, I can make that gluten free!

The simple recipe called for small tortillas, pizza sauce, cheese, and toppings of your choice. I used corn tortillas (because we already had them in the house), my favorite Cincinnati pizzeria sauce, and sharp cheddar cheese.

Bake for 5-ish minutes in the toaster oven at 400 degrees.

When I took them out, they looked delicious!

I couldn't wait to take a bite.

They were not what I was expecting. The corn tortillas were flimsy, not toasted and crusty like non-GF tortillas from my quesadilla days. They didn't taste bad, but they also weren't good. If that makes any sense.

So, my first attempt wasn't the greatest, but I plan to buy gluten free tortillas and try again.

Have you ever failed at a new recipe?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Training Truths: March Madness

Happy Monday! Last week felt a little bit like March Madness! It was so busy that I didn't even have a chance to write a blog post since my last #TrainingTruths, but I am happy to say that I still found time to workout! My strength workouts took a back burner at the beginning of the week, but I managed FOUR runs and TWO fitness classes over the weekend.

Monday - Unavoidable REST day. There just wasn't time for a workout between school, making dinner, and watching my former student earn runner-up status at the Poetry Out Loud NH High School State Finals at the State House in Concord.

Tuesday - Ran a 5K to the beach and back with mrC and youngestC. One look at us, and I'm sure you can tell we are a family!

Wednesday - Another inescapable REST day. Met up with youngestC after a faculty meeting, went shopping for tennis gear for her, and then joined mrC and oldestC for dinner at the British Beer Company - where they have an awesome GF menu!

Thursday - We woke up to about 4 new inches of snow, but the temperatures warmed up through the day melting most of it by the time I got home from school. It wasn't warm enough for the troops to venture out with me though, so I faced the windy 3.4 route solo.

Friday - After learning about the 16 year old who died after running her first half marathon, I wanted to run in her memory. I did a little strength workout as a warmup and then ran a 5K on the treadmill.

Saturday - It was a double workout day with mrC. We warmed up with an hour of SurfSet and then hit the downtown streets for a 5 miler, oops I missed a turn, 6.3 mile run. (#FFMarchMiles = 49.85)

Sunday - I met up with the gang from Blog & Tweet NH to try out a new fitness class. Full review coming soon!

How are you surviving March Madness?
