Friday, August 16, 2013

Fitness Friday: Fall Wish List

It's back to school time everywhere I look. Now even though I have more than two weeks of summer left, it doesn't hurt to start thinking about what I'm going to need for the Fall...running gear that is!

I've been on an unexpected break from running this week (more on that in Monday's post), so to make myself feel better I've been browsing all the running gear sites, flipping through catalogs, and checking out the latest IT items in the magazines.

Here are a few items on my Back to School Running Wish List:

Mizuno Wave Creation 14 - just a new color that I like in a shoe that I really love. I don't really need new shoes, not really ;)

Athleta Metta Hoodie Sweater. This would be perfect to wear to my step daughter's soccer games after my after-school runs. It gets cool quickly and this is a cute spin on a typical sweatshirt hoodie.

Nike Dri-Fit Graphic No-Show tab training socks. For some reason these are very hard to find, but they are the most comfortable running socks. I've worn them for years and get a lot of miles out of them. Time to replace the old ones.

Go Pro Hero3 Silver Edition. This would be the coolest TOY to have. I saw pictures that a guy captured while wearing it during the NYC half marathon, and they are amazing! I would love to get pictures like that!

What's on your "back-to-school" fitness wish list?
If Designer Whey protein is your wish list, there is still time to enter my giveaway. Winners will be announced in Monday's post!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#DesignerWhey Sustained Energy Review & Giveaway!

Back in December, my running friend took me for a smoothie at a local cafe. It was a perfectly delicious way to celebrate our long run. After that, I really looked forward to those post-run smoothies.

This summer I started making my own smoothies. First I bought pre-made packets and just added milk, because I had no idea where to begin. Then after researching smoothie recipes, I began using my own ingredients. I found a really simple HOW TO graphic on Pinterest that was helpful.

When I found out that I was selected to participate in the FitFluential campaign for Designer Whey I was super excited because a boost was the only ingredient missing from my homemade smoothies. I learned a long time ago that consuming protein after a workout helps aid in the recovery process.

When I opened the box I discovered that Designer Whey sent me their new product, Sustained Energy, to try in two flavors: Vanilla Bean and Chocolate Velvet.

From the website: 
Designer Whey® Sustained Energy™ is specifically formulated with our proprietary Endurance Blend™. Designed to give you balanced, stimulant-free, sustained energy through fast absorbing whey protein and slower absorbing soy and casein proteins, giving you a steady supply of essential amino acids while helping you control hunger with fiber.  Packed with 16 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 19 Essential Vitamins & Minerals and naturally flavored and sweetened – all for only 100-good-for-you calories! 
I don't know about you, but after my long runs sometimes it's all I can do to stay awake. All I want to do is take a nice long nap! Designer Whey Sustained Energy turned out to be the perfect product for me to try.

Judging one's own energy level for changes is hard. I've made a couple of batches of smoothies and one treat, and here is what I can tell you:
  1. I did not take a nap or feel like taking a nap after my 9 mile long run.
  2. After dental work, I almost always take a nap. Instead I had a smoothie. No nap!
  3. Rainy days usually make me sleepy. Not the day I ate some of my frozen treats.
Before trying Designer Whey I knew I wanted to purchase protein to use at home, I just didn't know what brand to buy. I'm happy with the Sustained Energy product so far and would put it on my shopping list.

Here are some of my protein recipes. Feel free to pin :)

Designer Whey would like to give you a chance to try Sustained Energy for yourself. To enter for a chance to win, leave a comment telling me which flavor you would like to try. I will randomly select 6 winners and announce in my blog post on Monday August 19th.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 5

I have really been liking my summer running schedule of 4 days per week. In preparation for my September half marathon, I have been running 5 mile routes 3x per week and then following my long run plan on either Saturday or Sunday. The bad news is that my left hamstring has started bothering me, so I did a couple of walking workouts using the new laptop board my husband made for me and took some extra rest days.

Wanting and needing a change of scenery, on Monday I drove into town and ran 5 miles along the river. The weather was cool and the route was semi-peaceful - just a little morning traffic and one barking black lab protecting his domain.

Spoiled by my bike trail run in Ohio, on Wednesday I recruited mr. C for an adventure. We drove 25 minutes to Peterborough to check out the bike path I heard about from my Daily Mile friend Colleen. It was a mix of paved path-sidewalk-neighborhood road. We loved it. We parked on the south side and ran north through Depot Square where we found a quaint collection of shops and cafes.

I developed a pain in my left hip- turned out to be a tight inner hamstring muscle - that went from nagging to almost making me limp, so on Thursday I went for an easy walk of 4.15 miles on the treadmill and used my brand new laptop board. I told mr. C that I wished I could multitask during my walking workouts and voila! He's the greatest.

My 5 mile run on Friday became a another rest day to give my tender hamstring more rest time before Sunday's long run. I still completed my daily exercises for the #AugustCoreFocus and #SweatADay challenges I am doing this month. I also iced, rolled, and compressed in my Aspaeris pivot shorts.

Feeling in good shape, Sunday we went back to the Peterborough Trail to do my scheduled 9 miles. This trail is a gold mine for runners who like paved paths, peace from traffic, and shade. I made a point to stop to stretch my crabby hamstring a few times during the run, but overall it was a good run.

Heading into next week, I know I need to take it easy or this hamstring issue could get worse. I'm thinking I might return to a three day running week again and cross my fingers.

How do you deal with injury?

Friday, August 9, 2013

#GoalGetter2013 July Update

Wow! Summer seems to be flying by, but not without fun, adventure, and new stuff! Of course I have also been working toward my goals for for the year and today I'm taking a look back at my adventures and how I did in July.

Say Hello to Fast!

The best way to start a new month is with some new gear and thanks to Mizuno and the Mezamashii Run Project, I received a pair of Wave Sayonaras. These shoe are so different from any other shoe I've worn, and I love having them in my training rotation.

Time to Start Training

I spent the first week of summer blissfully enjoying the lack of a training schedule (especially because it was so hot), but then quickly realized that it was time to start getting ready for the ZOOMA Cape Cod half marathon. So I wrote up a 12 week plan and crossed my fingers for a break in the heat wave.

Snacking on Stonyfield

I attended another #Blog&Tweet event organized by Janine and Allie of New Hampshire Blogger and Tweeters. We had a great time learning about Stonyfield organic yogurts made right here in New Hampshire. After LOTS of taste testing, I discovered a new favorite yogurt product that I can't have enough of.

Hula Hustle 10K

My only summer race was one big LUAU party! I had given up running races in the summer because of the heat and humidity, but this one made promises I couldn't resist. The Millennium Running Hula Hustle 5K/10K was definitely worth the warm weather run and will stay on my race schedule.

2013 Goal Highlights:

Still chasing 1000 miles for the year with a monthly goal of 80+, I'm happy to report that in July I ran 80.41 miles (thanks to a two-a-day one mile run to put me over the top!). I am hoping to carry this success into my August running.

I started a 30 day ab challenge that fell by the wayside when I went to Cincinnati, but I did complete 21 days. In August I hope to be more consistent and follow through with the challenges I'm doing.

How did you do in July?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 4

Coming back from vacation a couple of weeks ago, I felt relaxed, refreshed, and reenergized. This made it easier to unpacked my suitcase and get back on track with my half marathon training last week.

On Tuesday I went out for my regular 5 mile out and back. Normally I turn around at what looks like a Floating House, but instead I took a left and turned the route into a loop. It shorted me about a half mile, but it was fun to check out a new part of the neighborhood. The first half of the run was on the road while the second half was more dirt road or trail like.

Since Wednesday was the last day of July, I couldn't resist adding some more miles to my monthly total. Even though it was a really nice day, I didn't want to deal with cars, bugs, or heat so I jumped on the treadmill and ran an easy 6 miles. This was my longest run in the Wave Sayonaras and my legs seemed ok with that distance. Then I went out later to run another mile just to bring my monthly total to 80. I blame the Sweaty Challenge!

Thursday morning was one of those kind that runners love in the summer: cool with low humidity. So even though I was planning a rest day, I laced up my "other" pink Mizunos, the Wave Rider 15 Limited Editions, and ran a 5K to the beach and back.

Thursday was also the first day of the August challenges I signed up to do. The August Core Focus is hosted by Kat from Sneakers and Fingerpaints and will help participants build core stability. The #SWEATADAY Instagram Challenge by Under Armour encourages women to kick it into high gear every day.

Saturday morning's weather continued to be cool and perfect for the long run. After contemplating driving somewhere to run my scheduled 8.5 miles, I faced the truth that I was really trying to get out of running HILLS and let's face it, there are hills everywhere in NH. So, I ran local starting at my driveway.

At the end of my fourth week of ZOOMA training I'm feeling good with the way things are going. I've had a few minor aches and pains, but I have been treating myself to some good old fashion foam rolling, stretching, and strength training.

How are you doing?
