Monday, September 15, 2014

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 9 - Peak Week!

Peak Week: the most challenging week of half marathon training. Once you make it through, you should be in "peak" condition for your race. My peak week came two weeks ago, when I hit my highest mileage before the dreaded shin splint pain began.

So during my scheduled "peak week", I spent more miles on my bike than in my running shoes. With ZOOMA Cape Cod only two weeks away, I have 14 days to be a smart runner and get over this shin pain for good!

Monday - #FFWallSit challenge day 7 and barre3 Studio Strength: Legs + Glutes. These 10 minute videos may be short, but they pack a punch! Yowzer!

Tuesday - Inaugural run with the GHS Running Club. Nice and easy 2.7 miles with chatty teenagers on the Goffstown Trail. #FFWallSit challenge day 8

Wednesday#FFWallSit challenge day 9 and barre3 Studio Strength: Core + Stretch.

Thursday - Another trail run with the GHS Run Club. It was super muggy, be we were speedier than the last time. #FFWallSit challenge day 10

Friday - Stayed after school for a Faculty Barre class led by a colleague. It was a nice change from watching the videos. #FFWallSit challenge day 11

Saturday - Still feeling a little twinge of tenderness in my calf, so I opted for a long bike ride instead of a long run. mrC and I took the bikes on a 9.5 mile ride around Mine Falls Park. I love finding new places to bike (and run)! We will definitely be going back. #FFWallSit challenge day 12

Sunday - It was a beautiful fall day, so we took the bikes out for 14 miles on the Peterborough Trail#FFWallSit challenge day 13

What is your favorite low impact activity?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Training Truths: ZOOMA week 8 - Increase Intensity

ZOOMA training week 8 was supposed to be about upping the intensity of my training with more miles and longer training runs. Instead I increased my sensibility and took care of the tight calf that turned into a full-fledged shin splint with some days off from running, lots of icing, compression gear, and self-massage.

I also learned some other great tips for dealing with shin splints from my runner friends:
  • pick up newspaper using your toes
  • air-write the alphabet with your toes
  • rub ice cubes in circles on your shin
  • drink more water

Monday - REST + barre3 No Props: Legs + Core

Tuesday - REST + #FFWallSit challenge day 1

Wednesday - REST + barre3 Studio Strength: Legs + Glutes ---> lots of shaking going on! #FFWallSit challenge day 2

Thursday - REST + #FFWallSit challenge day 3

Friday - REST + #FFWallSit challenge day 4

Saturday - Changed up my long run to not un-do the healing of my shin splint from the week of rest. Instead of a 12 miler, I ran 7 and then rode my bike the remaining 5. It was warm and humid, but I took it very easy and felt ok. Felt a little tightness in the evening, so I know I still have healing to do. #FFWallSit challenge day 5

Sunday#FFWallSit challenge day 6

ZOOMA Cape Cod is only 3 weeks away and even though next week is Peak Week in my training program, I'm going to keep things easy and let my shin splint finish healing.

I'm also starting some fun fitness projects at school with the students and faculty this week. I'm looking forward to sharing more soon!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Workout Wednesday: barre3 Online

This summer I really enjoyed taking morning fitness classes, especially Booty Barre. Knowing that getting to classes would be challenging once school started, I signed up for a free 15-day trial of barre 3 Online after reading about it on the Athleta blog.

This offer is still good through Sept. 9, 2014 - code barre3Athleta

I liked the barre3 Online video workouts so much that I decided to buy a subscription. 

What works for me is that I can do the workouts anytime, anywhere. I don't have spend time rushing to get to a studio during the week. And, I can pick a video length based on how much time I have or what area I want to focus on.

I've been using the 10 minute videos to complement my half marathon training. These workouts target my large muscles but are easy on the joints.

And just like barre classes, some of the videos make you use props such as hand weights or the little blue ball. I received this one with my subscription.

Do you like online/video workouts?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 7 - Maintain Fitness

ZOOMA Cape Cod training week 7 was my last week of summer vacation. My last week of morning runs. My last week running 5 days. My last week of morning #Surf classes at TI Fitness.

But it was also the beginning of maintaining all the fitness I've built up over the past month and a half. The beginning of maintaining the strength I've gained to run hills. The beginning of sustaining the endurance I've earned through all my hard work.

It was also the last week of the month and a perfect time to share some #MarvelousMonday moments:

Marvelous is hitting my all-time highest mileage in one month - 116 miles
Marvelous is passing the 3000 mile mark using my Nike+ running gear

Monday - 5 hilly miles and SurfSet with mrC.

Tuesday - 3.5 miles. Met up with the GHS XC team for a very easy morning run. Wasn't expecting the pace to be so comfortable, but bringing up the rear probably had a lot of benefits when my legs were creeping up on 100 miles for the month!

Wednesday - 4 hilly miles and SurfnTurf with mrC. barre3 anywhere: core, arms + legs 10 minute video workout.

Thursday - Cross train --> done on Monday & Wednesday! barre3 anywhere: total body 10 minute video workout.

Friday - 4 hilly miles on the same route as Wednesday. Part of this run is a gravel road and my calves did not like it one bit. Felt good on the hills though. Travel-Friendly barre3: Total-body endurance 10 minute video workout.

Saturday - 11 miles on the Goffstown Trail with mrC. We started this run in the fog and ended under sunny blue skies. I'm afraid my tight calf has led to some twinges of a shin splint, so I'll be applying treatments for a few days: ice, compression, and active rest.

Sunday - Rest

What part of your fitness are you maintaining? 
Share something MARVELOUS with me!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 6 - Testing Limits

How do I test my limits? Run 10 miles solo.

I've been taking advantage of summer break and doing my long runs on Friday mornings so that my weekend time is a little more open. Most of the local group runs are on Saturdays/Sundays and mrC has had more Friday trips lately, so it's just me.

How do I test my limits? Choose a hilly route for my long run.

Last time I ran my long run on a local trail. I was planning to do it again, but it was a little creepy running secluded by myself. Option #2 was to run from home which meant a hilly route with one big hill right in the middle. I went for it since, ZOOMA Cape Cod has hills!

Sunday - 4 mile run just before daylight so I had to dig out the reflective gear.

Monday - 7 mile run in Newport where there are in fact, HILLS! Later we went kayaking in Newport Harbor and it was a killer arm workout.

Tuesday - 4 mile run around the base mostly along a running trail. Then a bike ride along Ocean Drive and Bellevue Ave with gorgeous water views and mansions galore!

Wednesday - Rest day!

Thursday - 4 mile run with mrC. It was cool and cloudy which made this run feel nice and easy.

Friday - Ran my 10 mile long run alone again. Even though I hated the idea of going solo, I did it. I kept my pace comfortable and felt good the whole time. I had to walk part of the killer hill in town, but felt really good overall. Lots of foam rolling, stretching, and compression gear the rest of the day.

Saturday - Cross training at SurfSet!

How do you test your limits?
