February 4 - This morning I had a fantabulous run. On the schedule was a twelve mile run for my half marathon training. My first of the year is in two weeks at the Hampton Half and my second is in May at the Cox Rhode Races. I met my training partner at the Executive Health Club near MHT at 8AM. She had the route since it was one she has run when training for marathons. Here's what it looked like afterwards:
Everything worked today. The route was mainly flat with just a couple of small, easy inclines. At about 30 degrees the weather was just right and even managed to puff out a few flurries for us. All of the sidewalks and paths were clear and open. Most importantly my legs were feeling good and loose. I love when my runs are nice and easy like this.
Do you ever wonder what causes a good run to happen? The weather? Your meals? The right frame of mind? Wouldn't it be great to know so that you could replicate it right before that BIG RACE?
I don't know what my combination was exactly, but I love weather like today in the 30s, my dinner last night was a pepperoni calzone with some wine (ok a lot of wine), and my mom surprised me by coming to visit from Cincinnati! Fantabulous!
Momma! |
Congratulations to the winners of the Simple Hydration Water Bottle Giveaway:
Tara Martin
Chuck Abbey
Please email me your mailing address information so I can get your bottles to you!