Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Fitness Friday

This post was ready to go last Friday, but I went to a pizza party at my aunt's and forgot about it. And now we're in Massachusetts after a week in Ohio! 

If shopping counts as exercise, I've been killing it since arriving in the US!

I did however, do some actual exercising today (aka last Friday). Admittedly, it felt really good.

It was a gorgeous morning, so I took my yoga outside to enjoy the cool, clean air. My heel is still firing up when I flex my foot during downward dog, so I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. 

I took my mom's dog with me to get my brows waxed so that we could walk at the park after. She's little, but she can cover a mile pretty quickly.

My favorite thing to do (besides shopping) when we come home is to enjoy food. I know I can eat salads in China, but it's much easier to get boxed salad here and just gobble it up. 

I started and finished a new romance book about a runner. It's been a while since I read a book that fast. It was really good!

My mom made gluten free chocolate chip cookies. A couple of those with Ohio sunshine and life is good.

We arrived in Massachusetts on Marathon Monday. Booney's adoptive dad was running and we tracked his progress online, but we were super excited to get this via a text.

We got a workout yesterday digging around our stuff that's in a storage unit here. It's nice to have our things so close.

My sister-in-law always has something new-to-me and tasty in her kitchen. I'll be bringing some of this back to China with me.

We finally got our underwater camera pictures developed from our trip to the Maldives in February. 

Hope you're having a great day!!

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