Monday, June 23, 2014

Training Truths: It's Summer!

Wow! Did you feel that heat arrive? This week started with an abrupt reminder that summer is officially descending upon us. I don't mind getting sweaty, in fact I kind of like it, but running in the high temperatures has always been a challenge for me.

This year, I'm trying to not get hung up on the slower paces as my body adjusts to the warmer weather. So, as I continued to run outside during this last week of school, I tried to embrace the activity and not worry about the data!

Monday - 30 minute walk at lunch, side lunge jumps, two Tabata ab workouts (see here & here).

Tuesday - A seriously steamy run after school with a co-worker and hanging knee-ups.

Wednesday - Busy, busy day! Morning planks then work, dinner, and graduation.

Thursday - MrC was home from three weeks of ground school, so I took the day off from running.

Friday - Driveway workouts after my last day of school: step-up knee-ups, lunge jumps, and abs.

Saturday - 4 mile run downtown on the Manchester Trail before SurfSet. I learned my lesson the last time I almost melted running after class. The weather was also on my side this time with a sunny but cooler than usual morning. It was a beautiful start to summer! Can we have more days like this?

Sunday - a little yoga and a World Cup Workout. I really didn't need this to keep my heart rate up; what an exciting USAvPOR game!

Planks - 1 minute everyday!!

How did you ring in the official start to summer?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Kickoff to Summer 5K 2014

Last Saturday, I did something pretty cool.

I ran the Kickoff to Summer 5K for the 5th time and for the 3rd time with littleC. I have run this race nearly every year since moving to New Hampshire (missed 2010). In fact it was my very first NH race. We really like this local race because it has a friendly course and is a fundraiser for the elementary school PTA.

Just like last year, I used the 5K as part of my long run. So instead of driving to the race with littleC, I ran the 3.1 miles and met her there. It was a cool morning and aided by my pre-run fuel from Vega Sport, I ran some pretty good splits getting to the race (8:50, 8:39, and 8:15)! To be honest though, the last half mile is all downhill.

After a quick wardrobe change, we picked up our bibs and the (always cute) race shirts, stored them in the car and then headed to the starting line.

This is a no frills race. The start is an orange line spray painted on the blacktop and the start is an enthusiastic gentleman with a megaphone. LittleC and I ran together for the first two miles, but then I got ahead of her through a water stop. Once we were back out on the main road, I just wanted to get to the finish, so I pushed on.

My goal for this race was to have fun and keep a pace that felt good. I'm happy to say that I achieved all three and beat my time from last year (28:56) with a solid 28:21.

Do you like running the same race every year?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workout Wednesday: 4 Minute Workouts

I keep hearing that Tabata is an efficient way to workout. The combination of vigorous exercise and rest periods can pack more benefits than an hour long treadmill run when done three times a week. Tabata workouts are packed with benefits…

So, since I don't plan to give up running anytime soon, Tabata is a great cross-training option that can help me get stronger and (maybe) faster!

My go-to ab workout uses the Tabata technique (see it here), but I've been looking for some new ones to mix things up and keep me challenged. Here's a one I found from Running Hutch:

20 seconds/10 seconds rest x 3 sets

Forearm Plank
Russian Twists
Mountain Climbers

If you are looking for Tabata workouts, I created a Pinterest board you can check out!

Follow Amy's board Tabata Workouts on Pinterest.

Do you use Tabata as part of your training?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Training Truths: Driveway Workouts

A lot of people I know go to the gym to workout. Maybe it's because I spend all my time cooped up in a classroom all day, but I love to do my workouts outside. The neighbors probably think I'm wackado for jumping around in the driveway, so sometimes I recruit family members to join me.

Even though I don't let the seasons deter me from doing outdoor workouts, I do get outside more frequently now that it's warmer. This week only the rain kept me inside.

Monday -  30 minute walk, side lunge jumps and ab ninja workout

Tuesday - 3 mile run (fueled with Vega Sport SFE) with negative splits (9:15, 8:58, 8:56), side lunge jumps, and side plank lifts.

Wednesday - The rain chased me inside today - 30 minute walk, side lunge jumps, side plank lifts, jump rope(less) side to sides and ab ninja workout.

Thursday - 5K run (in my new Wave Paradox!!) and glider oblique pikes (ugh!). Fueled my run again with Vega Sport SFE and was even speedier than Tuesday (9:08, 8:58, 8:34)!

Friday - much needed rest day with a little vino!

Saturday - Ran two awesome 5Ks: one on the way to the Kickoff to Summer 5K where I met up with littleC. Both 5Ks were speedier than I expected (#1 8:50, 8:39, 8:15 and #2 8:56, 9:47, 8:38), so I'm beginning to think the Vega Sport SFE is working even more than I originally thought. After the race, lateral slide burpees in the driveway.

Sunday - Side lunge jumps, in & out squats, yoga stretching

Everyday - #PlankStreak - 1 minute every day!

Where is your favorite place to workout?

Friday, June 13, 2014

Five Races I'd Love to Run Again

Lately I've been thinking about some of the races that I would love to do again. Ones that I haven't had a chance to do more than once yet. 

Since this week's Friday Five from CynthiaCourtney, and Mar has an open theme, I picked the five races I would definitely do again if I had the chance.

Pell Bridge Run - You know I love Newport, RI and running across the bridge as the sun was rising was one of the coolest moments ever. The early bird start time (6:30 AM) and the logistics of getting to the point-to-point starting line has kept this one off the schedule for a few years, but it may be time to do it again soon.

Flying Pig Half Marathon - If I could go home to Cincinnati every year to run this race, I would. What can be better than a hometown visit and a race all in one weekend?

Cape Cod Ragnar Relay - I loved, loved, loved running on the Cape. The hills were killer, but the views were amazing. Plus, staying over after the race on the Cape is the best recovery!

NYC Half - This race takes you through all the best parts of NYC: Central Park, Times Square, and along the Hudson to Battery Park. The entire weekend of sight-seeing, shopping, and attending the expo was so much fun. I'd definitely love a repeat.

Rock-n-Roll (Providence) - This was my first half marathon ever in 2011. I've actually done it twice, but Providence is no longer a tour city. Weekends in Providence were always fun, but this is one that just has sentimental value.

Do you have a race you would like to run again? 
