Showing posts with label fasting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fasting. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday Favorites, Fast Day Workout and Eats

Let's start off with some Friday Favorites.

1) Spending time with this group of ladies exploring places in Shenzhen.

2) Chocolate protein powder so I can finally make some shakes.

3) NSVs (non-scale victories) from the carb cycling and intermittent fasting program --> fitting into pants that were too tight 5 weeks ago, seeing cheekbones again, feeling amazing! 

4) I tried this conditioner when I was at my sister-in-laws last month and I love how soft and smooth it makes my hair feel.

5) Santo Pops. Discovered these via Instagram (it is a good thing to scroll through pictures!). I can see a lot of these in my freezer during the tropical summer here in China. (made in Shekou)

6) Summer clothes: this lightweight tee, possibly the most comfortable pair of sandals ever, these shorts, and every thing linen like this tank and this dress.

7) Sprints on the elliptical. They're hard, but they are effective. My body is responding to the challenge.

8) My balcony is turning out to be a great place to relax and enjoy meals with mrC.

9) Fitness clothes --> these racer backs, I'm all about this bra, and I'm really glad I picked up this pair of shoes to use for my indoor workouts, and this pair of yoga shorts.

10 This clutch. I just ordered one each for the girls and myself. We'll have all of our beach essentials ready to go when we get to the Cape this summer. 

Today I started my fast day with a brief plank workout. 3 sets of 10 forearm planks with rock forward and backward.

Then I met up with the hiking group to explore two parks near Xili Lake - Shenzhen Soil and Conservation Park and Lychee World. We walked about 7 miles along the walking paths surrounding the lake and through the lychee orchards. The lychees are a little late because of the cold winter we had in Shenzhen. 

Breaking fast: protein shake and pb&j rice cakes

I got hungry around 4PM, far better than some of my other fasting days.

What's on your favorites list?

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mobility Exercise, Plank Stretching and Chocolate Almond Banana Protein Shake

My plan to sleep late on fast day did not work. I'd rather sleep through as many hours of fasting as I can, but my body has a mind of its own.

Since I was up, I had some time to read back issues of Women's Running magazine. There's a great article in the June edition about issues with mobility and stability that can lead to injuries. Even though I'm not running right now, I think I still have issues affecting my stride even when I'm just walking.

I took the four part test and failed the outer hips portion. Honestly this didn't surprise me since Dr. Steve has been adjusting my hips and knees once a week for the past month. The mobility exercise is to get into the glute muscle with a ball. Just one of my favorite past times lately.

After working on the ball and foam roller, I did my planking challenge of the day: a nice easy yoga plank stretch variation. Walk out to upward facing dog 8 times. Nice and easy for fast day. I liked that.

Sundays can be kind of quiet around here, so I made plans for mrC and I to visit OCT-LOFT (Overseas China Town; LOFT is an area of galleries, shops, and restaurants converted from old factories) on our way to church to pass some clicks of the clock. We went to see some photographs of old Shenzhen during the reform era that were on display at a little art gallery. The photos were of migrant workers/ farmers life from 1960-1980s. Shenzhen has changed so much in a short amount of time.

Before breaking fast, the only thing I had all day was water and coffee.

We stopped into a little health store near church and finally found some chocolate protein powder. And score for us, is was BOGO day.

Dinner: Chocolate Almond Banana Protein Shake and pb&j mini rice cakes
I've been dying to make a protein shake to break my fast. So many carb cycling group members seem to have great success with it. 


1 medium banana
2 tbsp Greek yogurt
1 tbsp almond butter
1/2 cup almond milk
1 scoop chocolate protein powder

It was delicious but much higher in calories than I expected. I can probably eliminate the yogurt (which would also make it dairy free) and add more ice to keep it a little on the thicker side the way I like. 

Snacks: some cheetos, cheese and crackers, and strawberries 
I don't know what happened tonight, but I suspect that I didn't drink enough water today. Plus, when I know there are strawberries in the fridge...


I can't beat myself up for over-eating. It's a setback, not a failure.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Very Low Key Fast Day

Between the feast day workout and my island exploring, my leg muscles were a little sore this morning.

My hip flexors needed a little extra attention. I think it was all from the mountain climber sprints I did. 

Exercise on fasting days is very low key. Definitely don't want to do anything that will make me hungrier than I already am.

My only "workout" of the day was some planks. 3 sets of 10 knee to elbows. 

My chiropractor is heading to the US for two weeks, so I stopped in for a final adjustment. He has been doing wonders for my knee. Today he showed mrC how to work on my calf muscle. We think the tightness is causing my achiles pain.

Since mrC did not have to work, we rode our bikes to the pool to distract ourselves from fasting. That's right. mrC has been eating the same way as me for the past 4 weeks. It's definitely easier this way. I don't have to watch him eat when I can't! This view certainly helped too!

Breaking fast: chips & salsa, chicken quesadilla, strawberries 
We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant (probably not the best idea).

Full disclosure: I'm pretty sure I'm eating too much after fasting. My goal is to get my hands on a protein shake mixture. It seems to be working for a lot of the members of my group. 

What is your favorite protein shake brand and flavor?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

My Tips for a Successful Fast Day

Fasting is a healthy activity. The benefits of a successful fasting experience include cleansing and restoring your body, weight loss, hunger awareness, and control over your eating.

Some people struggle to get through a 24 hour fast. Feelings of fatigue, crankiness, and let's be honest, hunger, often derail the attempt.

this is to mrC

Fasting takes willpower, but a few tips like these help me make it through.

I drink lots and lots of water. The more water I drink, the fuller I feel, and then I don't feel hungry. At least not dying hungry. 

I like to take a walk or do some other light activity when I would normally be eating. This morning I did my daily plank work and then took a walk. I took another walk around lunchtime.

When I start feeling hunger rumblings, I try to keep my mind busy. Personally I like to binge watch Netflix, but reading a good book is another good option. 

Breaking fast: shrimp spring rolls, bbq chicken breast, green beans, handful of peanuts
I didn't need the spring rolls, but they sounded so good and are not the worst thing for me to splurge on after a fast. Right? And the peanuts? I have a crunchy addiction.

Macros: Not horrible, but could have more carbs. Maybe I'll eat a couple of grapes, hehe.

How do you feel after a long fast (intentional or not)?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

3 Awesome Yoga Poses and Breaking Fast

Morning yoga. My muscles love an easy stretch session the day after a good workout.

There are lots of traditional (common) poses that feel good: downward facing dog, lunge pose, pigeon pose, even child's pose. 

Here are 3 poses that feel REALLY good to me in the morning, especially after a full body workout the day before:

Supine spinal twist: this feels so good after a leg and arm workout. It really opens up the chest muscles and stretches the glutes.

Revolved fan: another pose that feels good all over plus stretches another large leg muscle group. Those hamstrings.

One legged arcing dog: This pose can feel awkward, but I love the stretch I get in my quads and hip flexors. 

As a distraction, I walked to the chiropractor. In addition to getting an adjustment (including on my knee), I also picked up a new foam roller. My old one was deformed which is the number one sign it needs replaced.

More distractions = a stop at a flower market on the way back to the apartment.

What I ate on fast day

Breakfast: water, coffee

Lunch: water and herbal tea

Breaking Fast (aka dinner): leftover quinoa and tuna, Fuji apple, and pb banana protein bar
I'm so excited that I completed my fast this time and I wasn't miserable. It did help that a friend stopped by and stayed longer than expected right before time to eat. 

Macros: I think I did a good job selecting my break fast meal. Just over 300 calories and very filling!

What's your favorite non-traditional yoga pose?
If you fast, what is your favorite meal to eat when you break it?

Friday, April 29, 2016

Traveling and Fasting

Fasting. I have only fasted a small amount of times in my life on holy days. They were never easy.

Today was my first fast day as part of the carb cycling/intermittent fasting program I'm doing. The purpose of doing the the plan is to reset my body and let go of some of the bad cravings I've developed, along with extra inches (haha)!

Breakfast: lots of water
Of course I woke up feeling hungry. My unsuccessful feast day plus the workout caught up to me. Lots of water seemed to help. Side note: It's also my monthly cycle.

Lunch: red raspberry herbal tea, more water
In between legs and after sleeping most of the one hour flight to Dulles, I made some tea. I'm not a big tea drinker, so I added a squirt of Stevia. This seemed to help with the hunger, but I was starting to feel hangry.

BROKE MY FAST: popcorn, water
I was a couple of hours early, but I was feeling bad, very tired (I slept on the second leg too) and I had a headache. I thought the popcorn was a pretty good choice given I was limited to what was in the hotel snack shop. 

Dinner: Shared nachos (with mrC and BFF), Laredo steak, broccoli, baked potato, water and coke. 
My BFF picked us up at the hotel and took us to Max & Erma's for dinner. Hunger, on top of knowing that we will be leaving all the amazing food options in the US made me over do it. The coke was the worst decision of all.

I thought I would do some yoga before bed, but honestly I was exhausted. Traveling, fasting, my monthly and a big meal was too much for me.

Today I return to China. My regular calorie day should be interesting and who knows what day Ill be on when I get there?!?

See you in 24 hours!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Speed Workout, Low Carbs, and A Dog

I've started a carb cycling, intermittent fasting program and yesterday was a low carb day.

First, I put on some workout clothes and did the scheduled workout: 10 minutes speed work followed by 30 minutes low intensity. I chose to do mine on the elliptical, but part way through I was worried that I was doing it wrong. There are just too many options on those machines and sometimes it feels like I'm not working hard enough. Side note: I tested my new "indoor only" workout shoes that I bought for China. They were a hit even without socks!

We had to say goodbye to the girls, but only for 95 days! Then we will be back for our Cape Cod vacation.

Here's what I ate on my first low carb day:

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, no milk and one cup of black coffee. 
That wasn't too bad.

Lunch: garden salad and Cajun chicken breast, raspberry vinaigrette, water
I've always been a Ranch dressing kind of girl, but the raspberry vinaigrette was tasty

Dinner: salad, balsamic vinaigrette, cauliflower, grilled salmon, and water 
I really wanted to, but I did not eat the extremely yummy looking mashed potatoes!

I'm using My Fitness Pal to track my foods and have my calorie goal set at 1370 since I want lose one pound per week. I was under my goal, but my macros were on target for low carb day.

Yesterday was visit the dog day and it was the best. Booney is still my little lover boy. I loved that we were able to hang out with him and go for a walk. Hard to believe that he has been in my life for 13 years!

What's your favourite low carb food?
