Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Impressions of Flow Yoga

I showed up at YogaLife for Pilates class only to learn that the schedule was different for this week. Instead the class being offered was Flow with Alignment. The girl behind the counter said the class was ok for beginners to try, so I figured what the heck? I'm already here.

Since it was my first time taking this type of class, I thought I'd share my first impressions/thoughts:

1. When the instructor only speaks Chinese, DO NOT PANIC! It is easy (most of the time) to follow along by simply watching the instructor or the people near you. If you are really messing up, the instructor will come to you.

2. Flow starts off slow. I know this has something to do with breathing. Connecting with our breath. That sort of thing. We sat for what seemed like an extra long time, just breathing. This leads to #3.

3. Seated meditation poses are hard work. You would think that sitting down would be restful. Effortless. Not so much. For a beginner like me, sitting straight makes my back muscles tired.

4. Pay attention to the sequence of poses. We were shown poses in groups of 4-6. After moving through them slowly, the instructor would have us repeat the sequence multiply times at a faster (but comfortable) pace.

5. It's OK if you can't do ALL of the poses. Most people in the class collapse the pose or simply lay down at some point. For me the goal is to try everything. Then I can see if I'm improving at all later.

6. Be prepared to sweat, A LOT! Even when it's not hot yoga! Normally I find it annoying to have sweat dripping off my face, arms, and legs. But in a yoga class, sweating means your body is warm, your muscles are warm, and therefore ready to stretch and twist and reach...I like this feeling.

7. You are supposed to contract your muscles while posing. I did not know that! I know my muscles contract as I am moving, but when holding a pose, the instructor pointed to my quads and indicated that I should contract (at least I think that's what she meant. Yogis let me know if I misunderstood). And, it's not easy to do. Believe me, I tried to tighten that quad. It just didn't want to cooperate beyond what it was already doing.

Not my class, but photo from YogaLife website

Overall, I liked Flow Yoga and will probably go back when it fits in with my schedule. It was a good class for beginners to take.

Do you have a yoga class preference?
Give me your best beginner yoga advice...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

There almost wasn't a #TreadmillTuesday

I spent my morning at the SWIC Welcome Breakfast signing up runners for the new running group, drinking mimosas, and enjoying a wonderful breakfast party. This was a much bigger event than the normal Tuesday coffees at the Hilton and was about 30 minutes away at the Marco Polo Hotel in Futian.

When I got home around lunch time, I was feeling pretty blah. I FaceTimed with mrC who is on a trip and told him I didn't think I was going to make it to the fitness center, but after taking some ibuprofen I decided to go for it. 

I walked to the fitness center and five miles later, I felt much better.

Yesterday I read a great article on yoga stretches for runners (here), so after my run I actually did them. I'm not very good at stretching after my runs, but I felt so good going through all 10 poses. 

My post-run swim made me feel even better. I love when no one else is in the pool. 

Tomorrow is my second pilates class. Wish me luck!

Do you like mimosas? 
Do you push through feeling yucky or take a day off?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Motivation Monday! Who Dey!

Today started with a little American football. I had to show support for my team while listening and watching online.

The team that no one ever believes in came out the winner!

I met the SWIC hiking group for the weekly climb up Nanshan. Today one member who usually needs to turn around made it all the way to the top!

I started thinking about the WHO DEY message. It originated during a time when the team was doing poorly, but then went on to play in the Super Bowl. Who Dey think going to beat those Bengals? Nobody!

We all go through those times, when we doubt ourselves, when others laugh at our goals. Those times when the mountain seems insurmountable.

But we have to
keep pushing,
keep fighting,
keep working,
keep climbing
for what we want.

What's your mountain?
How do you stay motivated?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

#SundayRunday and What I Love About Strava

Today was one of those days where it wasn't easy to get up early and go for a run. Having a date to run with friends helps.

Before getting out the door, I did some warmups and stretches. This is a new one from the chiropractor that is great on the glutes, but makes my lower back feel good too. I think it's just a standing pigeon pose.

The girls and I got to see the end of sunrise along the waterfront and enjoy the newly planted trees at a new apartment complex. We also enjoyed comfortable temps in the high 70s for all 3.5 miles! It still felt like 85, but it was the first time I saw temps below 80 since moving to China in May.

I've always been a Nike Running fan. I have the Nike+ GPS watch and use the Nike Running app. Most of my running friends are using Strava and lately I've been checking it out.

There are 4 things that I really like about Strava:

1. The Feed. I can follow my friends and see their workouts.

2. The Kudos. Giving and getting high fives is awesome-ness.

3. The Groups. Because it's about finding and loving your tribe, right?

4. The Best Efforts. Instantly see what was good about each run (even when it felt like crap!).

I'll still use my Nike (until I get a newer, bigger, better running watch) because I can't leave all that running data behind!

What did you do on Sunday Runday? run, race, rest?
Are you on Strava?

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday Favorites: Rainbows and Rewards

At the end of a busy week, my body told me it was time for a rest day. So instead of joining the SWIC hiking group for a 3 hour walking tour, I opted to stay home and relax.

My day of rest turned into rainbows and rewards.

Here are some of my favorite moments:

A sign of peace.

Comfy pants and coffee.

Football on a Friday morning.

A surprise overnight trip to Macau Friday afternoon with mrC! (which is why this post is so late). We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel. He took me to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and then went to see The House of Dancing Water.

We had the best time!

We spent all day today sightseeing around Macau.

Do you ever have blah days turn into amazing days?
Do you like surprise plans?

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