Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What #NoExcuses Looks Like

This is what #NoExcuses looks like to me.

It's tackling that hill. It's pushing through moments that are uncomfortable. It's embracing the challenges (like knee surgery) and using them as motivation. It's making it to the finish, the top. It's never quitting.

#NoExcuses means making good food choices, too. Being snowed in by winter storms can seriously mess with my routine causing me to overeat and just eat plain junk. I'm jumping on the WIAW bandwagon today and sharing some of my recent selections.

gluten-free salmon patties

parm-crusted haddock, green beans, and rice

sausage and spinach egg muffins with PB&J rice cakes



What does #NoExcuses look like to you?

This post is part of the Workout Wednesday link up hosted by 
Diatta, Sheila, Amanda and Heather

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I've been tagged! #TaketheLeap Yoga Challenge

I was tagged by Sandra from Organic Runner Mom and Jen from Running With The Girls to #TaketheLeap. I wasn't going to join this challenge because I don't really know yoga. But then I thought, isn't that what the challenge is all about…taking a leap to achieve our fitness goals? So I'm going to use this challenge to help me add yoga stretching to my daily routine.

The challenge officially kicked off yesterday with a fun yoga Mad Lib (my answers are in bold).

When I think about yoga, the first thought that comes to mind is challenge. Yoga scares me and makes me feel stiff.

That’s why I am SO excited to participate in prAna’s Take The Leap 30 days of Yoga Challenge with Sweat Pink. I plan to pose my way to a more flexible and strong 2015!

For me, the biggest challenge when it comes to yoga is knowing what I'm doing. Taking the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink is a great way for me to find knowledge to become a healthy runner.

My favorite place to yoga is outside because it is so beautiful and open.

Here’s a photo of me in my very best triangle pose.

I tag Allie from Running on Peanut Butter  and Jen from Thirty-three and Counting 

I want these fabulous bloggers to share their very best yoga pose photos, this fun madlib and of course, I challenge them to join me on this fun 30 day yoga journey.

Come on y’all, Take the Leap with me!

Join prAna’s & Sweat Pink’s Take the Leap 30 Days of Yoga Challenge and be eligible to win $500 worth of prAna gear and / or be the lucky winner who gets to gift $500 worth of prAna gear to one lucky winner. They just launched their new spring collection so you best get on it!

If I win I would gift the $500 to Sandra & Jen because they tagged me to join the challenge.

Join the Take the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink Facebook group / event which we’ll use for updates, sharing,and inspiration:
And join the challenge on Instagram, Twitter, and your blog using the hashtags:
And of course, tag @prana @FitApproach 


Monday, February 2, 2015

Knee Rehab Week 7 - 1:4 Intervals

Another title for this post could be "playing games with the weather." We'd been having a rather mild winter until last Tuesday when Juno pushed into New England. The week became a game of getting runs in before or after the crazy weather! And it continues today with another big storm bearing down on us.

Monday: 1.90 miles
The plan - walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, repeat 4x

Usually I run on Tuesday, but a winter storm warning meant a change of plans. This was my first time running back to back days since before my surgery (I also ran on Sunday) and it was my first 1:4 interval. I was nervous at the start, but quickly knew that my knee was going to be fine. I could definitely feel my lost fitness. Running 4 minutes as opposed to 3 minutes seems like such a small thing, but my body was telling me I still have work to do!

Thursday: 2 miles
The plan - walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, repeat 4x

One thing I love about exam week is that I get an hour for lunch. It was a cold day, but the sun was shining which made this an awesome winter run. I turned my watch off at 20 minutes (per PT instructions), but when I saw 1.94 on the display, I had to run a little more through the parking lot to get 2 miles. Why not, right?

Sunday - 2.18 miles
The plan - walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, repeat 4x

I put off the run until Sunday hoping the winds and temperature would be more reasonable, but ended up staying home for my first post-op treadmill run. I was nervous: would running on the treadmill bother my knee? How would I know the right speed for the intervals? In the end, my knee felt fine. I picked 3.5 for the walking, and went from 5 - 5.4 for the running.

Weekly Workouts:

Monday - run + #tightercore day 3

Tuesday - #tightercore day 4 + PT + swim

Wednesday - walk on TM + #tightercore day 5 + PT

Thursday - run + PT session + #tightercore day 6

Friday - #tightercore day 7 + walk on TM

Saturday - PT + #tighercore day 8 + Hip Hugger

Sunday - #tightercore day 9 + FAB AB February day 1 + run

It's not always easy to live with #NoExcuses. Week 3 of the challenge was a true test of not letting the excuses get the better of me. Pushing through the moments and staying focused feels even better when I get to #SundayZenday.

A photo posted by AmyC (@runningescapades) on

Did you watch the Super Bowl?
How do you get your zen on?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Fitness Assessments


As a teacher, this is a word that I say several times a day.

As a runner and fitness enthusiast, not so much.

I recently read a great post by Michelle at A Pace of Balance about assessing yourself and I realized that I actually do this.

#tightercore challenge - The first time I did this 10 minute workout from Pop Sugar, I could barely do a bird dog without falling over, let alone a bird dog with a twist. After completing the same workout for  5 days, I can feel and see improvement (I'm still wobbly, but no more falling out of form).

Interval running - Every time I log a run, I compare numbers. I don't think about the numbers when I run; I think about how I feel. Using the data from my GPS watch lets me see the baby steps I am making in my fitness progress. Even when I can't notice it when I'm running.

Speaking of running…I've been doing all of my runs outside. Some people look at me like I'm crazy, but I love running in the winter. As long as it is above 10 degrees, it is ok. And of course I dress appropriately.

Fitful Focus

Here's what I've been wearing. Lots of layering, but always my Nike Therma Fit on top and Athleta tights on the bottom. The Nike top feels like fleece on the inside and has the must-have thumb holes. I'm loving everything about the Mile Compression Tights: great fit, sleek design, and lots of reflective features.

When the temps dip into the 20s or below, I add my Lululemon neck warmer, Mizuno gloves, and if it is windy my Athleta hat.

Do you use fitness assessments?
What's your favorite winter gear?

Linking up with #FitnFashionable Nicole and also Fitness Friday Jill 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Living with #NoExcuses

If you live in the Northeast like me, then you are probably reading this in your snow boots. Goodbye Juno!

Living in New England sometimes means that snow days look like this:

Living with #NoExcuses means that little things like a snow storm, knee surgery, work or whatever excuse I might be tempted to use won't prevent me from getting in a workout. It means that being active and staying fit is a priority. I have at least 10 minutes every day to make fitness happen.

Join the challenge!

Since almost every major storm is accompanied by a power outage, mrC and I decided to be proactive and checked into a hotel before the snow accumulated locking us in our house. We were lucky enough to get into the same hotel that I used over Thanksgiving, which has a pretty good fitness center and pool.

I was determined to not spend the entire snow day just sitting around.

Here are my #NoExcuses snow day workouts:

#tightercore day 4

PT mashup
wall sit - reverse slider lunges (I even got mrC in on the fun)
- single leg dead lifts - single leg dips

10 laps in the pool and 15 minutes in the hot tub
(on a side note: the hot tub worked wonders on my tight hip)
Note to self: get hot tub asap!

a couple of dog walks

Hotels often have breakfast buffets, but you never know if it will be gluten-free friendly. Knowing that we would have access to a mini-fridge and microwave, we brought some food staples with us.

Here are my snow day paper plate eats:

PB&J apple cinnamon rice cakes

turkey and cheese roll ups

gluten-free pizza

I live #NoExcuses so I can be the best me for myself and my family.

Why do you live with #NoExcuses?

This post is part of the #WIAW link up hosted by Jen

This post is part of the Workout Wednesday link up hosted by 
Diatta, Sheila, Amanda and Heather
