Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trying Something New: Pilates

Today I tried something new. I took a Pilates class at the yoga center. I heard it's a great cross training option for runners.

photo Yogalife

I should start by saying it's lucky that I got in because despite showing up a little early to check in for the class, I forgot my YogaLife card. The friendly attendant who speaks only Chinese waved me in, I think because she remembered me.

With the help of a kind French woman named Virginia, I found room #1 and grabbed a mat by the windows. We chatted about our mutual lack of flexibility and she told me about some other Yoga classes.

And then the sweating commenced.

The 60 minute class was a combination of yoga poses and core exercises. Our instructor, Candy, led the class in both Chinese and English which I really liked. I think I will learn how to say right and left in Chinese very quickly!

Unlike Hatha Yoga on Saturday, I was able to do almost all of the work today. I am looking forward to seeing my flexibility and balance improve over the weeks as I take both classes.

Daily planking: It was free choice day for the challenge, so I'm counting all the planking I did in Pilates today.

Have you seen this? Oiselle is starting a reading club for runners! I've already read the book (it's really good) and am loving this idea.

Have you taken Pilates? 
Do you have a favorite book about running/fitness?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Treadmill Tuesday: 10 More Minutes

This song makes me want to kick ass at life every time I hear it.

Today it inspired me to stay on the treadmill 10 minutes longer than I had planned. I was nearing the end of my 30 minute run when it came up on my playlist. My knee was feeling good, so I went for it.

"The only way you can know / Is give it all you have"

I believe I owned my run today!

Immediately after my run, I went right into plank work. Challenge day 8: side plank reach through 5x each side, plus timed side planks. Then I timed my standard and got a NEW PB!

Can you see the bead of sweat on my forehead?!?

I finished up my workout with 10 laps in the pool then biked it home. Love mixing things up.

What songs inspire you?
Do you mix up your workouts or stick to one activity at a time?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Mountain Monday: 5 Lessons on a Rainy Day

The forecast for today was thunderstorms.

Approaching the meeting place for the weekly climb up the mountain, the sky looked rather ominous.

We always go unless it is pouring.

Here are some lessons I learned from today's hike:

1. Don't let a little rain scare you away. I would have missed out on a great climb and great company.

2. Mosquitos come out to party when it's wet and cooler.

3. I'm still afraid of thunder, but friends laughing at me make it better!

4. Athleta shorts stick to your legs when they are wet.

5. Sometimes you have to take a lot of breaks on your way to the top. It's ok.

It did start to rain on the way down the mountain. Good thing I also had an umbrella. It was still a fun hike and the post-hike chatting at Starbucks is always entertaining.

Climbing the mountain also helps me hit my 10,000 steps. I love the feeling when my Fitbit has its little celebration on my wrist.

In other news...the difficulty level is rising on my daily plank challenge. Today we had to do 10 second walking plank, 10 second spiderman plank, right into timed standard plank. Oh abs on fire!

And today I conquered the daily recommended 20 strokes with The Stick.

Tell me something you learned from your fitness today.
Do you exercise in the rain?

Sunday, September 6, 2015

#SundayRunday: The theme of the day is SWEATY

The problem with telling people you are going to run, is that when you're thinking about skipping because it feels like 93 degrees, they text you and want to meet up. Runner problems.

I met my friend outside our entrance gates where the locals meet up to exercise. I love watching them.

I took us on a route that I wanted to check out as an option for the running group because it will let people stop after about 1.5 miles if they want or keep going.

Most of the route is in the shade, at least at 7AM. We ran into one construction area blocked off and got redirected toward some steps. Running stairs is good for you though, right?

Keeping my promise to myself, I did my post-run planks plus day 6 for the plank challenge.

A day in China wouldn't be complete without walking. mrC and I walked to the cleaners and then stopped at the store. In case you missed it, here in China the humidity is high and the air movement is low. If we're lucky we walk into a tunnel of wind coming off the water. Of course we have to stop and enjoy it.

We did get to ride the bus and the metro today to get to church, but we were still a sweaty mess by the time we got there.

After church we had our second chiropractor appointments. More adjustments and more Stick rolling on the IT bands. I'm pretty sure I was sweating through the pain, but it helps to have someone else do it.

When we finally made it back to the apartment, mrC installed my new bike bell.

Do you run steps as part of your training?
Are you a Stick user? 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sweaty Saturday: Hatha Yoga + More in Pictures

I eased into my Sweaty Saturday because my very first yoga class in China wasn't until 9:00. After a small breakfast and some coffee, I was off to meet my friend Young.

The studio was already bustling with activity (which I thought was a good sign) and after a little confusion at the door over shoes, we were directed to room #2 for Hatha class.

The website describes Hatha as:
The most ancient, complete and popular form of yoga for mental and physical health.  Hatha yoga with simply yoga breath and deep relaxation to finish.  This class is perfect for those who are new to yoga or just want a gentle stretch.
A gentle class, ideal for beginners, that focuses on sun salutations, the 12 basic Shivananda postures and a final deep relaxation. The basic asanas in the Shivananda sequence are traditional postures that have been practised for centuries.
When we entered the room, our instructor waved us and one other new girl to the front and told us her English was not very good so she would only be speaking Chinese during instruction. Not what I was expecting, but ok. I can watch and imitate. Then she added that most of the class were regulars, so there might be some poses that we couldn't do. Again, no big deal.

Our instructor was very helpful during the class, often coming over to us (and others) to adjust our poses. But since the class had mostly repeat, experienced participants, she included many challenging and some difficult poses. Even though there were several that I couldn't do at all, I still had a good workout and can now work on improving.

After class mrC and I had lunch.

Cheesy quinoa and tuna

I read a little.

We ran some errands and bought some pre-cooked corn for dinner.

Gluten free Skyline chili spaghetti :)

After dinner we walked for Gelato.

We stopped at our favorite bike store for a new bell for my bike.

The weather tonight was so nice. Nice enough to run. If I ran at night.

Have you ever taken a "beginner" class that wasn't?
Are you a morning or evening runner?
