Saturday, February 6, 2016

Friday 5 {a little late}

Whew! What a busy week. I love when the week is full of activity and wears me out, but I miss checking in on the blog and sharing my adventures.

So since I'm a little behind (with zero posts) this week, I thought I would pick my top 5 moments to share:

Nanshan Hike - Mountain Monday was rained out and became Massage Monday for me (and oh my muscles needed that massage!). On Tuesday a couple of us made up the rain out and headed up the mountain. It was cold and gray, but we had a good time chatting and climbing. Nanshan Mountain peak has had a bit of a trim, so the views are now unobstructed and will be nice on a clear day.

Interval Runs - I did two 30 minute interval runs this week, giving myself more non-running days in-between. The first one was on the treadmill using my phone with the Nike app. The goal is time with a slow and easy pace. It was a good workout.

For my second run, I felt it was time to run outside again. I've been nervous about my knee "giving out" again, but the runs on the treadmill have boosted my confidence. This time I used my Nike watch. I kept the same routine: 5 minute WU, 3:2 run/walk, and 5 minute CD. It was another good interval run. I think the longer break between runs was a good idea.

Booya Skinny Jean Workout - I'm constantly looking for leg workouts because I still need to re-build the strength in my left quad, but I've also noticed that my pants are fitting a little snug lately. This was a GREAT workout. There's still time to enter the Booya Fitness Valentine's Day Challenge and win prizes for doing this workout. You can't lose! (sign up here)

Yoga Camp - I'm still enjoying my 30 days of yoga and it's because of how good the poses make me feel. I'm also loving the variety and when practice matches up with Instagram challenges.

Flower Market - Some friends asked me to join them on a trip to the Dutch Flower Market in Shenzhen on Friday. It worked out perfectly for me since YogaLife is closed for the Chinese New Year and it was a perfectly gorgeous day. We enjoyed a couple of hours of walking through the rows and rows of vendors selling flowers (obvs.), Chinese New Year decorations, and animals of varying kinds (birds, hamsters, bunnies, cats, fish, turtles).

A couple more things worth sharing:

A great article about facing the struggles of workout blahs: When workouts go bad: How I knew it was time to breakup with my workout.

Good tips for all us (ahem) over-40 runners and those who are close: 4 Things Over-40 Runners Do

I love quick little killer workouts that are fun too --> like this one: Cardio Dance Party

How was your week?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

I Choose...

To stick with this yoga camp thing. Besides the obvious benefits to daily yoga (think strength, flexibility, balance), I'm also gaining awareness of the power of positive thinking through daily affirmations. The one that inspired this post came from today's video session.

To get out and walk more. My goal is to learn more about my community. Slow down. Relax. The rain finally stopped and the sun came out, so we hurried out the door to enjoy a walk to the park. 

To nourish with my body with healthy foods. Like fruit. Instead of reaching for junk food. On the way back from our walk, we stopped at the store to pick up a few things and I found a large display of seedless white grapes (which are very difficult to find!).

To drink more water. This works in combination with eating healthier. Being hydrated will keep me from wanting to snack. I'm using the hint water challenge as motivation. And my Fitbit app helps me keep track.

What do you choose?

Friday, January 29, 2016

Fitness Friday: Keeping it Real

Not every run, pose, workout is perfect.

It's one of the things that keeps me going. The challenge. To be stronger. To do better. To get fitter. 

Not so perfect examples:

I did not do Yoga Camp day 6 yesterday, which actually ended working to my benefit. There was no Pilates class this week (darn Chinese New Year!), so instead of trying to squeeze it in late last night, I did both day 6 and 7 this morning. Another bonus: day 6 was a core focused session.

The different time zones make US based challenges, well challenging at times. So, after getting nice and warmed up, I got caught up on some of the #flexandflow challenge poses that I miss because they're posted during my evenings. 

Follow the photos through my lizard poses and you will see where my imperfect body is today.

The left quad. Tight as hell. And that whole knee not bending thing. Not so perfect. 

This afternoon I went to the Booya Fitness website for some cardio. I've been loving Zumba classes on Wednesday nights, so I tried the Bollywood Workout. The only problem is my China internet connection. Not so reliable. At least I was able to complete this workout with only a few spinning ball pauses.  

The point? Just keeping it real. I like to focus on the positives, the success, but I don't want to give a false impression that I don't have struggles and challenges. And I fail. 

Sometimes I get back up right away and sometimes it takes awhile to reboot. No matter what, though, I don't give up.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Slow and Steady on a Rainy Day

It's been raining pretty much non-stop since Tuesday. It's not fun going out in the rain here. It makes me miss having a car, but I managed to get to the fitness center as planned anyway.

I did another interval workout on the treadmill. I extended the intervals by 5 minutes from Tuesday. 5 minute WU, 3:2 run/walk for 25 minutes, and 5 minute CD (not using my watch). I did remember to pack my Nike+ watch this time and I preset it for intervals --> another reason to get the Apple Watch: settings on demand.

The earbuds might make you think I am listening to music while I run, but I'm actually listening to Season 2 of Serial. I just finished the first season and was surprised by how much I liked listening to a story.

Keeping up with my #runlovechallenge goal to do strength workouts twice per week, I hit the free weights again. I'm beginning to feel stronger and have been grabbing the 10 pound weights more.

I got to try out my brand new goggles during today's swim. They fit perfectly and were so much better. No more water leaking in and fogging things up on me. My arms were heavy today, but I swam 12 laps in 20 minutes.

I read on Athleta's blog recently that to prolong the life of your swim suit, you should always rinse away the chlorine. This makes sense. At outdoor pools, I usually rinse the chlorine off me, so why not the suit? So, now I will be taking my suit into the shower with me for a quick rinse. (and in case you're wondering, I did not shower with my phone)

Ah, the rain. I learned today why rain boots are so popular. This whole living in the city without a car lifestyle is putting a spin on my wardrobe choices.

Rainy afternoons are so much better with a bowl of soup and a sandwich. Followed by some Netflix.

More rain all day. The locals like their motorbikes and on rainy days I'm jealous. They don't need rain boots.

Rain boots are probably cheaper than a motorbike.

Follow Amy's board Rain Boots for China on Pinterest.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Workout Wednesday by the Numbers

Let me start by saying that my knee is feeling good after yesterday's interval treadmill run. No delayed pain or swelling as has happened in the past. Yay!

Today I'd thought I play with numbers.

3 - number of workouts I did today 

10 - minutes burning my inner thighs doing the Pop Sugar video

47 - degrees (F): the temperature when I went outside this morning

6, 374 - steps I took walking to chiropractor and back

2 - number of buses it took to get to Decathlon. The first one was not the right one, oops! 

1 - pair of new swim goggles purchased

30 - minutes = length of today's yoga practice

5 - number of Yoga Camp videos completed so far

¥50 - (or $7.60) cost of one hour Zumba class

342 - calories burned during class (according to my Fitbit - another reason I want an Apple Watch!)

Play along! Tell me something, by the numbers :)
