Saturday, August 29, 2015

MRTT Giddy Up & Go Half Marathon Relay

I'm so happy that I was able to attend the GMMRTT Giddy Up & Go Half Marathon Relay event while we were back in the states for vacation/operation sell the house!

After only being in New Hampshire overnight following our Cape Cod vacation, mrC drove me to Lake Massabesic for the event. (On the way there we spotted a van full of some of my Sunday Runday Goffstown running buddies. I wish I had a picture of all those ladies smiling and waving at me on the highway!)

Just like the last event I attended, the GMMRTT chapter leaders organized an amazing day. Teams of 3 completed the 13.1 miles, cheered for each other, and munched on food donated by Panera and Market Basket. At the end of the event, door prizes were awarded. It was a great day!

Here are some of my personal highlights:

Seeing my friend, colleague, and running buddy.

Enjoying the beauty of New Hampshire.

My Relay Team.

Supporting other runners.

Running the trail with a little help from my friends.

The bling.

This group of amazing women (and the amazing husbands behind the scenes who pick us up, drop us off, take up the slack, and TAKE PICTURES!)

Are you a member of your local MRTT group? 
What do you love about your chapter?

Vacation Life on the Cape Part 2

Let me start by explaining that this post is LONG overdue, but there are very good reasons!

First we were having a blast with our revolving door of family and friend visitors on the Cape. Then when vacation was over, we were literally emptying our house for the big sale non-stop for three days (without internet/cable). Finally we were on the road between New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts before flying back to China.  

Now that you know the reason for my tardiness, I can tell you that the second part of our vacation was as awesome as the first!

We rode 16 miles on the Shining Sea Bikeway.

Ran some more.

Accomplished SUP on the ocean.

Hung out at the Chart Room.

Enjoyed the beautiful sunsets at Old Silver Beach.

Loved every moment with our dog.

And basically decided that life on the Cape is just plain awesome!

We are already talking about doing it all again next year!

Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Do you include extended family/friends in your vacation?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

SUP Yoga on the Cape

While vacationing at the Cape, I got to try SUP Yoga.

I connected with Danielle Nardi Yoga who does Beach Yoga and SUP Yoga on the Cape. We met up with Danielle for a 90 minute session at the Kingman Yacht Center in Cataumet.

Before hitting the SUP boards, we all "confessed" our lack of experience. I've done SUP (you can read about it here) and a little yoga in the past, my BFF Sandy and littleC had only a little yoga experience. Of the others in our group, one had her own SUP board and the other did a lot of yoga.

Danielle assured us that we would all have no problem and got us ready to shove off on our boards. We paddled through the marina to a private cove area out of the way of boaters, but in the full morning sun. It was beautiful!

After dropping anchors, Danielle led us through yoga poses starting low on the board and working our way up to standing. She also offered modifications for poses that might bother body parts (like knees) and showed us ways to make them easier or harder.

Even though Danielle made doing SUP yoga seem easy and fun, the star of the day was littleC. She looked like a PRO on her board!

As you can see, it was a gorgeous day for SUP yoga and thanks to Danielle taking pictures with her waterproof camera, we have the images to look back on and share!

Have you ever tried SUP yoga?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Vacation Life on the Cape Part 1

Hello from the USA!

Since my last post, life has been crazy busy. We left Shenzhen and arrived at the in-laws. After a couple of days of visiting, we picked up the dog and headed to the Cape.

We've been running.

Exploring Martha's Vineyard.

Watching sunsets at the beach.

Putting some miles on the bikes.

Simply loving life!

This morning we are off to SUP Yoga class with Danielle Nardi Yoga, a fellow ZOOMA Cape Cod Ambassador.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Do this one thing and every workout will feel brand new!

Sometimes I am not super excited about my workout.

After waking to a rainy day, I took one look at my stability ball and yoga mat and thought, ugh. So instead of hitting the floor, I grabbed a second cup of coffee and went out on the balcony.

It felt so nice (it's in the low 80s today)! That's when I decided to move my workout outside.

As usual, I brought the stability ball into things. Today I worked on single leg squats. Just like when I use the ball during wall squats, it aids the motion of moving up and down. I still get the burn, but I feel "safer" especially since the ball is pushed up against the door.

In addition to my normal strength exercises, I mixed in some yoga poses that specifically work the quads. Here's a ***list in case you are looking to add yoga into your strength workout:

chair pose
warrior 1-3
crescent lunge (low & high)
goddess pose

***I linked to GaiamTV because I think it has the best information and step-by-step directions for beginners like me.

It's amazing how doing one little thing, like moving your workout to a new place, can make it feel brand new. It works with my runs, so I should've thought to use this trick with my strength workouts too.


Another amazing thing that I want to share is dinner from last night. Back home we always grill the blackened salmon fillets, but here in China my only option was the microwave method. I usually steer clear of using the microwave (except to reheat), so I had a backup plan to order pizza if it didn't turn out well. It was DEE-LISH-OUSSS!! Oh my GOODNESS! I can't wait to have more.

In case you want to get some for yourself, here's the exact brand we buy from Sam's.

I saw this on Instagram and definitely think I should get it. mrC and I run a lot together.

The links I shared in this post are just from compensation was made to me on behalf of any product or company.
